Election 2024 Issues


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The campaign ad was launched after the Republican primary debate, where the candidates’ stances on abortion were a recurring issue. The ad features Republican candidates from Donald Trump to Ron DeSantis to Tim Scott touting their pro-life records and calling for bans on abortion.

“As long as they are in office, decisions about your body will be made by you, not by them,” the ad’s narrator says about Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

The Catholic advocacy group Catholic Vote blasted the Biden campaign for claiming that Republicans are the ones that are extreme. Biden has promised to sign the Women’s Health Protection Act, which legalizes abortion in all 50 states up to the point of “fetal viability.” Medical consensus on when viability begins remains elusive, with some, such as chief medical officer for Planned Parenthood of St. Louis and Southwest Missouri Dr. Colleen McNicholas, saying it is “no particular gestational age.”

“There are some pregnancies in which the fetus will never be viable,” Dr. Colleen McNicholas said during Congressional testimony in 2019. “My practice includes the provision of abortion up until the point of viability.”

“A ‘Catholic’ president supports destroying innocent lives for any reason, at any time, paid for by taxpayers,” Catholic Vote said. “Zero restrictions includes late term abortions, aborting babies that feel pain, even killing babies that survive an abortion. Women deserve better than to be used as pawns in a political campaign.”



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Sununu: Supporting Trump Is ‘Effectively Handing’ Presidency to Kamala Harris

Anchor Jen Psaki said, “You have not been afraid to speak out about Donald Trump’s indictments about his actions in attempting to overturn the upcoming election and about holding on to classified documents. I could name more. It took 51 minutes in that debate for any of those topics to come up. What did you make of that?”

Sununu said, “I thought that was perfect because that’s about Donald Trump, that’s not about the future of this country.”

He continued, “Republicans are trying to save the country, Donald Trump is trying to save himself. So when it comes to debate, we don’t want to be rehashing yesterday’s news. We want to be forward we want to be about 2024.”

He added, “I can tell you that all of those candidates could win in November of 24, and that is exciting. Donald Trump can’t win in November of 24. The math does not work out. If you’re supporting Donald Trump that, you are effectively handing it Kamala Harris potentially down the road.”


PREMO Member

It’s 2016 all over again: Nonpolitician Ramaswamy wins Wednesday’s GOP debate

Why are politicians the slowest learners?

Every politician on the debate stage Wednesday night in Milwaukee has been in a political debate before. All of them have done well enough in those debates against other politicians that they got themselves elected to something. Some of them are masters at the craft of political debate.

Yet it was the one guy who is new to politics and who had never set foot on a debate stage — never run for anything before — who won the debate.

Biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy walked out there, commanded attention, mixed it up with everyone, took all the arrows, distinguished himself on big issues, made the important points of his campaign and seemed to be having fun the entire time.

As one internet wag put it, it looked like seven people who hated former President Donald Trump versus Mr. Ramaswamy.

“Almost reminiscent of 2016,” he said.



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Recruiting is underway for Trump-like ‘wrecking ball’ to shrink government and fire federal workers

Led by the long-established Heritage Foundation think tank and fueled by former Trump administration officials, the far-reaching effort is essentially a government-in-waiting for the former president’s second term — or any candidate who aligns with their ideals and can defeat President Joe Biden in 2024.

With a nearly 1,000-page “Project 2025” handbook and an “army” of Americans, the idea is to have the civic infrastructure in place on Day One to commandeer, reshape and do away with what Republicans deride as the “deep state” bureaucracy, in part by firing as many as 50,000 federal workers.

“We need to flood the zone with conservatives,” said Paul Dans, director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project and a former Trump administration official who speaks with historical flourish about the undertaking.


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‘We Will Not Comply’: Trump Warns ‘COVID Tyrants’ Are Eyeing Lockdowns to Interfere with 2024 Election

“The left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back COVID lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fear-mongering about the new variants that are coming. Gee-whiz, you know what else is coming? An election,” the 2024 presidential candidate claimed in a video posted to X.

“They want to restart the COVID hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship, more illegal drop boxes, more mail-in ballots, and trillions of dollars in payoffs to their political allies heading into the 2024 election. Does that sound familiar?” he alleged

“But they will fail because we will not let it happen,” he said, also promising to “use every available authority” if he is reelected to cut federal funding to any school, college, airline, or public transportation system that imposes a mask mandate or a vaccine mandate.

Trump’s comments come as schools, companies, and hospitals around the country have, once again, imposed mask mandates to purportedly handle the emergence of the EG.5 and BA 2.86 COVID-19 variants. The World Health Organization notably classified the former as a “variant of interest” in early August, although it said the risk to global public health is low. COVID hospitalizations have also ticked up, although they are “still at historic lows.”

President Joe Biden also said last week that he plans to request more money from Congress to develop a fresh coronavirus vaccine, adding he may require everyone to take it whether they have been previously vaccinated or not.

Noticing these pandemic-era trends, social media users and some conservatives in the media space have been speculating that Democrats and health leaders are looking to bring back mandates and lockdowns.

Fact checkers have been quick to jump on the claims, calling them “unsupported.”

“These rumors are utterly false,” Nick Spinelli, a CDC spokesperson, told the left-leaning FactCheck.org.

Lockdowns during the pandemic were largely considered a failure, and were detrimental to Americans’ overall wellbeing. A peer-reviewed study published this year by the Institute for Economic Affairs from researchers, including economics Professor Steve H. Hanke of Johns Hopkins University, found that lockdowns had a “negligible” impact on deaths compared to the “staggering collateral costs.”


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Meet The Moderators For The Second Republican Debate

Fox News’ Dana Perino and Stuart Varney will moderate the second 2024 GOP presidential debate alongside UNIVISION’s Ilia Calderón, according to a Wednesday press release.

The three personalities will moderate the debate on Sept. 27 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, which will be broadcasted from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. Eastern Time, according to a Fox Business press release. Along with the outlet, the Republican National Committee partnered with video app Rumble to livestream the event.

“We are very proud to have Stuart Varney and Dana Perino co-moderating the second debate with UNIVISION to provide Americans with a comprehensive view of the qualifying candidates vying for the Republican nomination for president,”

Jay Wallace, president and executive editor of Fox News Media, said in a statement.


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Democrat Objects To Trial Schedule Disrupting Trump’s Campaign

Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) talked on Wednesday with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, who made the point that “blue America doesn’t seem to understand that red America thinks this is a complete setup job” when it comes to Trump facing four criminal cases.

The congressman dismissed the notion that people could declare their candidacy for office to try and shake prosecutions, but did note some contention when it comes to the timing of the proceedings.

“I do think we need to make sure that in the timing, if Trump does emerge as the Republican nominee, that it does not compromise the ability to have a robust campaign schedule,” Khanna said.

“And I imagine that the courts will take that into consideration if he is the nominee,” he added. “You know, he may not be the nominee.”


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Should RNC change convention rules to block a convicted Trump from ticket?

Ted Cruz tried this Hail Mary play in 2016 first, attempting to get his convention delegates in control of the RNC convention rules committee. Cruz’ attempt to open the Republican presidential nomination to the floor by releasing the delegates failed, and the rest is history, so to speak.

At the time, Cruz didn’t get much sympathy (except from die-hard Trump opponents) for his plan to subvert the months-long process in which voters made their clear choice for Trump. The proposal would have essentially invalidated the idea of popular choice for the nomination. But what happens if the nominee becomes unelectable in the course of the primaries — and especially between the primaries and the convention?

Enter Cruz Option II, Felony Boogaloo:

If Mr. Trump holds his dominant polling advantage throughout the primaries but then a jury transforms him into a convicted felon, any forces within the G.O.P. that would want to use that development to stop him would have one last opportunity to block his nomination — the same end-run around voters that officials tried at the party convention in 2016. …
“Given what’s happening on the legal front, state parties need to think about what options they’re giving themselves” to allow delegates flexibility at the party’s national convention, said Bill Palatucci, a Republican National Committee member from New Jersey who advises the super PAC supporting Chris Christie and who opposes Mr. Trump.
Republican state parties have until Oct. 1 to submit their formal delegate allocation rules to the national committee.
“All this is happening so quickly, it’s unprecedented, and so as states formulate what their rules are going to be,” Mr. Palatucci added, “everybody’s got a whole new set of circumstances to consider.”

Granted, Chris Christie’s campaign would have a vested interest in this kind of rule, because that would be Christie’s only path to the nomination in this cycle. Even if the RNC created this Break Glass In Case of Emergency plan and then executed it, though, Christie’s chances would be somewhere between slim and none, with slim barely discernible in the distance.


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Americans are getting wise to Joe Biden’s corruption — despite his media gatekeepers

Almost half the country thinks Joe Biden is corrupt, according to a new YouGov poll.

While most Democrats are being ostriches, even 52% of independents don’t believe the “Honest Joe” malarkey about the “poorest man in Congress” anymore.

Among Americans who voted for Biden in the 2020 election, a full 13% have been red-pilled.

They have eyes, and common sense, and somehow the avalanche of incriminating evidence spewing forth from the House Oversight Committee has managed to bypass the gatekeepers of the media and slowly permeate the public consciousness.

Once people with eyes and common sense see the evidence about the influence-peddling racket operated by Joe’s son Hunter and brother Jim to make millions of dollars from shady characters in China, Ukraine, Russia, Romania, etc., while Joe was vice president, it is impossible not to grasp the corrupt nature of that business and Joe’s role in it.

Joe was “the brand,” as Hunter’s business partner Devon Archer testified to the House Oversight Committee.

The “signals” that were sent to friends and enemies by a corrupt oligarch’s association with the second most powerful man in the world were worth millions of dollars.


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Remember the Time Jerry Nadler Said Voting Machines Could Be Hacked?

It returns to the same old game: the Democrats can do it, but Republicans can't. Democrats and their allies in the media—and now the FBI—also fan the flames of the conspiracy theories they accuse us of peddling. The narrative that undercover FBI agents or assets were embedded in the crowds on January 6 got new life from FBI Director Chris Wray, who gave a sloppy answer when pressed about it earlier this year.

With Trump being indicted in Georgia’s election interference probe and the January 6 investigation by Special Counsel Jack Smith, the funny business that occurred during the 2020 election will be rehashed, at least some of it. But, again, it was the Democrats who were the original election deniers. The clips are numerous, and they span nearly two decades now. In 2000 and 2004, especially, the Democrats questioned the legitimacy of these elections because George W. Bush won. They were even suggesting that voting machines are vulnerable to hacks.

Before Charlie Rose was canceled, Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) was interviewed by the now-exiled correspondent, where the New York Democrat elaborated on how scores of votes could be changed and that he might have evidence to that effect. Why didn’t a grand jury indict him? That’s a rhetorical question—you all know the answer. Watch the clip below, along with a supercut of Democrats and experts noting how machines could be hackable.



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Left-Wing Progressive Makes Stunning Admission About Democratic Party: 'Beyond Redemption'

Far-left third-party presidential candidate Cornel West threw the Democratic Party under the bus, claiming it doesn't put Americans' needs first.

During an interview with the Hill, West said the Democratic Party is "beyond redemption" regarding "seriously speaking to the needs of poor and working people."

While speaking about his time on the campaign trail, West said he saw officials who "are dealing with issues that the Democratic Party won't touch," such as poverty and "police brutality."

He also criticized equally far-Left Bernie Sanders's endorsement of President Joe Biden.

"I think that the argument he's making means that there's never any possibility for breaking the corporate duopoly, that there's never any possibility of trying to speak to the needs of the poor working people," West said. "So I think in many ways, Brother Bernie is making a plausible argument, but I think deep down in his heart, he knows that the Democratic Party has no fundamental intention of speaking to the needs of poor people and working people."


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State defying Dem party primary ultimatum may force Biden into ’embarrassing situation’

To comply with the new DNC calendar, “New Hampshire needs to scrap its state law protecting its first-in-the-nation primary status and must expand access to early voting,” according to Fox News Digital. “But with Republicans in control of New Hampshire’s governor’s office and both houses of the state legislature, state Democrats have repeatedly argued that’s a non-starter.”

Should New Hampshire fail to comply, “the state could lose half of its delegates to next summer’s Democratic presidential nominating convention, under DNC penalties passed last year.”

But if New Hampshire Secretary of State David Scanlan’s remarks to Fox News earlier this summer are any indication, the Granite State has no intention of ceding to South Carolina.

“If South Carolina is scheduled as the first primary, it would be at least seven days before that,” Scanlan said.

“The thought — at this moment — is that the primary may be held on Jan. 23, eight days after Iowa’s GOP presidential caucus,” Fox News Digital reports.

Should New Hampshire move up its election date as expected, it could put Biden in an awkward spot.

As the president’s two primary challengers, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Marianne Williamson, take repeated trips to the Granite State to campaign against him, Biden “will likely stay off the ballot” in the state “to avoid an unsanctioned primary,” Fox News states.