Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member

Why are Democrats working so hard to keep Trump off the ballot if he is so easy to beat?

By Jack Hellner

Here's a news story showing just how stupid it's gotten out there:

Could the 14th Amendment keep Trump off ballot in 2024?
A legal theory gaining traction argues that Donald Trump’s actions surrounding the insurrection disqualify him from being president.

Every headline like this is an attempt to interfere in the 2024 election, by intentionally misleading the public. The media and other Democrats have sought to destroy Trump for over seven years no matter how many lies they have to tell.

You see it everywhere now yet it contradicts what they have been saying earlier:


Democrats "cautioning" Republicans not to nominate President Trump for president, because he's supposedly so beatable.
They wouldn't want us to lose an election, would they?

Now trying to keep him off the ballot by other means, having run out of other options, such as prosecutable cases. Their latest tack is bringing up the 14th Amendment, as if they hadn't already tried that earlier.

It's such bologna. This garbage will fail just like the other garbage they have flung at President Trump. They are like apes in the zoo.

But they are working hard at taking him off the ballot, and would have us think that keeping President Trump off the ballot is only because they care about the law.


PREMO Member

Cars, Gas, and Groceries Will Decide the 2024 Election | Opinion

Flash forward 21 years, and once again a president is facing criticism for being out of touch, only this time it's true. As White House spokespeople—and President Joe Biden himself—continue to tell the American people the economy is just fine, working-class families are sharing a very different experience. Nowhere is the economic pain felt more profoundly than in the rising cost of automobiles, the gas that powers them, and groceries.

Take Ryan Holdsworth, a 35-year-old grocery store worker from Grand Rapids, Michigan. He told the Associated Press back in mid-May that he plans to keep his nine-year-old Chevy Cruze for at least four more years, for one reason: "You're not going to get one for a price you can afford."

Millions of Americans are experiencing pain like Holdsworth's. We're keeping cars longer than we've ever kept them. Indeed, the average age of passenger vehicles in America hit a record-high 12.5 years this year, Yahoo Finance reported in mid-May. The two contributing factors are rising prices and rising interest rates. Since 2020, the average price of a new vehicle has risen 24 percent to a whopping $48,000, according to Edmunds.com. Interest rates on new cars have ballooned as well, up to 7 percent. It wasn't long ago that car dealerships and automakers were pushing low-interest rates—or no interest at all.

The combination of runaway costs and high interest rates has been catastrophic for ordinary Americans, as the average car payment surged to nearly $730 per month, with the length of those loans extended to a record-setting 68 months—a commitment surpassed only by a new home purchase.


Well-Known Member

Cars, Gas, and Groceries Will Decide the 2024 Election | Opinion

Flash forward 21 years, and once again a president is facing criticism for being out of touch, only this time it's true. As White House spokespeople—and President Joe Biden himself—continue to tell the American people the economy is just fine, working-class families are sharing a very different experience. Nowhere is the economic pain felt more profoundly than in the rising cost of automobiles, the gas that powers them, and groceries.

Take Ryan Holdsworth, a 35-year-old grocery store worker from Grand Rapids, Michigan. He told the Associated Press back in mid-May that he plans to keep his nine-year-old Chevy Cruze for at least four more years, for one reason: "You're not going to get one for a price you can afford."

Millions of Americans are experiencing pain like Holdsworth's. We're keeping cars longer than we've ever kept them. Indeed, the average age of passenger vehicles in America hit a record-high 12.5 years this year, Yahoo Finance reported in mid-May. The two contributing factors are rising prices and rising interest rates. Since 2020, the average price of a new vehicle has risen 24 percent to a whopping $48,000, according to Edmunds.com. Interest rates on new cars have ballooned as well, up to 7 percent. It wasn't long ago that car dealerships and automakers were pushing low-interest rates—or no interest at all.

The combination of runaway costs and high interest rates has been catastrophic for ordinary Americans, as the average car payment surged to nearly $730 per month, with the length of those loans extended to a record-setting 68 months—a commitment surpassed only by a new home purchase.

I read due to the chip shortage car manufactures were pulling chips to use in the more expensive models to increase profits. It said hopefully more vehicles on the lower end will become available next year.


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PREMO Member

Cars, Gas, and Groceries Will Decide the 2024 Election | Opinion

Flash forward 21 years, and once again a president is facing criticism for being out of touch, only this time it's true. As White House spokespeople—and President Joe Biden himself—continue to tell the American people the economy is just fine, working-class families are sharing a very different experience. Nowhere is the economic pain felt more profoundly than in the rising cost of automobiles, the gas that powers them, and groceries.

Take Ryan Holdsworth, a 35-year-old grocery store worker from Grand Rapids, Michigan. He told the Associated Press back in mid-May that he plans to keep his nine-year-old Chevy Cruze for at least four more years, for one reason: "You're not going to get one for a price you can afford."

Millions of Americans are experiencing pain like Holdsworth's. We're keeping cars longer than we've ever kept them. Indeed, the average age of passenger vehicles in America hit a record-high 12.5 years this year, Yahoo Finance reported in mid-May. The two contributing factors are rising prices and rising interest rates. Since 2020, the average price of a new vehicle has risen 24 percent to a whopping $48,000, according to Edmunds.com. Interest rates on new cars have ballooned as well, up to 7 percent. It wasn't long ago that car dealerships and automakers were pushing low-interest rates—or no interest at all.

The combination of runaway costs and high interest rates has been catastrophic for ordinary Americans, as the average car payment surged to nearly $730 per month, with the length of those loans extended to a record-setting 68 months—a commitment surpassed only by a new home purchase.
It didn't in 2022.


Well-Known Member
What we really need in this country is an honest election.

I truly believe that is something we may never see again.
At least not as long as there are early ballots, ballots by Soros machines, and mail-in ballots.


PREMO Member

A Shocking New Threat to Biden Emerges

Anew Republican threat to President Joe Biden's re-election campaign has emerged in the form of a former South Carolina governor who would be the first female president if she were to win the 2024 race.

Nikki Haley, a contender for the GOP presidential nomination, poses the greatest risk to Biden, according to a new poll released by CNN on Thursday.

Haley, who has recently seen a boost in the polls since faring well in the first primary debate, led Biden by 6 percentage points in a hypothetical matchup, backed by 49 percent support to Biden's 43 percent. It was the widest lead in any of any head-to-head pairs between Biden and a Republican presidential candidate, even larger than the one of former President Donald Trump, who is the frontrunner in the GOP race. A matchup between Biden and Trump has the former president up by 1 percentage point, 47 to 46 percent.


PREMO Member

‘A Lot’ of Our Polling Showing Most Believe Joe Was Involved in Hunter’s Deals ‘Driven by Partisanship’

Chalian said, “Obviously, a lot of the results here are driven by partisanship. And we see what the Republicans on Capitol Hill are trying to do with this issue. But it seems to be working a little bit. So, we asked Americans, was Joe Biden involved in Hunter Biden’s business dealings when he was Vice President. And a clear majority, 61%, say Joe Biden was involved in Hunter Biden’s business dealings at the time. 38% say he wasn’t. By the way, that includes 42% who think Joe Biden acted illegally. Nearly two-thirds of Independents think Joe Biden was involved in these business dealings as Vice President. And then there was also the question that we asked folks about Joe Biden’s actions regarding the investigation itself, did he act appropriately or not? 55% of Americans in this poll say Joe Biden has acted inappropriately in relation to the Hunter Biden investigation. 44% say, acted appropriately. So, this is clearly, while the Republicans are trying to gather evidence and somehow really connect the dots, again, largely driven by partisanship, you see, Democrats may not be buying this, Republicans certainly are, and Independents are being convinced that there is some Joe Biden involvement here.”


PREMO Member

Left-Wing Organizations to Spend Over $500 Million in Campaign to Influence Local Media

As the Daily Caller reports, the new coalition, “Press Forward,” claims to be “independent of ideology” despite the overwhelmingly left-wing biases in many of the groups. The coalition pledges to “close longstanding inequities in journalism coverage and practice,” according to a statement from the group.

Pointing to recent declines in local media, such as the shuttering of roughly 2,500 newspapers since 2005, Press Forward plans to put the $500 million into grants that will support local media outlets, provide them with resources, and assist in developing collaborative efforts such as legal support groups and membership programs.

The leading group in the coalition is the MacArthur Foundation, which has promised at least $150 million in grants. MacArthur has also contributed to such far-left organizations as Planned Parenthood, the Environmental Defense Fund, and the Tides Foundation, having given at least $5 million worth of grants to each of these groups.

Another member of the coalition is the Knight Foundation, pledging another $150 million, which has given at least $1.2 million to nine different universities and nonprofit groups in order to “combat disinformation in communities of color.”


PREMO Member
Masking, Vaxing, and Mail-In Ballots

Those intentions became all too clear a week later, when Senate Democrats killed a bill introduced by Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) that would have banned mask mandates for public schools, domestic air travel, and public transit. The remarks of Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), who led the charge against Vance’s bill, made it clear that the Democrats will bring back mask mandates and scare tactics to accomplish their goals: “f in the opinion of public health officials, strategies can be adopted using masks that reduced the likelihood that more will die, we should give them that freedom to make those decisions.” Vance refuted the claim that masks reduce COVID transmission when he introduced his bill:

It’s not just that masks, according to randomized, controlled studies do no good. It’s that they can actively cause harm. We know that a generation of school children has suffered significant speech and developmental disabilities because this country panicked instead of using its brain and forced toddlers and small children to wear masks. We cannot return to the failed policies of the COVID pandemic. I’m not mad that we screwed up. I made mistakes, many people in this body made mistakes. What I do think that we should avoid is repeating the mistakes in 2023. Let’s learn from the mistakes that we made instead of just doubling down on them.

Vance’s reasoning is perfectly sound, of course, and if the Democrats favored masking for health reasons his bill would have easily passed by unanimous consent. For them, however, “mitigation measures” such as masking and vaccines are about power. During the same week that they killed Sen. Vance’s bill, Senate Democrats also blocked a bill introduced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) that would have banned vaccine and mask mandates for Senate pages. Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) justified killing the bill based on the following pretext: “The Senate has a duty of care with respect to the pages. Their welfare is our responsibility.” Sen. Paul denounced this claim as “obscene” and excoriated Cardin and the Democrats:

This is a situation where the Democrats are in favor of mandating a vaccine that puts their health at risk. We are telling kids all across America, you cannot come up here unless you get what the Democrats tell you is the best thing for your health, and even though there are some scientists who say that it actually may imperil your health, you don’t get a choice and you can’t be part of the nationwide Senate program. You can’t be part of this elite group unless you submit. Unless you bend the knee to the Democrats, unless you say, “My body belongs to the Democrat party, my body will be injected with whatever the Democrats tell me I need to do.”

If you are unmoved by the plight of Senate pages, think of it as a trial run. The Democrats and the corporate media are obviously hyping the advent of a new COVID variant and the usual fall uptick in cases to encourage a return to masking and other ineffective “mitigation measures” at public schools, colleges, hospitals, and businesses. And it’s working. Rosemary Hills Elementary School in Silver Spring, Maryland, has implemented a “temporary” mask mandate. Kinterbish Junior High School in Cuba, Alabama, has likewise imposed a mandate. Morris Brown College in Atlanta, Georgia, has implemented a “two-week” mandate. Dillard University in New Orleans issued a mandate “while it assesses the trends.”


PREMO Member
🔥 Last week, Newsweek ran a story headlined, “Supreme Court to Decide Whether to Kick Trump Off Ballot.

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The Supreme Court just accepted a case arguing that Trump should be barred from running for the White House, under section three of the 14th Amendment, which disqualifies people from public office if they have ever "engaged in insurrection or rebellion" against the United States. While Trump has never been charged with insurrection, the case cites Trump's alleged role in the January 6th Capitol riot, which democrats commonly refer to as an unarmed “insurrection.”

Newsweek reported that the Supreme Court sent John Castro v. Donald Trump to the justices for the upcoming term, which starts on October 2nd. The article said the case is expected to be decided on or before October 9th.

Liberals have been excited as caffeinated puppies about the case, since a conviction for insurrection is not mentioned in the Constitution’s plain language. The case was brought by Republican tax preparer John Castro, 40, who recently filed to run for president and is asking the Court to decide whether he may challenge Trump’s inclusion on the presidential ballot.

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Plaintiff John Castro is a colorful character. He has unsuccessfully run for office several times. In 2004, he ran as a democrat for the Webb County Court of Commissioners, getting less than 500 votes and coming in fifth out of five candidates. He first ran as a Republican in 2020 in the Texas Senatorial race against John Cornyn, and again badly lost the primary with less than 5% of the vote. Castro again lost running for Congress in 2021, as a Republican, with only 5.5% of the vote.

John Castro is totally not a democrat mole fake candidate. How dare you.

I don’t expect the Supreme Court to rule Trump ineligible. A more interesting question is whether they’ll take it on the merits and provide some guidance, or whether they will just flush the case procedurally for lack of standing or ripeness or something like that. There’s an outside chance the Court would send the case back, saying Anthony must litigate and prove Trump was involved in an insurrection, which would seem difficult in Texas.

We should know soon!



PREMO Member
In a bizarre and totally unprecedented action, Democrats waited until after Trump departed the White House to try him for “incitement of insurrection.” His second impeachment trial resembled an employer firing an employee after he left the company.

The House’s “incitement” accusation already was one step short of insurrection, akin to telling someone to torch a house rather than personally lobbing a Molotov cocktail onto its front porch.

Regardless, 43 U.S. senators found Trump not guilty, while 57 disagreed – 10 shy of conviction. So, the Senate acquitted Trump of insurrection.

Moreover, the 14th Amendment’s 1868 insurrection language is tied to the Civil War. It was designed to keep Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, and other Confederates out of Congress and the White House.

Trump’s detractors cannot escape these facts: He never served the Confederacy and was born 81 years after the North defeated the South in 1865.

Trump’s persecutors also refuse to acknowledge what he told supporters at a Jan. 6, 2021, rally: “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” (Emphasis mine)

That was no rebel yell.

Trump’s foes retort that he told protesters: “Fight like hell.” Alleged translation: “Smash into the U.S. Capitol, hijack the Electoral College, and make me President for Life.”

To call this argument flaccid overstates its potency.

Democrats regularly say “fight like hell.” Consider:

  • On June 25, 2020, then-candidate Joe Biden promised American families that he would “fight like hell to make sure they get the health care they need.”
  • “We will file lawsuits, pass legislation in the House & fight like hell,” against alleged GOP voter suppression, impeachment manager Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., declared via Twitter on June 9, 2020.
  • Impeachment manager Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., told CNN’s then-anchor Don Lemon on March 18, 2019: “I’ll fight like hell to make sure we see this report” by then-special counsel Robert Mueller on Russiagate.
Trump’s lawyers turned the Democrats’ “fight like hell” argument into a pants-wetting laughingstock by showing at his Senate trial a nearly 10-minute-long video of top Democrats using “fighting words.” President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and a parade of Democratic senators and House members say, “fight,” “fight back,” “fight on,” and—yes—”fight like hell” at least (by my count) 281 separate times.

“Fight like hell” is routine political rhetoric. This cliché is as innocent as “Remember to vote” and “God Bless America.”

If Trump really wanted an insurrection, he would not have authorized 10,000 National Guard troops to patrol Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6. Trump’s enemies want Americans to think that he ordered unarmed insurrectionists to storm the Capitol after he greenlighted 10,000 GIs with automatic rifles to crush their rebellion.

How idiotic do Democrats think Americans are?

Alas, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and D.C.’s Democratic mayor, Muriel Bowser, rebuffed the protection that Trump approved.

Trump offered to encircle the Capitol with troops. Pelosi and Bowser stopped him. And now Trump’s tormentors blame him for insurrection?

That claim is flimsier than a Kleenex in a hurricane.



PREMO Member

Dead Man Walking – RNC 2024 Technology Fail

The 2024 national and state elections will be won or lost not with consultants, ads, yard signs or harvesting ballots at evangelical churches, but with the aggressive application of advanced technology.

We live in a tech-driven age.

Unfortunately, this past week, the Fractal team learned the RNC wasted tens of millions of dollars investing in obsolete, 1980s technology. If left to the RNC data team, GOP candidates will lose every close election in 2024.

The appalling, 50% wrong canvassing lists RNC provided in 2020 and 2022, its inability to deliver real-time voter roll analysis in Arizona, its total blindness to armies of phantom voters in every state – is the prelude to the same incompetence – applied at scale – in 2024.

The RNC hasn’t innovated – 2024 will be 2022 revisited!

2024 will see America flooded with mail-in ballots.

Hundreds of thousands of those ballots, in each swing state, go to people who cannot receive them. Those ballots collect on apartment building floors, at the 7-11, the Walmart and hundreds of other locations where they will be mailed, but nobody lives there.

The U.S. Post Office, in perhaps its only act of efficiency, collects those ballots – as we proved they did in 2020 and 2022 – and gives them to the leftists.

This is not news to anyone. The clueless RNC, however, has no way to stop this travesty – after tens of millions of dollars invested in “technology.”

Our recent chat with the RNC showed they aren’t even thinking about how to stop the single most obvious upcoming attack the leftists are implementing – the same one used in 2020 and 2022!

The Fractal team, now working with legislators in 21 states, providing live comparisons of official county property tax rolls compared with official voter rolls, showed the RNC what Fractal is delivering – to their clients.

Fractal showed a live demo – Nevada, Florida, Wisconsin voter rolls.


PREMO Member

The real reason the Soros family fears a Trump victory in 2024

Writing on August 31, Alex Soros – who assumed control of his father George Soros’ global operations in December 2022 – also warned that such an outcome would imperil “the progress achieved on many fronts in response to the war in Ukraine.”

Mr. Soros did not explain this “progress,” but his framing of the proxy war in Ukraine suggests a perspective beyond the interests of the people of that nation.

So far, this “progress” has included the destruction of the European strategic gas supply through the Nord Stream pipelines, which has combined with backfiring economic sanctions on Russia to produce a continent-wide recession and rising inflation.

It has flooded Europe with enormous volumes of high-grade weapons, of which CBS reported perhaps only a third would reach the Ukrainian army. The rest have vanished on to the black market.

It has caused half a million Ukrainian deaths and injuries, and brought heavy casualties in a futile “counteroffensive.” This three-month long operation was reduced to an order to attack a deeply fortified Russian defensive line with little hope of success. There has been no breakthrough.

As The Epoch Times reported:

No meaningful gains have been made in an operation which is understood to have been driven by the need for positive headlines in the media – to guarantee the continued influx of money and weapons.
A peace deal arranged weeks after the invasion is said to have been sabotaged by UK and US efforts, to continue their project of destabilization in Russia.


PREMO Member

The Paper Ballot is the Vote of Record

By Thomas Kasperek

The lifeblood of our American Republic is free and fair elections, and right now we’re hemorrhaging profusely due to illegal elections by far-left fascists, but we can stop the bleeding of our rights and freedoms by restoring legal integrity into state and federal elections. The validity of elections depends on the legal vote counts; sounds simple enough, right? To get a legal vote count, election officials need to count the legal version of a voter’s vote. The legal version of the vote is what it is…it is the “vote of record.” The vote of record in elections will always be the historical document kept on file of a voter’s original intent — the paper ballot.

If you follow simple logic and the codified law enforced in state and federal elections, counting the vote of record seems to make sense. However, state, and federal elections have become needlessly complex due to the implementation of electronic voting systems into the voting process. Somewhere along the way of adding hardware, software, and election night reporting into the electoral process, officials have decided not to count the official valid vote of record, and elections are therefore not accurate or certifiable. Simplifying the process by returning to counting the paper ballots can help our elections get back on track, and by hand-counting the voter’s original ballot as the “vote of record” we can restore fairness and transparency to the sacred voting process.

This argument is advanced by a simple question: What is the “vote of record?” Simply stated, the vote of record is the official public record of the voter’s vote, cast as the official paper ballot. If this is the official vote of record, and the ballots are digitally archived as “back up” then why are we not counting the originals instead of the computerized versions? If the ultimate version of the voter’s votes are paper ballots archived in each states’ historical records, and these ballots become the official public record of the vote, why are we not counting them?

Counting paper ballots by hand is simple, time-effective, and cost-effective; yet, setting up the electoral process to accommodate electronic voting computers is complex. For example, election forensic experts have observed that electronic voting systems produce multiple digital copies of a single paper ballot, beginning initially with the voter placing their marked ballot into a scanning device (Tip o’ the hat to Publius 2.0). How is it possible for an election official to keep track of the different versions to arrive at an accurate vote count?


PREMO Member

California Attorney Files Lawsuit to Bar Donald Trump from 2024 Ballot

The lawsuit argues that the Fourteenth Amendment states that no one can hold office who has previously taken an oath of office to support the Constitution and then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” or gave aid to those who did, according to a Los Angeles Times report.

The attorney, Stephen Yagman, filed the lawsuit on behalf of a California voter identified as “A.W. Clark.”

Yagman argues the language in the Constitution “speaks for itself.”

“There is only one issue that would need to be litigated potentially, and that issue is did Trump engage in insurrection or rebellion…I think the answer to that question for anyone who has eyesight is that he did,” he claims.

Yagman, according to the Times, was disbarred and served 29 months in federal prison after being convicted in 2007 for tax evasion, bankruptcy fraud, and money laundering, but his law license was later reinstated.

Yagman filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Los Angeles against Secretary of State Shirley Weber (D).

Democrats are seeking to file similar lawsuits across the country before the 2024 primaries begin. According to the Times, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed a lawsuit last week to bar Trump from the ballot in Colorado, and an Obama-appointed judge in Florida dismissed a similar effort in August, saying that the plaintiffs lacked standing.