Elections and Junk.


Well-Known Member
It has been brought to my attention that some people on this Forum do mis-use this school bus for children as one of their symbols to degrade others.

So just for the record I tell that I see nothing wrong with the short-bus and I never ever mean anything dirty or hateful when I use it, as other do.

That poster is being a pervert concerning school children and I am not going to cooperate with his dirty claims.
It has also been brought to your attention that I don't call you Shortbus because of any thought that it degrades children. I have children I raise and stay with because I do not tolerate degrading children. Your inability to comprehend this after being told this repeatedly is astounding to me even after months of speaking with you.

However, it gets you out of answering, so it makes sense when looked at from that perspective. More dishonesty on your part to get you out of a perceived obligation. That fits your actions in all of life completely.


Well-Known Member
:popcorn: I know you and others mis-use this symbol of children on a school bus as a way for you to give your perverted message.

It is disgusting, and you need to be exposed and ashamed of it.
It has also been brought to your attention that I don't call you Shortbus because of any thought that it degrades children. I have children I raise and stay with because I do not tolerate degrading children. Your inability to comprehend this after being told this repeatedly is astounding to me even after months of speaking with you.

However, it gets you out of answering, so it makes sense when looked at from that perspective. More dishonesty on your part to get you out of a perceived obligation. That fits your actions in all of life completely.


Well-Known Member
As previously posted in the Religion forum, I believe you are not mentally capable of coming to terms with a man who has raised children from birth off to college as being someone who would never degrade children - you've never been there, you can't understand. So, I'll repost without your moniker.
Jimmy, I have spoken for myself. I've made my point with you over and over, and you're too thick to get it, because truth violates your inaccurate view of reality. I've tried for months to help you be an honest and better human being, and you not only refuse, you actively fight against the truth.

I'm trying to help someone else from going through that.

But, if you feel the need, I'll ask you: is there anything I quoted you as saying in that paragraph that you did not say?


Well-Known Member
Ditto, so we can move on with the substance instead of the pointless distraction:
Jimmy, you're not seeking the power to do so, you're a candidate for HoR. You've been shown that each of your signature issues is not something that the HoR has any direct bearing on. You're seeking support for later runs locally, because you think people are stupid enough to follow you later because of your words now (this, of course, is just my opinion - not something you admitted to publicly yet). You know you can't affect abortion, you know you can't affect the child support system, you know you can't affect the local infrastructure, you know you can't affect marriage laws..... so what are you talking about?


The one and only Princess
Then I say you have fabricated that score and hold no credibility with me on anything you have posted or will post. Up through 2005 the 1600 point high was used on math and verbal tests and since 2006 it has been the 2400 point possibility with an addition of a writing portion, each section has a possible 800 point potential. This is easily verified so please, if you can, explain how you achieved 1800 out of a possible 1600, did you take the test through the muffler? :tap:

Personally I could not care less if you believe me or not. Will that change the truth? No. SAT Reasoning Test. Because the testing and the scores have changed, and because I am working on my second Masters. For students like me where there is a time gap it made sense to retake the SAT. My company explicitly said that they'll look at my best score, the scores also determine incentives with no age limit.

SAT scores all get reported, So why not take it again if the scoring has changed and if it could lead to certain scholarships or grants or just to see how much different you can do. You know you can take the SAT as many times as you want to.
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New Member
:coffee: I do regret if some people take my comments soooo personally, but I say my comments here are far more correct.

1) I said that the Court laws give custody to only one parent like kidnapping the children and then demanding the child support as ransom money or else the separated parent will never see their kids again.

2) I said if the custodials feel their own God given children are a burden then give the kids to the separated parent instead of stealing the child support loot.

3) The child support needs reform and I will get the process started when I get elected.


You don't regret it, so don't say that you do. Its not kidnapping when the other parent wants nothing to do with them (Wait, haven't we been through this?)

There is a difference betweena child being a 'burden' on someone's social life and them being a financial burden. Hell, the adult themself can be their own burden! Who should be the ones to take care of them and their bills?

You don't want to reform child support, you want to outaw it. Sorry, it won't happen.


The one and only Princess
You don't regret it, so don't say that you do. Its not kidnapping when the other parent wants nothing to do with them (Wait, haven't we been through this?)

There is a difference betweena child being a 'burden' on someone's social life and them being a financial burden. Hell, the adult themself can be their own burden! Who should be the ones to take care of them and their bills?

You don't want to reform child support, you want to outaw it. Sorry, it won't happen.

I would not like it outlawed that would be crazy but I would like to see change where both parents are treated fairly and where the NC parent is not treated like a criminal, (except for the deadbeats).

But to outlaw it? Then who will support the children?


Well-Known Member
I would not like it outlawed that would be crazy but I would like to see change where both parents are treated fairly and where the NC parent is not treated like a criminal, (except for the deadbeats).

But to outlaw it? Then who will support the children?
Now you're beginning to understand our contempt for Jimmy.

He will be glad to explain to you that there are no deadbeat parents. The money should never have been "owed" in the first place, he says. He refers to child support as "subsidized adultery". It is ONLY the custodial parent's responsibility to support the child - "that's what custody means", he'll be glad to explain to you. If the custodial parent does not want to fully, solely support the child, there are government programs to help that parent. If they still don't feel they have enough, they should give the child to the non-custodial parent and stop their whining over seeing their God-given child as a "burden".

Search (link on toolbar above) for any of the phrases I've used, and JPC sr. as the poster. You'll see.


New Member
I would not like it outlawed that would be crazy but I would like to see change where both parents are treated fairly and where the NC parent is not treated like a criminal, (except for the deadbeats).

But to outlaw it? Then who will support the children?

Well the major problem with that lies in the parents. Sure some of them are mistreated, but in most cases that is not true. They are locked up for not supporting their kids. And that is how it should be. Do I think they should have to pay ridiculous amounts? No. But a fair amount to help out, yes. Do I think custody/child support should be handed over without some real investigating? Of course not. But to say that there are no such thing as deadbeats as Jimmy claims is absurd. Not all these parents are innocent, nor are they all guilty. But there are quite a few who are very guilty.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Well the major problem with that lies in the parents.
:popcorn: I object to blaming the parents and it is not fair and not correct.

It is the unjust abusive gov laws that force the parents into their compromising positions.

We can change and improve the child support laws but we must not try to change parenting by force of law and parenting police.
~mellabella~ said:
Sure some of them are mistreated, but in most cases that is not true.
:coffee: That is posted so matter-of-factly but I see nothing to back it up.

I find that every single one of the child support cases are mistreating the parents and it degrades the children and splits up the family unit more so then it already was.

The custody and child support laws are unjust and abusive and based on those abusive principles and so every single c/s case does mistreat the separated parent and I say it harms the entire family at the same time.
~mellabella~ said:
They are locked up for not supporting their kids. And that is how it should be.
:coffee: That simply is not correct.

The parents ONLY get locked up for being too poor to pay the unjust demands.

The laws says otherwise and many people claim otherwise but ONLY poor and impoverished parents go to jail and never the rich.

If the parent has a car or property or bank account then the child support law will steal all of that from the parents, so one ONLY goes to jail when they are pillaged so much that there is nothing left for the law to steal.

ONLY poor and impoverished parents go to jail for child support.
~mellabella~ said:
Do I think they should have to pay ridiculous amounts? No. But a fair amount to help out, yes.
:coffee: We could have real child support reform instead of pretending the real problems do not exist.

There is only half of the child support orders being paid and the other half only pays by force link HERE.

And I believe those statistics are exagerated, but even if not that is a huge amount of families being harmed by the unjust system.
~mellabella~ said:
Do I think custody/child support should be handed over without some real investigating? Of course not.
:coffee: A lot of people seem to like that idea even though I do not want the law to start now attacking the custodials.

But it is a real idea for some justice being added to child support reform - so I accept that idea.

To continue ignoring the problems and the huge injustices is not acceptable to me.
~mellabella~ said:
But to say that there are no such thing as deadbeats as Jimmy claims is absurd.
:coffee: The law is wrong and unjust and abusive and that is why there are no "deadbeat" parents.

Those that do pay the c/s are mistreated and no one gets justice or fairness because the laws are abusive.

Calling the parents "deadbeats" when they are mistreated and abused by the unjust laws is an untrue slander and nothing else.
~mellabella~ said:
Not all these parents are innocent, nor are they all guilty. But there are quite a few who are very guilty.
:coffee: It is a "guilt" based on unjust laws.

It is a false guilt because the parents have done nothing wrong.

If we reform the laws into practical and realistic terms and then we can talk about guilt.



Well-Known Member
Thank you, Jimmy. You saved Princess and I a great deal of time searching through your old posts to find your ignorance, arrogance, and basically insane ideas.


New Member
:popcorn: I object to blaming the parents and it is not fair and not correct.

It is the unjust abusive gov laws that force the parents into their compromising positions.

We can change and improve the child support laws but we must not try to change parenting by force of law and parenting police.:coffee: That is posted so matter-of-factly but I see nothing to back it up.

I find that every single one of the child support cases are mistreating the parents and it degrades the children and splits up the family unit more so then it already was.

The custody and child support laws are unjust and abusive and based on those abusive principles and so every single c/s case does mistreat the separated parent and I say it harms the entire family at the same time.:coffee: That simply is not correct.

The parents ONLY get locked up for being too poor to pay the unjust demands.

The laws says otherwise and many people claim otherwise but ONLY poor and impoverished parents go to jail and never the rich.

If the parent has a car or property or bank account then the child support law will steal all of that from the parents, so one ONLY goes to jail when they are pillaged so much that there is nothing left for the law to steal.

ONLY poor and impoverished parents go to jail for child support.:coffee: We could have real child support reform instead of pretending the real problems do not exist.

There is only half of the child support orders being paid and the other half only pays by force link HERE.

And I believe those statistics are exagerated, but even if not that is a huge amount of families being harmed by the unjust system.:coffee: A lot of people seem to like that idea even though I do not want the law to start now attacking the custodials.

But it is a real idea for some justice being added to child support reform - so I accept that idea.

To continue ignoring the problems and the huge injustices is not acceptable to me.:coffee: The law is wrong and unjust and abusive and that is why there are no "deadbeat" parents.

Those that do pay the c/s are mistreated and no one gets justice or fairness because the laws are abusive.

Calling the parents "deadbeats" when they are mistreated and abused by the unjust laws is an untrue slander and nothing else.:coffee: It is a "guilt" based on unjust laws.

It is a false guilt because the parents have done nothing wrong.

If we reform the laws into practical and realistic terms and then we can talk about guilt.


Do you get a little more ignorant each day or what?

I DO blame the parents Jimmy, as I would want someone to blame me and my husband had we ignored our son, and NEGLECTED him. And THAT is exactly what a parent who does not support or care for their child does. Feeling guilty yet?

The government has absolutely nothing to do with these compromising situations. My dad didn't run out on me because a law made him do it. That is a pathetic excuse of a cop out and you know it. So how about now?

Oh, and its posted matter of factly because anyone with a pair of eyes can see that point blank!

Do you want to know what I find degrading to children? Having to try and explain why their clothes are too small, because they can't afford new ones. Or why they can't go out with their friends because the money isn't there. Or how about the fact that they no longer have a mommy or daddy because one of them decided they weren't worth sticking around for? THAT is degrading. And now? Anything yet Jimmy?

And are you telling me you were poor and thats why you went to jail? NO. Its because of you ignorance and your neglect and your EMOTIONAL ABUSE through that neglect to your son that locked you up. So don't blame others because you could not stand up and be a man. Now are you feeling it yet?

Its not a false guilt, cupcake. Its because they failed to hold up their parental responsibility. Its that twinge when they KNOW they are doing wrong. Why else would so many of them hide? And run from it? Because they are COWARDS. Period. So if you aren't feeling it by now, then I am afraid you have no soul, Jimmy.
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New Member
:popcorn: I do NOT promote that.

I want to stop the abuse of parents by the unjust laws.

No child is ever helped through the legalized degrading of their parent(s).

People really need to stop claiming child abuse when the child(ren) are fine.

The false and fake claims of "child abuse" are hiding the real problems behind that untrue mis-representation.


You lie,that's not news .You advacate neglect of children with ignorant views of child support and you promote other parents to do the same ,wether you like to hear it or not I don't care but yes you advocate child abuse.It is your views that are wrong and unjust and to the people that can not defend or fend for themselves....well that makes you scum and a bully.


New Member
:popcorn: I know you and others mis-use this symbol of children on a school bus as a way for you to give your perverted message.

It is disgusting, and you need to be exposed and ashamed of it.

This coming from a person(not a man) who puts a smiley face up on a abortion thread.

JPC is an idiot.


The one and only Princess
Now you're beginning to understand our contempt for Jimmy.

He will be glad to explain to you that there are no deadbeat parents. The money should never have been "owed" in the first place, he says. He refers to child support as "subsidized adultery". It is ONLY the custodial parent's responsibility to support the child - "that's what custody means", he'll be glad to explain to you. If the custodial parent does not want to fully, solely support the child, there are government programs to help that parent. If they still don't feel they have enough, they should give the child to the non-custodial parent and stop their whining over seeing their God-given child as a "burden".

Search (link on toolbar above) for any of the phrases I've used, and JPC sr. as the poster. You'll see.

but it should be up to both the parents to support the child. Bringing up a child is hard. It is not whinning but add it up, it does cost alot. Dance lessons if the custodial wants that is fluff but basic stuff has to be taken care off.


The one and only Princess
Well the major problem with that lies in the parents. Sure some of them are mistreated, but in most cases that is not true. They are locked up for not supporting their kids. And that is how it should be. Do I think they should have to pay ridiculous amounts? No. But a fair amount to help out, yes. Do I think custody/child support should be handed over without some real investigating? Of course not. But to say that there are no such thing as deadbeats as Jimmy claims is absurd. Not all these parents are innocent, nor are they all guilty. But there are quite a few who are very guilty.

that is true, I agree but not all custodial parents are good either and use children for whatever purpose they need.


Free to Fly
Originally Posted by JPC sr

"The parents ONLY get locked up for being too poor to pay the unjust demands.

The laws says otherwise and many people claim otherwise but ONLY poor and impoverished parents go to jail and never the rich.

If the parent has a car or property or bank account then the child support law will steal all of that from the parents, so one ONLY goes to jail when they are pillaged so much that there is nothing left for the law to steal.

ONLY poor and impoverished parents go to jail for child support." End Quote

The Child Support is based on the salaries of each parent so the Non-Custodial Parent should not become impoverished paying it. They generally use the Tax Returns for the last few years. If you have had a job change and you don't make that much you need to point that out. That is where a lawyer is important. The only time a parent goes to jail is when they don't pay or even make an attempt to pay - especially if it can be shown they are spending their income in a frivolous manner or that they have deliberately quit their job or otherwise reduced their income on purpose in an attempt to not pay Child Support.
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The one and only Princess
Originally Posted by JPC sr

The parents ONLY get locked up for being too poor to pay the unjust demands.

The laws says otherwise and many people claim otherwise but ONLY poor and impoverished parents go to jail and never the rich.

If the parent has a car or property or bank account then the child support law will steal all of that from the parents, so one ONLY goes to jail when they are pillaged so much that there is nothing left for the law to steal.

ONLY poor and impoverished parents go to jail for child support.

The Child Support is based on the salaries of each parent so the Non-Custodial Parent should not become impoverished paying it. They generally use the Tax Returns for the last few years. If you have had a job change and you don't make that much you need to point that out. That is where a lawyer is important. The only time a parent goes to jail is when they don't pay or even make an attempt to pay - especially if it can be shown they are spending their income in a frivolous manner or that they have deliberately quit their job or otherwise reduced their income on purpose in an attempt to not pay Child Support.

hmm, but I have seen a few people get slammed down here for child support. They were making dirt and only had one child in most cases, then the Custodial parent would quit their job and ask for more money in a couple of families I know. So there is a disconnect somewhere.


Free to Fly
hmm, but I have seen a few people get slammed down here for child support. They were making dirt and only had one child in most cases, then the Custodial parent would quit their job and ask for more money in a couple of families I know. So there is a disconnect somewhere.

I don't know what state that was in but I was in Virginia when my divorce occurred and that would not have flown unless they had a medical reason for it or unless the savings for Day Care made a significant enough difference. The NCP should have fought that.Was that here?