Elections and Junk.


Well-Known Member
but it should be up to both the parents to support the child. Bringing up a child is hard. It is not whinning but add it up, it does cost alot. Dance lessons if the custodial wants that is fluff but basic stuff has to be taken care off.
I know that, and obviously you know that. Now, convince Jimmy.


Well-Known Member
I would not like it outlawed that would be crazy but I would like to see change where both parents are treated fairly
Here is one of JPC's "only good solutions": give the child support to the child. That way, the three year old could contribute to the electric bill!
A lot of parents make this complaint that the child support is not being used for the children and I think the only solution would be to allow the separated parents to spend any and all of the "child support" directly onto the children.

Do not give the child support to the custodial because the custodial spends the money on whatever the custodial wants, so then the separated parents can give child support to the child. I like this idea.

It would be equivolent to joint custody because both parents would be providing directly to the child(ren) and the c/s would stop being custodial support.

And this way the custodial would not have to account for anything since they would not touch the money.

This is a real solution for reforming the unjust child support system. :howdy:
Getting our point on him?


Well-Known Member
But wait, there's more. Child support causes murder! (I underlined some of the racial bigotry as well, just to give a small insight)
The ABC World News, Sunday June 24, 2007, said that a leading cause of death for pregnant women is homocide.

That statement accompanied the latest report about the pregnant Jessie Marie Davis case.

The parties involved have assorted Court records.

This case is very similar to the Scot Peterson

This Bobby Cutts Jr case gives all the appearence of being done because of child support.

The Ohio Court search shows little info but it does show that Cutts had his child support increased by 75$ some years ago for child support arrears.

There simply is no other logical reason to kill the mother and the man's unborn child. It was a white woman to have a black child which is an ultimate accomplishent to be pleased about, but Cutts was a cop and he knew very well what child support would do to him.

The woman Jessi has an interesting Court record too.

I really believe that this is another of many cases where the woman and child are murdered because of child support. The parents do not know the political ramifications and to get angry at the gov and the law seems futile and too big of a challenge for most so they strike out against the ones available.

This is not new in my opinion. We hear of the estranged parents killing their separated spouses and killing the children and killing themselves in many cases but the news never reports about the thieving unjust child support as the true reason behind the killings but I see it there.

The custodials think they can hide behind the law while their children's separated parents get robbed and cheated and now finally the ABC World News has come to the blind conclusion that homocide is a leading cause of death for pregnant women.

I think the leading cause is the unjust child support and it is being over looked.
Many other parents are not nice nor non violent as I am about child support. :popcorn:


Well-Known Member
And, there's even more:
Child support is not really based on what the custodials make.

The legal formulas and procedures talk about the income of both parents but it is just another one of many deceptions in the unjust child support system. The Courts put down the custodials income but it always only boils down to how much can be taken from the separated parents.

Like if the cusodial (male or female) makes 10 million dollars a year and the separated parent only makes minimum wage on a part time 20 hour week job, then the child support takes by force from the dirt poor parent and gives it to the rich even though it is a great disparity and an injustice.

That is what the unjust child support does and the thievery is by brute force.

This scenerio shows that it has nothing to do with providing for children, the child support is only attacking and punishing the parents for nothing.

It is not for supporting children but only as a form of parenting police.
And the law only puts poor and impoverished parents into jail for child support even while the children are in need of nothing.

The fundamental foundation of child support is a fraud.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

:whistle: That T_p keeps posting as if he were my spokesman,

but T_p does not speak for me.

If anything then I certainly do give my perspective in much detail so T_p is nothing but a fraud.

It is totally posible to twist the words of the Bible and of Jesus Christ around and that is what T_p does with my statements.

I suppose he sees it as his own invention but it is an old trick of slander.

I want to reform and improve the child support laws and I run for election to get the process going,

while people like that just criticize and hide the injustices as he says he collects the c/s loot from his babies' mom.

I do not like mis-using that against him but it is extremely hypocritical in his self serving claims.



Well-Known Member
We're not even close to done yet. Father of the year material, here:
You are giving an unhealthy loyalty to the gov and a blind legalism to the law.

"Honor thy father and thy mother", not servitude to children.

There are no children going without any of their needs.

No child anywhere in the entire USA goes without because of not receiving child support.
If any child goes without it is only ONLY because of abuse or neglect by the custodian.

Child support is only extra cash for extras like luxuries and we do not need more spoiled children.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Here is one of JPC's "only good solutions": give the child support to the child. That way, the three year old could contribute to the electric bill!
Getting our point on him?
:coffee: This T_p is a fraud.

See he does not give a link too my so-called words as then anyone could see the entire thing and see the context and see the rest of the post.

That T_p is a fraud and he does not speak for me. :howdy:


Well-Known Member
That T_p keeps posting as if he were my spokesman, but T_p does not speak for me.

It is totally posible to twist the words of the Bible and of Jesus Christ around and that is what T_p does with my statements.
I'm not twisting anything, Jimmy. I'm reposting your words. Tasty, aren't they? :lmao:
I want to reform and improve the child support laws and I run for election to get the process going, while people like that just criticize and hide the injustices as he says he collects the c/s loot from his babies' mom.

I do not like mis-using that against him but it is extremely hypocritical in his self serving claims.
You don't have to call yourself a hypocrit here, Jimmy, we all know it already.

We're not talking about me, I'm just posting your words.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

If I had a dollar for everytime this has been said in the last 2 months...
:coffee: What else can I do?

That T_p is a fraud pretending that he speaks for me and so I keep telling that he is a fraud as that is all I see to do with him.



Well-Known Member
:coffee: This T_p is a fraud.

See he does not give a link too my so-called words as then anyone could see the entire thing and see the context and see the rest of the post.

That T_p is a fraud and he does not speak for me. :howdy:
Try again, Jimmy. The little arrow next to your name is the link to the post. There for anyone to read. That's why I provide it.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

This is one of his favorite diversions. He attacks me (the messanger) instead of standing up for his words (his message). Hypocritical of him, I know, but....
:diva: Why do you not speak for yourself?

That is what the rest of us are doing - but not you.

You do not give any opinion or belief of your own and you say nothing on the subject,

except you just keep twisting my words and it is a fraud.


Well-Known Member
Why do you not speak for yourself? That is what the rest of us are doing - but not you. You do not give any opinion or belief of your own and you say nothing on the subject, except you just keep twisting my words and it is a fraud.
I do give my opinion. That's the whole point.

Can you explain how posting your entire post, with a link to the source, is "twisting your words"? How is a verbatim repeat of YOU fraud?

I'll be waiting for your answer! :lmao:


Lem Putt
:diva: Why do you not speak for yourself?

except you just keep twisting my words and it is a fraud.

He's quoting you. that means you are speaking for yourself.

He's not twisting your words, he's just quoting them. If your words are twisted, that's because you are twisted.


Well-Known Member
Did I forget to post this one? This is one of my favorites:
See I get to respond by my own reasoning. My response is my business, so you can not dictate that I must give a yes or no to a complicated question except that you do not want the facts.

In answer to above: Speaking legally the separated parent is legally required to pay child support and I agree that is the law, but that law is oppressive and evil and I believe that parents and honest citizens need to resist it.

Second answer to above: Since the children do already have all of their real needs met in full then the separated parent is not morally obligated to give extras to anybody. For parents to give extras and to give luxuries to their children is a personal choice and it is wrong to order extras by the child support.

It would have been helpful if you had given us the link, now I have to look it up and I will be back some time with the link.

The State of Maryland takes the child support and does not give it to the child when the custodial is on cash assistance or medical assistance, but some other States take it for any welfare. Either way it is the gov that is saying enough is enough and the gov will not give the child support for extra luxuries because the welfare kids already have ALL OF THEIR NEEDS already provided and overflowing too.

The State is saying that the child support is extras by keeping the cash and not giving it to the children.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

He's quoting you. that means you are speaking for yourself.

He's not twisting your words, he's just quoting them. If your words are twisted, that's because you are twisted.
:coffee:I do try hard to communicate honestly and openly with everyone on here,

and some times I may fail at it but I still do try.

I am never going to accept T_p or anyone else speaking for me and that is all I can do.


Well-Known Member
I do try hard to communicate honestly and openly with everyone on here, and some times I may fail at it but I still do try. I am never going to accept T_p or anyone else speaking for me and that is all I can do.
does this mean you're incapable of explaining how posting your words, with links to the context, is twisting your words, fraud, or speaking for you?