Electric Car News


Power with Control
Weak article all around...but does mention that diesel still rules. The entire country was shocked by a dramatic increase in the cost of electricity that occurred soon after the start of the Russian-Ukraine war. Almost overnight, people could not afford their home electric bill even without the addition of a charging station, something a lot of homes there have now.

The huge driver behind the popularity and sales of EVs in Norway was the fact that the government removed, for EVs, the stunning 100% tax that is imposed on new gasoline car purchases. That's a huge incentive.

Took my son a long time to sell his 3. The market for used EVs is in the terlit.

I think I see why.... Same issue they faced here.

Used Model 3s going for 35-37K US

Brand new Model Y, which is larger and of course newer, not much different. About 41K for the long range all wheel drive. If you bought when they were being imported from China, the EU import taxes made the prices higher. Product out of Berlin doesnt have that burden.


PREMO Member

Cost of driving electric car up to twice the price of petrol or diesel

The UK has more than 12,500 rapid or ultra-rapid charging stations — a 40 per cent increase on a year ago — but data shared with The Times shows they cost an average of 80p per kilowatt hour (kWh), making the switch to electric cars prohibitively expensive for motorists who do not have access to cheaper at-home charging.

Prices at rapid chargers have increased 5 per cent over the past year, according to ZapMap, which supplied the data. Over the same period, the wholesale cost of electricity has fallen by 30 per cent.

Public chargers are defined as rapid if they deliver at least 50 kWh of power, allowing a battery to fully recharge in about 30 minutes. However, the data shows that even those who choose slower public chargers are still paying more per mile than petrol and diesel drivers, following recent falls in the cost of oil.

Industry leaders have raised concerns that the cost of public chargers, as well as the higher cost of electric vehicles, is delaying the transition to greener motoring.

The latest figures show that sales of electric cars have stagnated, accounting for just 17.2 per cent of all new registrations so far this year, down from a high of 18.7 per cent in the second half of 2022.

In Europe, sales of electric cars are performing even worse, with registrations down 44 per cent in August alone.


Power with Control
Seems the market for decently priced fast charging is wide open. Triple what regular home electric costs. or five times what off peak charging costs?

Looks like having a Tesla is the smart move as they appear to charge half of what the average fast charger costs. About 35p per kWh.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The entire country was shocked by a dramatic increase in the cost of electricity that occurred soon after the start of the Russian-Ukraine war.
Which surprises me since Norway has all that wind and hydro-produced electricity. Our friend over there told me because the govt taxes the hell out of it.


Well-Known Member
You are witnessing what happens when the low hanging fruit has all been picked, I imagine the stranded costs for these EV manufacturers are going be unpresented and they will try to bury the real costs in their yearly reports. China is going to kick all of their asses, you have tariffs being implemented to soften the blow from them, current makers are going to have to provide a low cost, highly reliable EV or Hybrid to compete and due to the UNIONS having a strangle hold in the EU I don't see that happening. Used EVs are selling well since the deprecation on new EVs are in the double digits thanks to Tesla cutting prices and the general public not buying the hype of course Hertz dumping their used EVs on the market isn't helping. There is one born every minute!


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Which surprises me since Norway has all that wind and hydro-produced electricity. Our friend over there told me because the govt taxes the hell out of it.
Statnett directed a huge increase in electrical power sold to and through Sweden after Russian gas was being shut off.. That move resulted in the dramatic increase in the cost of electricity in-country. Suffice to say..the political repercussions followed.
Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 09-50-07 Lower electricity prices for households in 2023.png


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Well, in Norway, around 27 percent of daily EV commuters have a drive time of only 15 to 29 minutes. With the overall average commuting distance for the general labor force being 16.3 km.

And, "Road fuel demand in Norway has remained relatively stable even with soaring electric vehicle (EV) adoption, raising questions about whether EVs really have a material impact on diesel and gasoline sales".

Maybe many Norwegians have two vehicles, using an EV to go to work, and an ICE for long travel distances?

It's a conundrum when you think about it, though more EV's are being driven, and yet, nearly the same amount overall of fuels being used.
