Electric Car News


Well-Known Member
Operator error. 120 mile range on the the car's battery capacity is for flat terrain. Any idiot knows it takes more energy to go over a mountain, regardless ICE or EV. Maybe his plan was to make it to the mountain top and coast back down?
Nope just the perks of a EV had he had a ICE vehicle he would have made it and then some I know you will come back and try to say Im wrong because you maybe own a EV but thats your problem not mine


Active Member
I know its conspiracy thinking but I can see where somewhere down the line maybe many years some political party decides to ration the electricity much like rolling blackouts affecting everyone and preventing freedom to move about and take that road trip to Pueblo or wherever. A freeze on the amount of electricity one can use would be bad. If the government is even considering digital currency, then that's another way to control your freedoms. Crazy thinking but I'm sure some Sherlock in some organization is seeing it that way.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
First responders sound alarm over EV batteries after electric F-150s burst into flames: 'Totally different'

Volunteer firefighter David Dalrymple said EV battery fires are 'totally different' from others

A shocking video shows a row of electric F-150s bursting into flames after EV batteries overheated and caught on fire.

Those fighting the flames say they are currently unprepared to mitigate the looming crisis that could result from a growing number of EVs hitting the road in the near future.

David Dalrymple, a volunteer firefighter, and Michael O'Brian of the International Fire Chiefs Association say the long-burning blaze starts with the vehicles' lithium batteries and a chemical reaction that fuels itself.

According to O'Brian, gasoline-powered vehicles can often be extinguished within five minutes and the site cleanup time is relatively brief. Electric vehicles, however, can take hours to rein in because of their unique differences.



Well-Known Member
HOGWASH! We've been told by others on this forum that EV's are gods gift for a mobile populace and are perfectly safe and a far superior substitute for ICE powered vehicles! :getdown::getdown::getdown:


Well-Known Member
First responders sound alarm over EV batteries after electric F-150s burst into flames: 'Totally different'

Volunteer firefighter David Dalrymple said EV battery fires are 'totally different' from others

A shocking video shows a row of electric F-150s bursting into flames after EV batteries overheated and caught on fire.

Those fighting the flames say they are currently unprepared to mitigate the looming crisis that could result from a growing number of EVs hitting the road in the near future.

David Dalrymple, a volunteer firefighter, and Michael O'Brian of the International Fire Chiefs Association say the long-burning blaze starts with the vehicles' lithium batteries and a chemical reaction that fuels itself.

According to O'Brian, gasoline-powered vehicles can often be extinguished within five minutes and the site cleanup time is relatively brief. Electric vehicles, however, can take hours to rein in because of their unique differences.

They will just need to switch to a new retardant, like the tears of whiny EV-Deniers such as yourself.


PREMO Member
I noticed a Tesla (white) on the side of the road on base, around 1330, flashers flashing.
Drove by the same area at 1600 leaving work and it was still there.
Did it run out of fuel?
It was by the gun club, across the street of the skeet range.


Power with Control
Easy rule to live by.

If you wouldn't use your golf cart, leave the electric at home.

Or buy an EV with a decent range and a good charging network. Not being a dumbass helps. Not sure why when a dumbass misuses a gun, we blame the dumbass, but when a dumbass misuses an EV, we blame the EV? If you live in the middle of nowhere, don't buy a short range truck. But if you do, make sure the charge the thing and understand your vehicles performance.

First responders sound alarm over EV batteries after electric F-150s burst into flames: 'Totally different'

Volunteer firefighter David Dalrymple said EV battery fires are 'totally different' from others

A shocking video shows a row of electric F-150s bursting into flames after EV batteries overheated and caught on fire.

Those fighting the flames say they are currently unprepared to mitigate the looming crisis that could result from a growing number of EVs hitting the road in the near future.

David Dalrymple, a volunteer firefighter, and Michael O'Brian of the International Fire Chiefs Association say the long-burning blaze starts with the vehicles' lithium batteries and a chemical reaction that fuels itself.

According to O'Brian, gasoline-powered vehicles can often be extinguished within five minutes and the site cleanup time is relatively brief. Electric vehicles, however, can take hours to rein in because of their unique differences.

O'Brian said he is concerned about first responders who currently lack training and resources to fight these long-burning fires and prevent loss of life when seconds count.

So, get the training and resources. I'll also point out that these fires also generally take so long to start that very few people have died in them. And those mostly people who crashed at 100mph plus.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Americans aren’t lining up to buy EVs — despite the new $7,500 Inflation Reduction Act tax credit. Here are the 2 big reasons why

If only electric vehicles would shoot sparks — in the marketplace, that is.

Despite the billions of dollars invested by private corporations, and government subsidies, Americans are still indifferent as a whole over electric vehicles.

Just two in every 10 Americans say they are “very likely” to buy an EV as their next car, according to a recent survey by the University of Chicago’s Energy Policy Institute and the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

The U.S. is an outlier on the issue
Two-thirds of Europeans said their next car would likely be an EV, a recent EIB climate survey shows. Meanwhile, EVs already account for 86% of new car sales in Norway and 72% in Iceland, according to statistics cited by Canary Media.

The Biden Administration can’t be happy with those findings.

Why is Europe more EV? When you can drive across the whole ####ing country in 2 hours, range isnt' much of an issue.


Well-Known Member
Lithium shortages impact Tesla, other EV carmakers, numerous tech markets

The price of lithium has surged over the past year

Electric vehicles (EVs) have been growing in popularity amid climate initiatives to reduce carbon emissions, yet production is being hampered by a shortage of lithium, an essential element for making electric batteries.

The lithium shortage problem was highlighted at this year’s Austin Auto Show. Many of the electric vehicles on display, such as the Ford F-150, have thousands of orders already – despite not being out yet.

In a recent interview, lithium and mining expert Joe Lowry told Bloomberg that a gap will continue to grow between supply and demand over the next two years.

I just heard that more and more electric vehicles are catching on fire.


Well-Known Member
Why is Europe more EV?
Bear in mind, these are the same countries completely willing to be totally dependent on RUSSIA for their heat in winter.

Easily half my reason for suspicion with EV technology is the loss of independence. On a source of energy either directly or indirectly run or managed or regulated by government.

WORRY when the government steps in and starts deciding how much gasoline you’re allowed to buy.