Electric Car News


PREMO Member

The hidden costs of EVs: Ohio man gets $42,000 repair bill after fender bender in electric truck

Landscaper Chris Apfelstadt of Columbus, Ohio, shared a post in a Facebook group for Rivian fans recounting how while driving his electric truck one day, he was struck from behind at a "relatively low speed." No airbags inflated, he noted, and purported pictures of the accident show only minor damage to the rear bumper of his pickup.

"I figured the repair would be expensive but had no idea!" Apfelstadt wrote on Facebook.

He went on to say that the insurance company for the woman who rear-ended him assessed the damage, estimated the repairs would cost $1,600 and wrote him a check for that amount.

Turns out, they were more than $40,000 off the mark.

The shop he sent his truck to "completely disassembled" the back of the truck, according to Apfelstadt, and discovered much more damage than previously thought based on exterior inspection alone — so much more that the "final bill" for his fender bender came to more than $42,000. Apfelstadt told Just The News the "at-fault driver's insurance covered the entire repair bill" since her policy had a $50,000 cap.

On top of the huge repair tab and the battle he says he'll face with insurance over "diminished value," Apfelstadt said it took over 10 weeks for his truck to be repaired and returned to his possession.


Power with Control

The hidden costs of EVs: Ohio man gets $42,000 repair bill after fender bender in electric truck

Landscaper Chris Apfelstadt of Columbus, Ohio, shared a post in a Facebook group for Rivian fans recounting how while driving his electric truck one day, he was struck from behind at a "relatively low speed." No airbags inflated, he noted, and purported pictures of the accident show only minor damage to the rear bumper of his pickup.

"I figured the repair would be expensive but had no idea!" Apfelstadt wrote on Facebook.

He went on to say that the insurance company for the woman who rear-ended him assessed the damage, estimated the repairs would cost $1,600 and wrote him a check for that amount.

Turns out, they were more than $40,000 off the mark.

The shop he sent his truck to "completely disassembled" the back of the truck, according to Apfelstadt, and discovered much more damage than previously thought based on exterior inspection alone — so much more that the "final bill" for his fender bender came to more than $42,000. Apfelstadt told Just The News the "at-fault driver's insurance covered the entire repair bill" since her policy had a $50,000 cap.

On top of the huge repair tab and the battle he says he'll face with insurance over "diminished value," Apfelstadt said it took over 10 weeks for his truck to be repaired and returned to his possession.

Lots of questions on this one, not many answers. I hope it gets updated. $42k isn't because its an EV, I dont think, if that numbers even valid. Seems the other drivers insurance had a 50K limit on repair coverage. There's some speculation the shop decided to go for that number.


Well-Known Member
Lots of questions on this one, not many answers. I hope it gets updated. $42k isn't because its an EV, I dont think, if that numbers even valid. Seems the other drivers insurance had a 50K limit on repair coverage. There's some speculation the shop decided to go for that number.
It's not a "battery" or "motor" issue, so it has nothing to do with this being an EV and everything to do with it being practically a bespoke vehicle since Rivian has no aftermarket supply chain.

I don't know why you or I even bother to reply any more, the idiots that keep posting these stories are only doing it to try and get a rise out of us. If they had an ounce of wit or ability to think critically they would know these are clickbate articles, so either they are retarded or they are acting in bad faith posting them here. Either way it doesn't really warrant a response.


PREMO Member
the idiots that keep posting these stories are only doing it to try and get a rise out of us.

Dude .... get over yourself, you are not that important I do not care if you reply or not

I do post articles for CONVERSATION ..... information

If they had an ounce of wit or ability to think critically they would know these are clickbate articles, so either they are retarded or they are acting in bad faith posting them here.

ah yes right from a self important declaration to Ad Hominem attacks ....

if the article are such junk then you should be able to easily refute any assertions made


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Dude .... get over yourself, you are not that important I do not care if you reply or not

I do post articles for CONVERSATION ..... information

ah yes right from a self important declaration to Ad Hominem attacks ....

if the article are such junk then you should be able to easily refute any assertions made
You gotta admire their commitment to their religion.


PREMO Member
You gotta admire their commitment to their religion.

EV's are a good idea, but not economically viable ... otherwise Gov Subsidies would not be required to sell them

The Grid cannot handle 100 million EV's charging several times a week


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
EV's are a good idea, but not economically viable ... otherwise Gov Subsidies would not be required to sell them

The Grid cannot handle 100 million EV's charging several times a week
I don’t have any problem with the electric itself. If you live in a city or someplace where it’s not a far drive to anything they make sense.

But this whole cult movement has got to go. And quite frankly, that’s what I’m pushing back against.

these things are not the be all end all. They fill a small niche.

i’ve actually seen two of these things stuck on the side of the road already. One on a ramp from Kenilworth Avenue onto Pennsylvania Avenue sitting on the side of the road charging. The other in a parking lot in Clinton.


Power with Control
EV's are a good idea, but not economically viable ... otherwise Gov Subsidies would not be required to sell them

The Grid cannot handle 100 million EV's charging several times a week

Yet Tesla sold them for 3 years without any subsidy.
And no, the grid today cant. Any more than the gasoline infrastructure of 1920 could have handled the fuel needs of 100 million cars. Which is why subsidies are a bad idea. The market should drive it.

I don’t have any problem with the electric itself. If you live in a city or someplace where it’s not a far drive to anything they make sense.

But this whole cult movement has got to go. And quite frankly, that’s what I’m pushing back against.

these things are not the be all end all. They fill a small niche.

i’ve actually seen two of these things stuck on the side of the road already. One on a ramp from Kenilworth Avenue onto Pennsylvania Avenue sitting on the side of the road charging. The other in a parking lot in Clinton.

And you've seen no other vehicles on the side of the road during that time? See, for me its not a religion. Its about using common sense in your critiques. Every mechanical thing know to man can and will fail. Brand new vehicles from every maker end up on the side of the road. Some of them from idiot owners who didn't keep enough fuel in the tank.

As for road trips, lots of people take longer trips all the time. That's not cultspeak, that a fact. Those using the Supercharger network enjoy the trip more, but the other networks are improving.

Do they suit every singles persons transportation needs? No, but no vehicle does. Thats why we have everything F3500s to Nissan Versas. Choice is good.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I don’t have any problem with the electric itself. If you live in a city or someplace where it’s not a far drive to anything they make sense.

But this whole cult movement has got to go. And quite frankly, that’s what I’m pushing back against.

these things are not the be all end all. They fill a small niche.

i’ve actually seen two of these things stuck on the side of the road already. One on a ramp from Kenilworth Avenue onto Pennsylvania Avenue sitting on the side of the road charging. The other in a parking lot in Clinton.
What was charging it?


PREMO Member
The market should drive it.

Greens cannot wait for the Market .. Thunberg tweeted in 2018

"A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years."

5 years later 🤣

Newsweek is side stepping and hair splitting ... or the bigger issue the climate ecofreak is ambiguous with his comment and the end of the world in 5 yrs

Posobiec posted a screengrab of Thunberg's tweet, on March 11, 2023, with the message: "Hi @GretaThunberg! Why did you delete this?"

The screengrab of the tweet included a link to an article by the website gritpost.com, "Top Climate Scientist: Humans Will Go Extinct if We Don't Fix Climate Change by 2023."

While the website is no longer online, archived copies of the article Thunberg allegedly tweeted have been saved.

The article, which quotes Harvard professor James Anderson, does not say that humanity will be wiped out in five years, however.

Anderson, a world-famous climate expert who pioneered research that led to a global ban on industrial gas chlorofluorocarbons, was quoted saying that all fossil fuel use should be stopped by 2023 to protect the Earth's remaining polar ice.

What is confusing here is that the gritpost.com article doesn't accurately summarize the quotes from Anderson. Anderson is not quoted (at least not in the article) saying that humanity would be wiped out, but rather that continued use of fossil fuels could cause irreversible damage to the polar ice caps.

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Well-Known Member
Or buy an EV with a decent range and a good charging network. Not being a dumbass helps. Not sure why when a dumbass misuses a gun, we blame the dumbass, but when a dumbass misuses an EV, we blame the EV? If you live in the middle of nowhere, don't buy a short range truck. But if you do, make sure the charge the thing and understand your vehicles performance.

So, get the training and resources. I'll also point out that these fires also generally take so long to start that very few people have died in them. And those mostly people who crashed at 100mph plus.

Why do you defend this junk when you know ICE is superior


Well-Known Member
It's not a "battery" or "motor" issue, so it has nothing to do with this being an EV and everything to do with it being practically a bespoke vehicle since Rivian has no aftermarket supply chain.

I don't know why you or I even bother to reply any more, the idiots that keep posting these stories are only doing it to try and get a rise out of us. If they had an ounce of wit or ability to think critically they would know these are clickbate articles, so either they are retarded or they are acting in bad faith posting them here. Either way it doesn't really warrant a

Protip, listening to many sources that regurgitate the same incorrect info isnt helping you. :)
How do you know your sources are telling you the truth? Dont they regurgitate the same so called truth that you think is correct.


Well-Known Member
Lots of questions on this one, not many answers. I hope it gets updated. $42k isn't because its an EV, I dont think, if that numbers even valid. Seems the other drivers insurance had a 50K limit on repair coverage. There's some speculation the shop decided to go for that number.
Are you ever going to stop lol


Power with Control
EV's are junk and a fire hazard waiting to happen
Funny you should mention that. This tweet shows a recent crash in Taiwan. Guy was drunk, plowed his into a barrier on the short edge at what I'm guessing was well over 100mph. He and his passenger died, as you might expect. Pack was ripped open, you can see individual cells scattered around. What you don't see is any signs of fire. Looks like the Model 3 and Y packs so pretty well. I suspect the newer S and X packs have given the same improvements.

Why do you defend this junk when you know ICE is superior

ICE is superior in some cases. But not all. Need to tow 8,000lbs? For now anyway, ICE is your best choice. Don't have a way to charge at home and no way access to inexpensive charging at the office perhaps? Again, ICE is better for you.

But not being suitable for every single use case does not automatically equal junk.