Electric Car News


Well-Known Member
1. Lack of charging stations - Well, if you buy the right one, there are plenty.
*This is a problem, having different charging stations, needs fixed before widespread adoption*
2. Overcharging with fire risk - Happen often? Very few cases I'm aware of. *Probably no more than a charging cell phone burning a house down*
3. Fire risk in accidents - lower than ICE vehicles, actually. And when they do, barring +100mph crashes, its slow enough that people escape easily.
4. EV being totaled with only a normally minor accident. Insurance companies are to blame, not EVs. Once they get enough data to analyze risk better, that should square away. But you dont get that data until you field more units.
5. Too long to charge - According to owners, the relatively longer time spent charging on road trips is more than offset by the time saved during the 95% of driving where you just plug in at home.
6. Grid - The grid will grow as more get adopted. Its almost you expect supply to be placed before demand. That not how supply and demand work. Take a look at how gas stations and fueling infrastructure expanded as the amount of gas vehicles grew.
*Can put gas in a can and fix that issue or even take an emergency can full with you, can't do with electric* also psychological issue
7. Environmental - Still better over a life cycle than an ICE equivalent. The batteries can be recycled, all the gas burned of course cannot.
8 . Range - Fits most people driving needs, if they are honest.
*Psychological, same as the gun argument, better to have and not need than need and not have* *Also why I believe plug in hybrids are the answer and the best of both worlds*
9. Towing - This one is highly use case dependent. Most people dont tow 7,000lbs 500 miles a day. But if you do, they are not for you.
10. Long way? We shall see. LAst year was 7%, lets see what 2023 brings.
There are a few problems to be tackled before people will adopt them. Most is a psychological issue. As I've repeatedly said women will not want them because they don't want to have to plug them in. First thing my lady said when I bought a hybrid was "do you have to plug it in" as she turned her nose up.

Replies in your quote.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Governor Newsom To Require All Toddler Racecar Beds Be Electric By 2030

"Kids are literally spending eight to ten hours every night in a race car," Newsom told reporters. "The environmental impact of such horrific negligence is incalculable. This insanity ends today."



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
So I guess in keeping with the intelligence level of this discussion, it means you are an office tough guy and you're going to need to move that generator for the twice a year you actually use the vehicle to pick up mulch.
Nah..I have 3 smaller portable generators that I use more often. The truck-mounted 15kw unit is for when we have a disaster like Hurrican Isabel in 2003...we ran the entire compound on generators for more than a week. I also have an 8kw truck-mounted generator as part of the engine-driven multi-process welder that truck carries.

You know...usual "office stuff"


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry this is not electric car news. This is idiot news. Idiot had multiple chances to not have this happen and chose not to. The idiot then had multiple ways to remedy the problem but was too stupid to figure them out.

Let's put this another way is every piece of stupidity I see on a boat ramp of pickup truck issue? Cuz all those stories seem to involve pickup trucks. Of course not. Those are stupid owners not understanding how to use their vehicle.
Repeat after me EV are junk you are seeing it and you keep defending it just say it JUNK,what good are they?


Well-Known Member
It is EXACTLY EV news when a manufacturer has a flaw in their system (which is apparent here since you cannot place the vehicle in gear due to a dead battery) it just shows that this is a not ready for prime time system. Nice try though blaming the design flaw on the owner.
In his eyes the EV is never to blame even when he see's it with his own eyes..some people just like new stuff and want to be cool I guess


Well-Known Member
phreddyp said:
It is EXACTLY EV news when a manufacturer has a flaw in their system (which is apparent here since you cannot place the vehicle in gear due to a dead battery) it just shows that this is a not ready for prime time system. Nice try though blaming the design flaw on the owner.

In his eyes the EV is never to blame even when he see's it with his own eyes..some people just like new stuff and want to be cool I guess

There was no flaw in the system (except possibly prohibiting retards from buying one). The article itself mentions the guy came back in about 10 minutes and low-and-behold was able to put the car in neutral and they pushed it out of the drivethrough.

So no story except an idiot that didn't read their car manual until after they had an issue. And another couple of idiots that didn't read the story about the first idiot but want to use it as a talking point to support their own poop flinging arguments.


Well-Known Member
Not how we don't expect people to simply follow the instructions. "Charge your car NOW or you may not make it to where you are going" That's about as simple as it gets. Damn thing warns you with a like 30 miles left. Why are we letting idiots off the hook? Last I checked, we were generally a group who place great value on personal responsibility.

And if you miss that, and run it dead, like an bigger idiot, you have almost half an hour to place it in tow mode. If you miss that, well, you have achieved super idiot mode. Not sure exactly how much engineering should be required to protect against super idiots.
1. Lack of charging stations - Well, if you buy the right one, there are plenty.
2. Overcharging with fire risk - Happen often? Very few cases I'm aware of.
3. Fire risk in accidents - lower than ICE vehicles, actually. And when they do, barring +100mph crashes, its slow enough that people escape easily.
4. EV being totaled with only a normally minor accident. Insurance companies are to blame, not EVs. Once they get enough data to analyze risk better, that should square away. But you dont get that data until you field more units.
5. Too long to charge - According to owners, the relatively longer time spent charging on road trips is more than offset by the time saved during the 95% of driving where you just plug in at home.
6. Grid - The grid will grow as more get adopted. Its almost you expect supply to be placed before demand. That not how supply and demand work. Take a look at how gas stations and fueling infrastructure expanded as the amount of gas vehicles grew.
7. Environmental - Still better over a life cycle than an ICE equivalent. The batteries can be recycled, all the gas burned of course cannot.
8 . Range - Fits most people driving needs, if they are honest.
9. Towing - This one is highly use case dependent. Most people dont tow 7,000lbs 500 miles a day. But if you do, they are not for you.
10. Long way? We shall see. LAst year was 7%, lets see what 2023 brings.
Things cant to 700 pounds 500 miles let alone 7000


Well-Known Member
There was no flaw in the system (except possibly prohibiting retards from buying one). The article itself mentions the guy came back in about 10 minutes and low-and-behold was able to put the car in neutral and they pushed it out of the drivethrough.

So no story except an idiot that didn't read their car manual until after they had an issue. And another couple of idiots that didn't read the story about the first idiot but want to use it as a talking point to support their own poop flinging arguments.
And how did that happen super duper electrical engineer? Could it be that the battery just needed a moment to get its s**t together and build up enough charge to allow the EV to be changed to neutral? Asking for a friend.


Well-Known Member
There was no flaw in the system (except possibly prohibiting retards from buying one). The article itself mentions the guy came back in about 10 minutes and low-and-behold was able to put the car in neutral and they pushed it out of the drivethrough.

So no story except an idiot that didn't read their car manual until after they had an issue. And another couple of idiots that didn't read the story about the first idiot but want to use it as a talking point to support their own poop flinging arguments.
EV's are junk and people buy them because they want other people to think they are hip ,thats all, what good are they? they cant tow sh!t and have a bunch of problems which you will probably come back and defend.


Well-Known Member
And how did that happen super duper electrical engineer? Could it be that the battery just needed a moment to get its s**t together and build up enough charge to allow the EV to be changed to neutral? Asking for a friend.
You got to love these people defending them they wasted money on a vehicle that is useless yet keep claiming they are good for something but what?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Here’s Why EV Range Estimates (Esp. Tesla’s) Are Wrong Much Of The Time In The USA

The SAE and Car & Driver have released a report that shows why the EPA range numbers for electric cars are often inaccurate, especially Tesla’s estimates.

Shortly after I took possession of my Tesla Model Y, my wife and I took a road trip. The car as delivered was rated by the EPA as having 326 miles (525 km) of range. We charged up to 100% prior to starting out, but by 250 miles, we were down to 10% SOC and the touchscreen was sending us urgent messages about finding a charging station soon. So, where did the other 76 miles of range I was supposed to have go?

Being new to the Tesla experience, I began to rationalize why my first road trip wasn’t going as planned. Was I driving too fast on the highway? (In Florida, if you don’t go 85 on the Interstate, you risk getting run over by school buses, cement mixers, and such.) Maybe the A/C was consuming more power than I expected? Maybe I was not smooth enough on the throttle? The one thing I never considered was that the method used by the EPA to come up with its EV range calculations was inaccurate.


There a number of reasons why the EPA numbers don’t match real-world experience. For one, the EPA standard is calculated using a formula that is weighted 55% in favor of city driving. This inflates the range estimates, making it harder to match what happens in the real world. It also confers a benefit on electric cars because they harvest some energy via regenerative braking during stop-and-go driving. The SAE proposes publishing both city and highway range numbers separately, much the way the estimates for conventional cars are shown separately.

Second, while the Car and Driver highway range testing protocol uses real cars driving on real roads at a constant 75 mph, the EPA test cycle is variable, with the speed increasing and decreasing over the course of the test.

On Car and Driver‘s 75-mph highway test, more than 350 internal combustion vehicles averaged 4.0 percent better fuel economy than what was stated on their window stickers. But the average range for an EV was 12.5 percent worse than the window sticker numbers, the magazine says. Uh oh.



Power with Control
You got to love these people defending them they wasted money on a vehicle that is useless yet keep claiming they are good for something but what?
You gotta love these people bashing them. :) Facts don't matter, logic doesn't matter. Just how enraged they are by the very existence of them is amusing. :)


Well-Known Member
EV's are junk and people buy them because they want other people to think they are hip ,thats all, what good are they? they cant tow sh!t and have a bunch of problems which you will probably come back and defend.
Jesus christ man, you must have won so many races in the special olympics. You got me, I only care about my image and that people know I love the environment and I definitely told everyone they could use an EV to tow crap. I give up, you win.


Well-Known Member
Jesus christ man, you must have won so many races in the special olympics. You got me, I only care about my image and that people know I love the environment and I definitely told everyone they could use an EV to tow crap. I give up, you win.
Thanks man when will I get my trophy


Well-Known Member
I'm done with this thread. Nothing worse than totally closed minds, no room for genuine thought.

10 PRINT "I'm right, you're wrong, and there is no discussion."
20 GOTO 10
Perhaps you should learn to read properly, there has been plenty of pro and con posts, and both have points, unfortunately the cons outweigh the pros due to EV flaws. I am totally convinced that these " not ready for prime time " products are exactly that nothing more nor less. EV's will have their time, but for them the future is NOT now.