Emergency Vet???


professional daydreamer
kwillia said:
As simple as the idea sounds, I'm sure there are reasons this hasn't been implemented.

Right off the bat, is the issue that each vet clinic is a seperate business. I would suspect funding this "combined effort" would be an accounting nightmare, not to mention issues such as liability and insurance. Should those hurdles be bypassed, that would lead to issues with scheduling and staffing. This leads in to many other issues that in turn make such an effort too costly for the average joe to afford.

I do believe your heart is in the right place, but I don't see a possible solution being offered...good luck...:ohwell:

Not to mention, there used to be emergency services. There must be a reason why they stopped providing those services.


New Member
Ponytail said:
Firelady, anyone that HAS pets, of ANY kind should know ABOUT those pets.

A hole thru a dogs skin on their head, or a hole in their tongue, unless caused by a bullet or other object that would lead the owner to believe that further damage has been caused, does NOT constitute an emergency.

Similar to humans, the tongue is a muscle. It heals on it's own unless it's hanging off. Putting stitches on dogs tongue is usually not recommended.

Secondly, for puncture wounds on dogs, it is common practice to just let them heal on their own. A dogs skin is NOT attached to the underlying tissue like a humans. Keep it clean, let it drain, and let it heal.

No emergency necessary. Read a book.

Now, in comparing a dog emergency to a human. Not everyone in this country lives around the corner from a vets office, or a hospital. Driving an hour away or more for that matter, is not unheard of, even for a human emergency. You do what you have to do.

You asked for help, people here that personally OWN pets have responded to you and you don't like it. So you resort to name calling. So what? You're not the first, you won't be the last. Move on.

I'm assuming you resorted to this forum because you couldn't find any of your other friends to join your little coalition? Is that our fault too, or just a general flaw in society?

Actually NO, my friends agree with me. And if you notice, I wasn't the only name calling individual.. and I 'm sorry I resorted to that.

AND, the dog is epileptic... we were lucky.


New Member
FireLadie said:
Actually NO, my friends agree with me. And if you notice, I wasn't the only name calling individual.. and I 'm sorry I resorted to that.

AND, the dog is epileptic... we were lucky.
I wanna see an epileptic dog......


New Member
FireLadie said:
Actually NO, my friends agree with me. And if you notice, I wasn't the only name calling individual.. and I 'm sorry I resorted to that.

AND, the dog is epileptic... we were lucky.

So, the dog is epileptic...how old is this dog? How long has the dog and owner lived in this area? And why haven't they worked out a plan for emergency before now?

Anybody else starting to see gaping holes...in the story?


New Member
kwillia said:
As simple as the idea sounds, I'm sure there are reasons this hasn't been implemented.

Right off the bat, is the issue that each vet clinic is a seperate business. I would suspect funding this "combined effort" would be an accounting nightmare, not to mention issues such as liability and insurance. Should those hurdles be bypassed, that would lead to issues with scheduling and staffing. This leads in to many other issues that in turn make such an effort too costly for the average joe to afford.

I do believe your heart is in the right place, but I don't see a possible solution being offered...good luck...:ohwell:

Like I said I know it's not a complete solution, it's and IDEA. I'm just trying to get the wheel turning and we'll jump those hurdles when we come to it.


New Member
Ponytail said:
So, the dog is epileptic...how old is this dog? How long has the dog and owner lived in this area? And why haven't they worked out a plan for emergency before now?

Anybody else starting to see gaping holes...in the story?

Did you not read my whole original post..

the owners were out of town!

my God people..


New Member
FireLadie said:
Actually NO, my friends agree with me. And if you notice, I wasn't the only name calling individual.. and I 'm sorry I resorted to that.

AND, the dog is epileptic... we were lucky.

Out of all that I wrote, that's what you decide to comment on? You are something else.


New Member
FireLadie said:
Did you not read my whole original post..

the owners were out of town!

my God people..

And they left you in charge with no emergency numbers knowing that the dog is epileptic?

I did read it. Seems that if they left YOU in charge, this is something that you would have asked for ahead of time. And now that they are back, I'm assuming, that they have since given you that emergency info?

It takes a responsible person to be a good pet owner or pet sitter. It's no one elses fault if that is not the case.


My Sweetest Boy
FireLadie said:
Did you not read my whole original post..

the owners were out of town!

my God people..

But you spoke with them and they told you NOT to take the dog to the emergency vet, correct? So what's the issue?

The incident got you to thinking about what you perceive as a lack of emergency vet care in the area. That's great, do something positive. People have given you good advice, good information and you choose not to accept it.

Catt out.


PREMO Member
cattitude said:
The incident got you to thinking about what you perceive as a lack of emergency vet care in the area. That's great, do something positive.
Be careful with that knife.


professional daydreamer
FireLadie said:
Like I said I know it's not a complete solution, it's and IDEA. I'm just trying to get the wheel turning and we'll jump those hurdles when we come to it.

"We" who?


New Member
Ponytail said:
Out of all that I wrote, that's what you decide to comment on? You are something else.

Well, I figured you could derive my answers to your other commens by reading my other posts... sorry for that assumption.

My focus on this topic is not the injury of these two dogs but the what if's. I'm not medically stupid, in fact, I was the one doing the most to get the bleeding stopped. And actually when we called the vets in waldorf they said that it was considered a bite wound and there was a possibility of infection and it should be looked at.

You do not need to tell me to read a book...

Yes, I asked for help... Do you know what my first responses were?

"Chinese food for two? Or if it’s a small cat then it would be food for one." & "Did you know they spent lots of money to crash something into a comet or something? We should try to change that."

Not very helpful. A few were kind in their responses, but those initial insensitive remarks got me a little riled as I'm sure you get once in awhile.

And you tell me you are trying to help with the following snide remark to me?

"I'm assuming you resorted to this forum because you couldn't find any of your other friends to join your little coalition? Is that our fault too, or just a general flaw in society?"

I don't think so...


professional daydreamer
Fireladie, did you read my post stating that emergency services used to be available, and that there must be a reason why they stopped providing said service?

See? You're not comprehending our posts, either.