F..Pit Bulls and their owners


Well-Known Member
and i know for a FACT, I never asked a pitbull to come into MY yard while MY dog was leashed and attack.

I'd like to take you up on your offer of meeting your dog at a dog park. I have several friends that say their pitbull is a big baby and would never hurt a fly. I choose not to visit their house because of their dog. I would like to invite them to the park as well. While your two loving pitbulls are inside a fenced dog park, I would like to take cover behind the locked gate with something to protect myself.

When is a good time? :coffee:

Closest dog park to me in in Prince Frederick.

Best time is next weekend.


Chris you also made the stupid remark that you were attacked by two black men, should you hate all black men?

My answer to you is this.

I was molested at a young age. Do I hate all males? No, but I'd kill all child molesters if I could.

I had a family member die from a drunk driver. Do I hate all people that drink? No but I'd start the IV and administer the drugs to kill the drunk drivers that take other innocent lives.

So if you want to be more specific, if I were attacked my two black men, I wouldn't hate all black men, but I'd be more than happy to flip the switch on the ones that have hurt others, killed others, maimed others.

You just made my point. Thank you.

Don't hate every pitbull. Just the ones who do bad things. I thought I established that a few pages ago.


New Member
Everyone has a right to feel the way they feel. I personally do not like pits. They scare the crap out of me and can be unpredictable. I also don't like maltese and dashounds.I got attacked by both and guess what they can be unpredictable too! All dogs can be unpredictable. Owners of any breed of animal needs to learn how to control their pet. There is always the what if factor. If you dog gets lose and attacks someone or another animal its the owners fault. It's the owners fault for not making sure their dig can not get loose. Dogs smell fear in a person. If a dog comes up to you and you show that your scared your more likely going to bit. Again ANY dog can attack!


New Member
Everyone has a right to feel the way they feel. I personally do not like pits. They scare the crap out of me and can be unpredictable. I also don't like maltese and dashounds.I got attacked by both and guess what they can be unpredictable too! All dogs can be unpredictable. Owners of any breed of animal needs to learn how to control their pet. There is always the what if factor. If you dog gets lose and attacks someone or another animal its the owners fault. It's the owners fault for not making sure their dig can not get loose. Dogs smell fear in a person. If a dog comes up to you and you show that your scared your more likely going to bit. Again ANY dog can attack!



New Member
When we first got our puppy (lab/hound mix), we took him to a supposedly supervised puppy play time. There was a pit there that they said was a rescue from Baltimore. She was about a year old. The second she got off her leash, she came after our four-month old puppy like a freaking rocket, snarling with her teeth bared. He was still sitting next to me on his leash, had not even moved. It took two people to pull her away while I tried to keep myself between her and him. She did not bite anyone but it was the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life. We never went back. I never believed the bad rep of that breed until then. I see the point that not all are bad but I will never take a chance.


New Member
Can we capture all the Pit Bulls and feed them Feral Cats??

Now THAT's a WIN WIN!!
Only if we can feed the local SoMD population to them first

Your an ass, but I now think your right, it's not the Pits it's the owners.

You are all asses and stupid to beleive a dog bred to kill will change. Like my Lab would automatically quit chasing a ball if I loved and cared for it better.

We shouldn't ban Pits we should castrate Pit owners, then they would not have anything to prove.

Yeeeeah! Internet tough guy!

Small penis syndrome, it makes them feel bigger!

That was for the male owners, female owners suffer from lack of balls syndrome, a pit makes them feel like they have them.

You're fascination with the male genitals is disturbing.

Only if I can bring a gun! (just in case)

Tic, tic, tic, tic, tic...........

You would need a gun to protect yourself from a single dog? I understand your fascination with genitals now, you lack them.


animal luvr
fyi it was 2 dogs..not one. only one attacked bruno the other was just along for the ride i guess (it was a puppy and the other must have been an adult my guess would have been female but i could be wrong). several of the locals said they have seen these dogs out before in the area. the animal warden is going to try and find the owner. I hope he is able too as i would like the vetbills i have paid from the dog being bit by this ladies dog taken care of but the warden said he can't force her to pay me back but he can suggest it to keep the case from going to court and the lady being sued. right now all we are worried about is bruno getting better and being ok. i hope because of this she isn't afraid to be near any other dogs as 2 of the locals bring theres in daily.

it also took 2 people to get his dog off bruno as this dog had the death grip on her and wouldn't let go. I saw it all happen and i am really upset by this to the point i wish a few of the locals who went hunting had there guns on them but they didn't :(


Well-Known Member
fyi it was 2 dogs..not one. only one attacked bruno the other was just along for the ride i guess (it was a puppy and the other must have been an adult my guess would have been female but i could be wrong). several of the locals said they have seen these dogs out before in the area. the animal warden is going to try and find the owner. I hope he is able too as i would like the vetbills i have paid from the dog being bit by this ladies dog taken care of but the warden said he can't force her to pay me back but he can suggest it to keep the case from going to court and the lady being sued. right now all we are worried about is bruno getting better and being ok. i hope because of this she isn't afraid to be near any other dogs as 2 of the locals bring theres in daily.

it also took 2 people to get his dog off bruno as this dog had the death grip on her and wouldn't let go. I saw it all happen and i am really upset by this to the point i wish a few of the locals who went hunting had there guns on them but they didn't :(

I wish you and Bruno the best.


animal luvr
I wish you and Bruno the best.

thankyou mitzi...lastnight wasn't another good night..poor dog must now be afraid of the dark..she wouldn't let me turn off the lights all the way lastnight if i did she cried. she also wanted my hand on her at all times. guess she wants to know i am not far from her.


Well-Known Member
And that's what it boils down to. If you had your druthers, which breed would you want to run into in a dark alley?

:lol: You people sound like you're trying to walk through a gang or something.

Maybe, just maybe, that dog could save your life.

Angela was leaving the playground in Port Charlotte with her two year old son, when something unimaginable happened. An unknown man attacked them at knifepoint. When most people see a stray Pit Bull running around, they get nervous, and even scared. Although on this day, he was Angela's guardian angel. A 65 pound male pit bull charged the man and drove him off. “I don’t think the dog physically attacked the man, but he went at him and was showing signs of aggression, just baring his teeth and growling and barking. It was clear he was trying to defend this woman,”
After the man ran away, Angela grabbed her child and ran to get in the car to drive away, when the dog jumped into the backseat. They then waited for police.
Stray Pit Bull saves a woman and child from attacker - Orlando Inspirational Pets | Examiner.com


Well-Known Member
thankyou mitzi...lastnight wasn't another good night..poor dog must now be afraid of the dark..she wouldn't let me turn off the lights all the way lastnight if i did she cried. she also wanted my hand on her at all times. guess she wants to know i am not far from her.

Poor thing, I remember how it took probably 2 weeks before mine would even wanted to go outside without me practically dragging him. It definately traumatized him and he was a huge one. Please keep us posted.


Obama destroyed America
:lol: You people sound like you're trying to walk through a gang or something.

Maybe, just maybe, that dog could save your life.

Stray Pit Bull saves a woman and child from attacker - Orlando Inspirational Pets | Examiner.com
Oh boy!! Are we posting news stories now?? :clap:

This one was just 1 day ago and it was the family pet! :jet:
Family pit bull attacks 5-year-old, grandmother in Griffin - CBS Atlanta 46

4 days ago...
Mother pit bull attacks man, boy | FOX5 San Diego

Nov. 21. 2012 in Baltimore...
Elderly Woman Attacked By Pit Bull « CBS Baltimore

Oct. 11, 2012 Police had to shoot this one.
Evanston police kill attacking pit bull | abc7chicago.com

This is just the first few google results. Now tell us again how docile and these killers are. :coffee:


Well-Known Member
Oh boy!! Are we posting news stories now?? :clap:

This one was just 1 day ago and it was the family pet! :jet:
Family pit bull attacks 5-year-old, grandmother in Griffin - CBS Atlanta 46

4 days ago...
Mother pit bull attacks man, boy | FOX5 San Diego

Nov. 21. 2012 in Baltimore...
Elderly Woman Attacked By Pit Bull « CBS Baltimore

Oct. 11, 2012 Police had to shoot this one.
Evanston police kill attacking pit bull | abc7chicago.com

This is just the first few google results. Now tell us again how docile and these killers are. :coffee:

I heard George Zimmerman was a killer on the news.

I heard Trayvon Martin was just a kid.

I also heard Obama was trying to pass a budget, but the GOP is holding him up.