F..Pit Bulls and their owners


In My Opinion
As the owner of a Chihuahua, I am all too familiar with the need to control my pet to insure the safety of those around me.


animal luvr
i just had it confirmed the house in question isn't the house that the pits live in...there is a boxer and a black lab that live there....one of my friends on fb knows the owners of the house. guess the warden still needs to go on a wild goose chase to find the owners.


my war
i just had it confirmed the house in question isn't the house that the pits live in...there is a boxer and a black lab that live there....one of my friends on fb knows the owners of the house. guess the warden still needs to go on a wild goose chase to find the owners.

You should setup surveillance... :yay:


Well-Known Member
today i went for a short walk and saw what looked to be a brown pit out in the front yard with no leash on it but the owner was out front for a brief min with it... i kind of ran home afraid the dog would come after me.

there is a boxer and a black lab that live there

You mixed up a boxer, or black lab, with a pit?

Are you more, or less afraid of your neighbor's dog now that you know it's not a pit?


animal luvr
You mixed up a boxer, or black lab, with a pit?

Are you more, or less afraid of your neighbor's dog now that you know it's not a pit?

i mxied the boxer up with a pit by the way it looked from a distance. yes i am a little less nervous about it knowing its not a pitbull..i mixed the dogs up because i was standing far away and i saw point ears and what looked like a pits body.


Obama destroyed America
So now it's a game? :bigwhoop:

Cesar Millan's pitbull was his best friend and an abassador to all pitbulls.

you keep on thinking they are all killers. Until you want to take the time and actually meet one, just stfu.
I missed this....

I have met pit bulls you fukkin moron. Given my druthers I'd kill every one. They are natural born killers and anything you idiots say won't change that. For every lame feel good story you post, I'll post 2-3 mauling story/video.

When yours snaps and eats your kids or someone else's, there'll be no sympathy from me. Dumbass. :smack:
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Well-Known Member
i mxied the boxer up with a pit by the way it looked from a distance. yes i am a little less nervous about it knowing its not a pitbull..i mixed the dogs up because i was standing far away and i saw point ears and what looked like a pits body.

Now, any dog you see that has a muscular build, and ears, will be a pitbull. Got it.


Well-Known Member
Nice surrender. This is what happens when you can't win.

Now go read up on how high the killer breed scores on the temperament scale. :killingme

No, this is what happens when you try to convince a close minded idiot of somethine he has his mind made up on.

I just can't believe that you met pitbulls and still have all your fingers, toes, and other body parts. You know, because of how vicious they are and all. :whistle:


Obama destroyed America
No, this is what happens when you try to convionce a close minded idiot of somethine he has his mind made up on.
You can't convince anyone of something that isn't true. You keep your head in the sand pal but the facts will just keep coming and coming and coming. :howdy:


Obama destroyed America
No, this is what happens when you try to convince a close minded idiot of somethine he has his mind made up on.

I just can't believe that you met pitbulls and still have all your fingers, toes, and other body parts. You know, because of how vicious they are and all. :whistle:
Yea pal, I met one and I killed the beast before it could attack me. And I will do it again without a second thought. :dye:

Maybe I'll just start posting a feel good pit mauling of the day.


Well-Known Member
Yea pal, I met one and I killed the beast before it could attack me. And I will do it again without a second thought. :dye:

Maybe I'll just start posting a feel good pit mauling of the day.

Wow, so tough. Killing something before it even attacked you.

You must sleep so well at night.



Well-Known Member
OK this must be where you totally lose it and wander off of another crazy tangent like you do when beaten. Go for it and make it good! :poorbaby:

You seem to have all the "facts". I just figured you deal with dogs all day.

You don't mind sharing your experience right?


Well-Known Member
Well, now I'm curious. Where'd you study? Serious question, not being a smartass.

I actually own the breed in question.

My best friend is about to graduate from Western University's College of Veterinary Medicine as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. She's also been a vet tech for 5 years.

I also know a handful of vet techs, and have had numerous discussions with my vet about this very subject.

For someone who claims to have all the "facts" when it comes to a breed being bred to kill, I figured he got that info from somewhere other than google. Maybe the national database of dog bites that doesn't exist?


I actually own the breed in question.

My best friend is about to graduate from Western University's College of Veterinary Medicine as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. She's also been a vet tech for 5 years.

I also know a handful of vet techs, and have had numerous discussions with my vet about this very subject.

For someone who claims to have all the "facts" when it comes to a breed being bred to kill, I figured he got that info from somewhere other than google. Maybe the national database of dog bites that doesn't exist?

OMG. I have several friends that are chiropractic assistants. My friend is a chiropractor. I've had adjustments most of my adult life. Can I adjust you? Pretty please??? I won't snap your neck too hard. I promise.