F..Pit Bulls and their owners


keep her calm... and dont give her any aspirin just due to the fact the vet will give her some NSAID's for pain and inflammation.

keep me posted .. .and worst case ..if your mom cant help... i will come down and pick you and her up and take you to the vet when i get off. (wish i could do it sooner)


according to two of the locals the dogs live right near the store. ummm makes me nervous about takign bruno out...this is the first time i ever seen these 2 pits. the owner came and got them yesterday and one of the locals told her that if they are lose again they will be shot after that they did to bruno. they were both mean. i wish the owner talked to me cause i was going to tell her the dog is going to the vet in the am and i would love for you to come and pay her what i bet is over 500.00 vet bill especially if they have to put her to sleep to clean the wounds and fix her left leg.

You two post the exact same. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Deaths per year: 350

Medical & Surgical Complications and Misadventures
Deaths per year: 500

Poisoning by gases
Deaths per year: 700

Deaths per year: 1,500

Deaths per year: 3,300

Fires and burns
Deaths per year: 3,700

Deaths per year: 4,000

Poisoning by solids and liquids
Deaths per year: 8,600

Deaths per year: 14,900

Motor vehicle crashes
Deaths per year: 43,200

Let's ban all this stuff while we're at it.


Well-Known Member
You mean, you've heard the stories on the news. Take that as gospel, then ridicule others for believing what they see on the news?

News reported 16 dog-bite related deaths in 2011. 16....

That, compared too 31,758 unintentional poisoning deaths.

Sounds like a real epidemic we have here....

and of those 16, how many were loving docile home pets "that wouldn't hurt a fly" compared to how many of those unintntional poisonings were drug overdoes and children that weren't supervised by parents?

I don't see the poisions I have in my house jumping out of the cabinet at night and forcing themselves down my throat while I'm sleeping.

you are comparing apples and toads. They aren't even in the same food group.

Unintentional poisionings are that, unintentional. Dogs don't attack unintentionally.

If you are going to try to make a fair comparison, make that. You just sound like a pitbull owner now.


Well-Known Member
Deaths per year: 350

Medical & Surgical Complications and Misadventures
Deaths per year: 500

Poisoning by gases
Deaths per year: 700

Deaths per year: 1,500

Deaths per year: 3,300

Fires and burns
Deaths per year: 3,700

Deaths per year: 4,000

Poisoning by solids and liquids
Deaths per year: 8,600

Deaths per year: 14,900

Motor vehicle crashes
Deaths per year: 43,200

Let's ban all this stuff while we're at it.

you are beyond help. I hope if your dog ever attacks and kills someone, it's you and not your innocent neighbor.


I bowl overhand
So, technically, you aren't an animal lover. You love certain animals.

You'd kill a loose dog, just because of the breed. Doesn't sound very "lovey" to me.

If a Pit, or ANY large dog is my yard I will NOT approach it unarmed. Depending on the dog's reaction will determine if it lives or not. He growls, snarls, bares his teeth it probably won't ever do it again.

I have a responsibility to not only protect myself, but my family and my children. If my child can't go outside and safely play in our yard, it is my job to fix that and ensure he can.

True or Imagined.. Pit is a much bigger threat than say a similar or larger sized Yellow Lab.. I won't feel as threatened finding a Lab, or GS or even an Akita in my yard as I would finding a Pit in my yard.


Obama destroyed America
You mean, you've heard the stories on the news. Take that as gospel, then ridicule others for believing what they see on the news?

News reported 16 dog-bite related deaths in 2011. 16....

That, compared too 31,758 unintentional poisoning deaths.

Sounds like a real epidemic we have here....
Seriously dude? :killingme

I've seen pictures, video's and cold hard data.

You just jumped the shark by implying that it's ok for Pitts to kill 16 people since poison killed 32K. Wonder if you'd feel that way if it was your baby.
Wow! Look! Three stories within the last 3 months of Pitts killing babies. I'm not buying there were only 16 dog bite deaths in 2011.

Pit Bull Kills 3 Week Old Baby On Floor In Car Seat

Pit bull kills baby in Texas

Pit Bull Kills Baby — Rayden Bruce Mauled By Dog While Police In Home - Hollywood Life


Almost all the D & V cases we see are pits. Like...98%.
I will say that it's irresponsible owners for the most part. Calvert and St. Mary's really need to have animal control board to deal with it like Charles does.


Well-Known Member
You know what? I don't give a flying leap.

Did I ask you too? :eyebrow:

Let's go back to the original topic, a loose unsupervised pit bull attacked a forumite's dog in the south end of the county.

Loose unsupervised pit bulls have been attacking people and killing animals on the south end of the county in St Inigoes.

I guess the south end has a problem with loose unsupervised pit bulls. :shrug:

If your pit bull isn't loose and unsupervised in the south end of the county, and you don't live in the south end, then this doesn't even concern you.

Again, maybe the OP should re-think the title then. When this thread turned into a "kill all pitbulls" thread, and started lumping all pits and their owners into the same category. It's a problem. A problem that I, as a responsible Pitbull owner, take seriously. When you, and others spread outright lies, and hatred toward a breed I'm sure 99% of you have never owned, or been around. I have a problem.

How, exactly, does this concern you? Was your dog injured? Do you walk your dog i the south end? Do you live down there?

Again, stop being such a drama queen.

I'm fine, and not being a "drama queen". I'm not the one showing pictures of attacked dogs, telling everyone I'd kill any loose pitbull I saw, nor did I want stickers made saying I hated a certain breed.



Obama destroyed America
Deaths per year: 350

Medical & Surgical Complications and Misadventures
Deaths per year: 500

Poisoning by gases
Deaths per year: 700

Deaths per year: 1,500

Deaths per year: 3,300

Fires and burns
Deaths per year: 3,700

Deaths per year: 4,000

Poisoning by solids and liquids
Deaths per year: 8,600

Deaths per year: 14,900

Motor vehicle crashes
Deaths per year: 43,200

Let's ban all this stuff while we're at it.
Dude, you need to check out of the thread. Whenever you are beaten, you resort to posting irrelevant stats. Just click the red X and let it go. :poorbaby:


I bowl overhand
I'm ok with banning Pitts and Rotties but there is a HUGE gap in human deaths between GS and Pitt/Rotties.

I'm not sure we have to ban them, but change the laws so ALL pet owners are responsible for their pets.

YOUR pet is YOUR property, and in YOUR control..

YOUR pet kills somebody than both you and your pet should suffer the consequences..

You love your damn killer dog so much we'll put you both to sleep while you are scratching it's ears..

You want to own a Pit, a Rott, a GS.. fine, it's your right, but be willing to man up when your pet screws up and take the punishment.

In fact, why don't we do to dogs what the libs want us to do with firearms.. You buy a dog it gets chipped with all of YOUR information, Name, Address, Insurance..


aka Mrs. Giant

You are acting antagonistic towards everyone, making this into something it's not. Which is ticking off other people in the process.

I have NEVER lied and for you to call me liar, makes me want to rip off your damn balls and shove them up your arse. Fck you.

I've stated what this tread is about, but you won't let freaking go of YOUR, yes YOUR issue.

Think about it, if YOU hadn't jumped the shark, then SoMDGirl wouldn't have either. And think about this, she was attacked by a loose unsupervised pit bull, has a small child that was in danger and had a pet injured in the process. And it didn't happen once, but twice. How the F**k would you feel about pit bulls if it happened to you?

And if you actually read this tread and had some reading comprehension ability, you would know that yes, I live on the south end of the county and walk my dogs there and have had neighbors have their pets killed by the loose unsupervised pit bulls.

So yes, I think this is my freaking concern. Not yours. Unless these are your dogs? Are they?


Well-Known Member
If a Pit, or ANY large dog is my yard I will NOT approach it unarmed. Depending on the dog's reaction will determine if it lives or not. He growls, snarls, bares his teeth it probably won't ever do it again.

I have a responsibility to not only protect myself, but my family and my children. If my child can't go outside and safely play in our yard, it is my job to fix that and ensure he can.

True or Imagined.. Pit is a much bigger threat than say a similar or larger sized Yellow Lab.. I won't feel as threatened finding a Lab, or GS or even an Akita in my yard as I would finding a Pit in my yard.

Fair enough, and I would do the same. You also didn't say you'd kill a dog based on it's breed.

You feel like a pit is moe threatening. Why? Because of the way it looks, or because you see stories on the news?

Seriously dude? :killingme

I've seen pictures, video's and cold hard data.

You just jumped the shark by implying that it's ok for Pitts to kill 16 people since poison killed 32K. Wonder if you'd feel that way if it was your baby.
Wow! Look! Three stories within the last 3 months of Pitts killing babies. I'm not buying there were only 16 dog bite deaths in 2011.

Pit Bull Kills 3 Week Old Baby On Floor In Car Seat

Pit bull kills baby in Texas

Pit Bull Kills Baby — Rayden Bruce Mauled By Dog While Police In Home - Hollywood Life

How did I imply that? And I jumped the shark?

What I WAS implying is that you make it out to be a huge problem, when, in reality, out of the MILLIONS of pitbulls out there, only a handful killed people. Hardly the "problem" you make it out to be.

Did you know there were over 6,900 dog bites in Baltimore City back in 1972. there were 719 in 2011.

Also, thank you for proving my point on media bias. 2 of those 3 links don't even show the picture of the REAL dog. They show pictures of a mean looking barking dog with "PITBULLS" under it, and the other shows a barking pitbull in a cage. In reality, dog bite related deaths are rare, very rare, but the media makes it out to be more of a problem than it really is, and apparently it's working.

Again, do you believe everything you see in the news, or only things that fit your agenda?

I'd also like to point out (for the 28902472th time) the National Canine Research Counsil actual looks into, and investigates each dog bite related death.

I encourage you, and evey other media biased person here to read this. http://nationalcanineresearchcouncil.com/uploaded_files/tinymce/2010 DBRF Report_Final_7.pdf

During 2010, the U.S. canine population exceeded 78 million. With a human population of more than 308 million, it is safe to estimate that there are billions of interactions between dogs and people every day. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports on its website that pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and feelings of loneliness, and pets can increase opportunities for exercise and socialization. Dogs enrich and improve the lives of tens of millions of people every day. While no one can deny the shock and sorrow that accompanies the loss of life, perhaps it is our bond with dogs, and our amply justified confidence in them as “man’s best friend,” that causes a dog bite-related fatality to attract the disproportionate news coverage it often does.

Most of the dogs involved in fatalities in 2010, however they may have been described in the news, were dogs of unknown breed. In eleven of these incidents there is documentation (n=9) or other reasonable evidence (n=2) of the animal’s breed or genetic makeup. Eight different breeds or types were identified in these eleven incidents.
In the other 22 cases, it was either not possible to assign a reasonably accurate breed descriptor to the dogs involved, or the dogs were never located. The breed was classified as “indeterminate” when there was no documented or reasonable evidence to substantiate a breed attribution (n=19), or “none” when the dogs were never located (n=3).


Well-Known Member
You are acting antagonistic towards everyone, making this into something it's not. Which is ticking off other people in the process.

I have NEVER lied and for you to call me liar, makes me want to rip off your damn balls and shove them up your arse. Fck you.

I've stated what this tread is about, but you won't let freaking go of YOUR, yes YOUR issue.

Think about it, if YOU hadn't jumped the shark, then SoMDGirl wouldn't have either. And think about this, she was attacked by a loose unsupervised pit bull, has a small child that was in danger and had a pet injured in the process. And it didn't happen once, but twice. How the F**k would you feel about pit bulls if it happened to you?

And if you actually read this tread and had some reading comprehension ability, you would know that yes, I live on the south end of the county and walk my dogs there and have had neighbors have their pets killed by the loose unsupervised pit bulls.

So yes, I think this is my freaking concern. Not yours. Unless these are your dogs? Are they?


Thanks you.

I really hate having to defend my hate and discontent for pitbulls. You get it. You understand.

If my dog was attacked by a butterfly and nearly killed more than once, and my daughter's life was indangered by butterflies, I'd probably hate butterflies.


Well-Known Member
You are acting antagonistic towards everyone, making this into something it's not. Which is ticking off other people in the process.

I have NEVER lied and for you to call me liar, makes me want to rip off your damn balls and shove them up your arse. Fck you.

I've stated what this tread is about, but you won't let freaking go of YOUR, yes YOUR issue.

Think about it, if YOU hadn't jumped the shark, then SoMDGirl wouldn't have either. And think about this, she was attacked by a loose unsupervised pit bull, has a small child that was in danger and had a pet injured in the process. And it didn't happen once, but twice. How the F**k would you feel about pit bulls if it happened to you?

And if you actually read this tread and had some reading comprehension ability, you would know that yes, I live on the south end of the county and walk my dogs there and have had neighbors have their pets killed by the loose unsupervised pit bulls.

So yes, I think this is my freaking concern. Not yours. Unless these are your dogs? Are they?

Oh please, my first post was nothing but nice. I didn't come in here and say "All pitbulls are nice, and great." I acknowledged bad owners, and what they do to ANY dog. The OP was the one who jumped on the F pitbulls and their owners category. Lump[ing them into a group that thinks it's "Cool" to own a pit.

When that same OP comes into another thread just to say "a good pitbull is a dead pitbull" it goes beyond what happened in your local neighborhood.

If that happened to me, I'd blame the owner for not being responsible. I wouldn't blame a police dog, search and resuce dog, or a general service dog because they were a freaking pitbull.

As long as this is aon a public forum, I will continue to comment.

Have a nice day.


I bowl overhand
Can we capture all the Pit Bulls and feed them Feral Cats??

Now THAT's a WIN WIN!!
Last edited:


Well-Known Member

Thanks you.

I really hate having to defend my hate and discontent for pitbulls. You get it. You understand.

If my dog was attacked by a butterfly and nearly killed more than once, and my daughter's life was indangered by butterflies, I'd probably hate butterflies.

I was attacked by 2 black guys once. I don't hate ALL black guys, because I know that not all black guys are the same.