I guess where it says “nor by any annexation” you are saying that Israel has not annexed the land.Originally posted by FromTexas
It is not rejected by the 4th Geneva Convention. Ken, you are wrong on this. I don't know how much more clear I can make the explanation up there. The land is there but can be under occupation or annexation of another country. Therefore, if Canada took us over, then we would all become Canadians. However, Canada could not abuse us, take our personal property without compensation, or keep us from leaving the country if we did not agree with staying under Candian rule (because the Geneva Convention protects certain rights of people under occupation/annexation by another country).
I still don’t understand why you do not understand the meaning of this article. Reading a little further along in article 49 I wonder what your take on the last phrase of that article means when it states, “The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.” I guess that establishing settlements is okay too since they aren’t occupying the land that they have annexed and these Israelis have voluntarily moved there?