Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Pete
Where is your beloved UN? That pillar of humanity and concience who smugly claim jurisdiction? Where is the institution that liberals all want us to kneel before and submit to like a beat dog?
What exactly are THEY doing about any of this? NOTHING, they sit in NY passing resolutions, catterwalling and hoping we will take the lead in EVERY problem that crops up.
What I think is reprehensable is to have his own intelligence(Kerry) in the Senate intel committee, independent of the White House, that he used, came to the same conclusion, made public statements supporting that, voted FOR it and is not flopping because of the political winds blowing.
I still thing he believed it, I think he believes it still yet he won't say so.
He is Mr DOOM and GLOOM, Mr. Negative.
Typical Democrat, "Look how bad things are. How awfull !! You should really be scared about all this, and even more scared about other things."
"I cannot tell you how I will fix it, but I can say, trust me I can do better."
Add in a dash of good old class warfare how vilianous big business and the wealthy 1% are and how they made their money on your back, stealing it from you and you have the traditional campaign.
Dammit pete, you are on a roll!
Please forgive me for spacing your statements out in this quote, but they all have weight, and should be looked at individually.
These are the main reasons I will not vote for Kerry, he's an opportunist who will say anything to any crowd to get their support.
WHAT DOES HE REALLY BELIEVE IN? From day to day he changes his tune.
There was an interview he did with Peter Jennings, concerning the moment life begins for a child, a baby, and he stepped all over himself in his following statements, trying to explain his position.
I don't believe he really knows, he just runs off at the mouth saying whatever comes into his mind, without pre-thinking how it might sound, or what sense it makes to us listeners.