Fahrenheit 9/11 Thread...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Pete

What I am sick of is liberals who stick their head in the sand over the transgressions of their own, yet squeel like little pigs at what republicans do.

I'm really just sick - or shall I say, flabbergasted - by liberals who vote for the Patriot Act - and then go on record about how bad it is. Who vote FOR the war, and then tell us how wrong it is. Who tell the world just three months before the war that Saddam was a dangerous man with WMD's and had to be taken out - and the list of such liberals is LONG - but afterwards decry the war and castigate Bush over it. Who, after being called on the phone by ABC Nightline's Ted Koppel, and admitted they STILL would have voted for the war even knowing what they know now (and THIS list contains all the top Democrats who voted for the war), but nevertheless will excoriate Bush this week over the war.

And I'm not just talking Kerry and Edwards. It's all of them. And I'm not just talking six years ago, when THEY were the hawks determined to go to war with Saddam. I'm talking 3-6 months before the war.

See the thing is, going to war is like jumping out of a plane - you don't decide halfway down you'd rather go back into the plane - you have to see it through. You MAKE THAT decision when you decide to go. The decision to follow it through to the end is made at the beginning. And the reason for that is, it's going to cost lives. It's the part of being a president I don't envy - bartering in lives. Pay 800 lives to save a million lives.

Another thing about Kerry - he's gone on the record recently as saying, if the situation presented itself that an enemy was preparing to attack us, he would have no problem pre-empting an attack unilaterally, if the threat was there. Now this is precisely the kind of thing Bush is being drilled a new a**hole over, and Kerry says the same thing, and gets a free pass.

The toughest thing about doing things pre-emptively with someone like Saddam is, there's probably no way to ever know what MIGHT have happened had he been left alone. If we had arrested those 19 hijackers, undoubtedly the ACLU would be crying foul and everybody would be up in arms, but no one would have any idea what might have happened on 9/11. If someone had shot Hitler back in 1923 in Munich, no one would have ever heard of him, and WW2 might have been averted, but the thing is, no one KNOWS this after the problem is AVERTED.

This is the central problem I have between the purpose of the 9/11 commission, and the war in Iraq. The commission is supposed to answer the question - could we have stopped it? Well, without direct knowledge of what they had planned, the answer is clearly "no". No measure we had in place would have averted it, and if someone from the future had TOLD them what would happen, arresting 19 Arabs would have infuriated the world. On the other hand, we STOP Saddam in his tracks over similarly damning evidence - actually MUCH more damning evidence - and we're criticized, but the world will likely never know the disaster that was stopped because of that.

And the answer seems to be - either way, someone will hate you for it, but you have to go with the one that will likely save more lives. On that, I don't fault the president. I don't really fault those who disagree, because they believe a different course of action will save lives, even though I think they're mistaken. But I DO find fault with those who do BOTH, because they're not on anyone's side but their own.


Originally posted by jlabsher
Pete, I know that Iraq has been a lovenest for thousands of years hasn't it? No infighting amongst the tribes has ever happened in the mideast before Saddam or the Shah were put into power by the CIA.


Of course, you could argue that Kerry was supporting the president and troops in time of war, not being a commie traitor like some others. But I know that wouldn't be the case.
What freaking planet are you really from? All of the inhabitants of the arabian peninsula are barbaric wretches. The difference is that they sit smack dab ontop of the largest oil field on earth. We need oil, they control it, therefore it is in our national interest to ensure that the area is stable. Chad, the Sudan and the rest of sub-sahara africa has NOTHING to offer us therefore we, democrats included don't give a rats ass.

Where is your beloved UN? That pillar of humanity and concience who smugly claim jurisdiction? Where is the institution that liberals all want us to kneel before and submit to like a beat dog? What exactly are THEY doing about any of this? NOTHING, they sit in NY passing resolutions, catterwalling and hoping we will take the lead in EVERY problem that crops up.

I could claim that Kerry was supporting the troops. I believe that he thought just like EVERY other person in DC Democrat or Republican, post 9/11 that Sadam was a threat, they ALL said so. What I think is reprehensable is to have his own intelligence in the Senate intel committe, independent of the White House, that he used, came to the same conclusion, made public statements supporting that, voted FOR it and is not flopping because of the political winds blowing. I still thing he believed it, I think he believes it still yet he wont say so. He is Mr DOOM and GLOOM, Mr. Negative. Typical Democrat, "Look how bad things are. How awfull !! You should really be scared about all this, and even more scared about other things." "I cannot tell you how I will fix it, but I can say, trust me I can do better." Add in a dash of good old class warfare how vilianous big business and the wealthy 1% are and how they made their money on your back, stealing it from you and you have the traditional campaign.


Not dead yet.
I saw a headline today that the movie Farenheit 9-11 has earned more money than and documentary ever! The part that I find amusing is that this peice of propaganda is called a documentary. It's kind of like calling "Spinal Tap" a documentary. Or maybe "Birth of a Nation."



jack of all trades
Originally posted by Pete
What freaking planet are you really from? All of the inhabitants of the arabian peninsula are barbaric wretches.

what a closed minded person you are pete... i'm glad you no longer represent the us military!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tlatchaw
I saw a headline today that the movie Farenheit 9-11 has earned more money than and documentary ever! The part that I find amusing is that this peice of propaganda is called a documentary. It's kind of like calling "Spinal Tap" a documentary. Or maybe "Birth of a Nation."


Or "Triumph of the Will".

Isn't it a documentary? It has facts in it, somewhere.

I think when you go on record declaring that you hope your film will help remove the President from office, you're not entirely unbiased, which is what most of us try to get from a normal documentary. But to be honest, I've never seen one, except for maybe nature documentaries, that don't have an issue being promoted. Even UFO documentaries are trying to say "this stuff is real" without presenting evidence that it's crap.

For example, I *liked* "The Rules of Engagement", but there's no question it presents a very one-sided case against the FBI in Waco. It just happens to be a side I haven't heard much on in the media, and one I largely agree with.


Originally posted by SuperGrover
what a closed minded person you are pete... i'm glad you no longer represent the us military!
First of all I never "represented" the US military, I was a member of it. I was nothing more that a mechanism to effectively promote US policy through force either actual or percieved, and to take orders of the officers appointed over me. They did not tell me what opinions to have or how to think.

Well you see I don't squeel with delight like a school girl over the thought of diversity. I don't give a rats ass if you think I am a bigot in your broad definition. I call a spade a spade. I have been there for extended periods and have seen first hand what they do and how they live.

What is there to admire from the arabian peninsula, lets see;

Perhaps it is their love of human rights....no not that
The treatment women get.....oops
The ingenuity.....um no
Industrial ability.......nope
The Arts..........no
The intellect......hmmmm no
Can do attitude...........never saw it.
Respect of human life..........nada
Tollerance..........you have got to be kidding
Work eithic.........:killingme


jack of all trades
Originally posted by Pete
First of all I never "represented" the US military, I was a member of it. I was nothing more that a mechanism to effectively promote US policy through force either actual or percieved, and to take orders of the officers appointed over me. They did not tell me what opinions to have or how to think.

Well you see I don't squeel with delight like a school girl over the thought of diversity. I don't give a rats ass if you think I am a bigot in your broad definition. I call a spade a spade. I have been there for extended periods and have seen first hand what they do and how they live.

What is there to admire from the arabian peninsula, lets see;

Perhaps it is their love of human rights....no not that
The treatment women get.....oops
The ingenuity.....um no
Industrial ability.......nope
The Arts..........no
The intellect......hmmmm no
Can do attitude...........never saw it.
Respect of human life..........nada
Tollerance..........you have got to be kidding
Work eithic.........:killingme

:rolleyes: i was there so i can say trash about a group of people, how original. do you also roll up your confederate flag during a rain strom?


jack of all trades
all i have to say is that i'm glad i didn't contribute a dime to this 'movie'. although i'm interested in the propaganda, maybe download it on the internet or buy it on some street corner in NY. :biggrin:


Originally posted by SuperGrover
:rolleyes: i was there so i can say trash about a group of people, how original. do you also roll up your confederate flag during a rain strom?
Blah blah :duh: How original, say the truth and you clutch your chest in disbelief, fan your face and reach into your "OOOO you said something bad you are a bigot" grab bag and all you could yank out is a confederate flag jab. :killingme I guess I can say that they are good with the use of cutlery. I doubt there is another culture barbaric enough to video tape beheadings with such skill.


jack of all trades
Originally posted by Pete
Blah blah :duh: How original, say the truth and you clutch your chest in disbelief, fan your face and reach into your "OOOO you said something bad you are a bigot" grab bag and all you could yank out is a confederate flag jab. :killingme I guess I can say that they are good with the use of cutlery. I doubt there is another culture barbaric enough to video tape beheadings with such skill.

mmm, a small group of people do some barbaric acts and you say it show the mentality of everyone of that culture, region... i doubt you have the mental capacity to understand how illogical your 'logical' reasoning is. BTW, it doesn't surprise me that you were JUST a member of the military, and it shows by your posts, most 'members' represent the military, the honor, courage and commitment.


Originally posted by SuperGrover
mmm, a small group of people do some barbaric acts and you say it show the mentality of everyone of that culture, region... i doubt you have the mental capacity to understand how illogical your 'logical' reasoning is. BTW, it doesn't surprise me that you were JUST a member of the military, and it shows by your posts, most 'members' represent the military, the honor, courage and commitment.
OK I yeild my use of the word "All" was out of line. Change it to "many". See when I make a mistake I am man enough to admit it, a quality I have yet to see in a liberal.


New Member
Originally posted by tlatchaw
I saw a headline today that the movie Farenheit 9-11 has earned more money than and documentary ever! The part that I find amusing is that this peice of propaganda is called a documentary. It's kind of like calling "Spinal Tap" a documentary. Or maybe "Birth of a Nation."


Prpaganda?...maybe, but Moore just put the facts out there for folks to make their own decisions on bush's actions or worse yet lack of action.


Originally posted by SuperGrover
mmm, a small group of people do some barbaric acts and you say it show the mentality of everyone of that culture, region... i doubt you have the mental capacity to understand how illogical your 'logical' reasoning is. BTW, it doesn't surprise me that you were JUST a member of the military, and it shows by your posts, most 'members' represent the military, the honor, courage and commitment.
How about you pizz up a rope about my honor, courage and commitment, as usual you know not of what you speak.


jack of all trades
Originally posted by Pete
OK I yeild my use of the word "All" was out of line. Change it to "many". See when I make a mistake I am man enough to admit it, a quality I have yet to see in a liberal.

okay. this view is based on your dealings with people you've come in contact with. but, it doesn't mean that many people are like that. i guess when you are adamant about something, words just flow out, whether you mean all of it or not.

i also am not a stranger to such an outburst... :biggrin:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Hey Pete, when you said,
Ever heard of a little concept like "To the victor goes the spoils"?
Ever hear of the Geneva Conventions? If you read it you will discover that the taking of land beyond a nation’s legal boundaries is a violation of that pact, which Israel has agreed to adhere to. Territories gained beyond the established borders of the 1947 agreement are illegal in accordance with this bit of international law.


This Space for Rent
Originally posted by Sparx
Prpaganda?...maybe, but Moore just put the facts out there for folks to make their own decisions on bush's actions or worse yet lack of action.

I love that everytime a libby says it -- Michael Moore and facts in the same sentence.


jack of all trades
Originally posted by FromTexas
and you sir are a relentless, unadulterated moron. As long as we all know where everyone stands.

always one card shy of a full deck and johnny come lately. are we finished kissing butt. :buttkiss: :confused: i've never met any REAL texan who kisses butt as much as you do.


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by Sparx
Prpaganda?...maybe, but Moore just put the facts out there for folks to make their own decisions on bush's actions or worse yet lack of action.

More like he looped the tape and slowed down the reaction to make him look indecisive. It's easy to tinker with such things when you have an entire movie production company at your disposal.