

New Member
couldn't of been racially motivated....

Small theory was raised today of the fires being racially motivated. I'd say that isn't possbile! There couldn't be a racist in up-chuck county, could there? Maybe one or two possibly, but of course if they were to raise their filthy, good for nothing, inbreded, moronic opinions in a forum of public discourse the public would rise up and put such idiocies in check. Right????? :confused:

justhangn said:
I'm now leaning towards the underground organization ”Wetback Bro’s”. With the houses almost done and their job threatened, the wetback bro’s took action and guaranteed themselves and all of the their faithful followers Christmas money and a job until at least next July.

The above is just an observation on the behavior of people to the quote above and the author thereof.
Personally don't think the burnings were racially motivated, at least I hope not. Would think the eco-nazi's are well at work. And really wished they would of come to my old house and burned it down instead of destroying the dreams of those wishing to spend Christmas in their new homes! :razz:


New Member
Ronchad said:
Small theory was raised today of the fires being racially motivated. I'd say that isn't possbile! There couldn't be a racist in up-chuck county, could there? Maybe one or two possibly, but of course if they were to raise their filthy, good for nothing, inbreded, moronic opinions in a forum of public discourse the public would rise up and put such idiocies in check. Right????? :confused:

The above is just an observation on the behavior of people to the quote above and the author thereof.
Personally don't think the burnings were racially motivated, at least I hope not. Would think the eco-nazi's are well at work. And really wished they would of come to my old house and burned it down instead of destroying the dreams of those wishing to spend Christmas in their new homes! :razz:
You are a moron.


Asperger's Poster Child

I would have expected a column like this to run in the Post.

Excuse me, but I've lived in the Washington area long enough to remember when blacks were warned not to be caught in Southern Maryland -- or rural Virginia -- after dark. Then, even Prince George's County was considered "redneck" country. Now, when someone black informs you that they reside in the cookie-cutter communities all the way down to Waldorf and Accokeek and Indian Head and beyond, some old-timers simply will raise a wary eyebrow....

Just last week, for example, there were news reports of a community near Aberdeen, Md., home to several biracial couples, that was peppered with fliers distributed by a Baltimore-based "white-rights" group, warning against miscegenation.


New Member
Plenty of my redneck brothers are the racist type, secretly or otherwise. Have seen enough ig'nant people around here to know why even the slighty 'right' leaning Times would post a casual observation of the activities in these parts. Would have thought most of the bigots would have bred out by now, but then again that might violate the endangered species act and deprive us forever of our beloved SMIB's. :p

Once again, I still think it's some lunatic enviro-nut group that torched the houses. Then again that's just imho.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
EvWill said:
AP reports that a security guard named Aaron Speed has been arrested and charged in the Hunters Brooke arsons case. Speed will appear in federal court on Friday.

From Associated Press via Baltimore Sun...
Try this link instead - you don't have to register:

A security guard who worked at a development where a series of fires burned several homes has been arrested and charged in the case, a source close to the investigation said Thursday.

Aaron Speed, 21, was to appear Friday in federal court, the source said. The exact charges and alleged motive were not immediately known.

Speed is an employee of Security Services of America, a company hired to guard the upscale development outside the nation's capital. Fires broke out there early Dec. 6, doing $10 million in damage.
I'm glad they got him and I'm sure they're furiously looking for his accomplices. It will be very interesting to see what his motivation was.
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Asperger's Poster Child
Ronchad said:
Plenty of my redneck brothers are the racist type, secretly or otherwise. Have seen enough ig'nant people around here to know why even the slighty 'right' leaning Times would post a casual observation of the activities in these parts. Would have thought most of the bigots would have bred out by now, but then again that might violate the endangered species act and deprive us forever of our beloved SMIB's.
Ron, from my personal experience, there are plenty of racists among the transplants in Southern Maryland, too. Some of them came here as a result of white flight from Prince George's.

In any case, prejudice is never just a rural thing or a Southern thing. It happens everywhere. I know this, because I lived in a Northern city for more than a decade, and saw just as much prejudice there as I've seen here.
Here's a picture of the accused firebug.


  • fire bug.jpg
    fire bug.jpg
    26 KB · Views: 61
A security guard accused of burning down homes at the suburban Washington housing development where he worked told investigators he was upset his employer did not show enough sympathy after his infant son died this year.
Aaron L. Speed, 21, who worked for Security Services of America, told police he left his job from August to October because of SSA's "indifference to the death of his infant son," according to court papers released Friday.

When asked by investigators who might have started the fire, Speed said: "Someone who works at the site and recently experienced a great loss."

A relative said Speed lost an infant son earlier this year.


New Member
WUSA/9 has shown video over and over of Aaron Speed angrily shouting (with a few deleted words) at 9 reporter Gary Reals just hours before Speed took the police polygraph. One really gains the sense that Speed is not on an even keel.


New Member
Tonio said:
Ron, from my personal experience, there are plenty of racists among the transplants in Southern Maryland, too. Some of them came here as a result of white flight from Prince George's.

In any case, prejudice is never just a rural thing or a Southern thing. It happens everywhere. I know this, because I lived in a Northern city for more than a decade, and saw just as much prejudice there as I've seen here.

Agreed. Apologize for being a bit too blunt (or ig'nant as one neg. karma post read...hehe), just a comment from a previous post about some of the hardest workers I've ever seen got me goin...

Like the others will be very interested in seeing if this was just a case of a disgruntled employee. Gotta be more then one fella m'thinks.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
EvWill said:
WUSA/9 has shown video over and over of Aaron Speed angrily shouting (with a few deleted words) at 9 reporter Gary Reals just hours before Speed took the police polygraph. One really gains the sense that Speed is not on an even keel.

I caught some of that this morning. Aaron..."I'm taking a polygraph to prove my innocence..."

Oops... maybe not.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
They said on the 11:00 news that there may be as many as 10 people involved. A lot of people have been taken in for questioning.


Great Investigative work! Not suprised a Vol. Firefighter was involved.

John Z

if you will
Hmm, not looking like environmental terrorism, but who knows. Maybe it still is, so that we can continue to blame it on those dumb Birkenstock-wearing liberals. :banana:


Well-Known Member
There has to be a racial or environmental motive behind this. I just don't believe you can find that many people to do something this radical just for the fun of it. They're going to find a misfit ringleader with an axe to grind that can manipulate his wobble headed friends into bad stuff.


New Member
"The Unseen Cavaliers"

This is just SAD.

All that Fed work for a bunch of HS dropouts who watched too many car gang movies looking for some street cred. Speed is a nut (he took the investigators on a walk around the site, telling them "hypothetically" how the fires were set). He spent some time in lockup for being grandiose, suicidal and manic/depressive all at once. And he lies like a rug...badly. Walsh is just a firebug. McCann has the rap sheet of a typical tough (assault, theft, etc.). Guess he was the muscle. Apparently, he and Parady don't get along too well. Parady claimed in Sept. that McCann and Walsh stuck guns in his face, had a peace order against McCann.

And that's just the first group. The other 9 are probably forming a circular firing squad right now as the FBI leans on them.

The feds are prosecuting the case just to make sure these nutjobs don't get off with a wrist slap in state court. Mandatory 5 year minimum in the fed pen for arson.