First Date

Is this persons actions

  • rational & normal

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • rational & normal but a bit inconsiderate

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • Self centered & immature

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • Self centered ,immature & inconsiderate

    Votes: 87 68.5%
  • Or should I say I'm sorry for not being a real man !

    Votes: 3 2.4%
  • Gumbo your a Tard

    Votes: 27 21.3%

  • Total voters
migtig said:
Gumbo, you hate me, fine. I am sorry you had more expectations than I did. I was completely unaware of your feelings. I wish you the best in the future.
You better wake up girlfriend cuz you dreamin. You have totally missed the point w/ your self centered azz. Expectations are totally irrelevent! Rude is rude!


migtig said:
Gumbo, you hate me, fine. I am sorry you had more expectations than I did. I was completely unaware of your feelings. I wish you the best in the future.
There you go trying to down size your actions again and trying to put words in my mouth again. I don't hate you.
You made my point for me your just to stuck on yourself to see it.

Have a nice day :huggy:


Well-Known Member
sweetpea said:
And he doesn't work at the races. [\QUOTE]

Does he does, or does he don't work at the races?

I mean if you're just dropping by to see someone at work thats one thing.
If you're meeting them somewhere it is more of a date, even if its just a friendly date.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Note to all guys: This is how Mig treats men who are misguided enough to ask her for a date, who she then stands up without so much as an "I'm sorry" because got drunk.

And if you ask her out, she will eventually call you mentally ill because you'd HAVE to be to ask her out in the first place.

Just a warning from your friendly Board Mommy....

:bawl: Well how about in addition to warning us (me) of who not to go after, how about you add in a little about who's safe to go after? :confused: :razz: :lmao:


HiddenOne said:
:bawl: Well how about in addition to warning us (me) of who not to go after, how about you add in a little about who's safe to go after? :confused: :razz: :lmao:

That's the easy part........DO NOT DATE PEOPLE ON THE BOARD.....too much drama........