Peter Forsberg

New Member much as I hate the Caps, Kolzig was a great goaltender, and is a great guy. The ultimate team player. He could have left the Caps for more money a few years ago...and maybe could've won a Cup...either starting or as backup.

That said.

Kolzig is not what he used to be, in net. The Caps made an awesome deadline deal by getting Huet...for basically nothing.

I guarantee you Habs fans are not too happy with that trade, today.

With Huet in the lineup, the backup should be Brent Johnson.

Simply put, there is no more room for Kolzig in the Caps lineup.

Kolzig is a class doubt. But when the opposing team's fans (Me, with the Penguins) hope that Kolzig is in net...that's not good.

Kolzig was an awesome Capital. But, too be honest...the Caps carried him longer than most teams would've.
I disagree I think Kolzig carried the Craps longer then he should have.


New Member
I disagree I think Kolzig carried the Craps longer then he should have.

Then we agree to disagree.

Kolzig was great. Not anymore. Now he's slow and lethargic.

Think about it have Huet, Johnson...and Kolzig. Who's the guy you dump.


Every team goes through this...and it hurts every time.


New Member much as I hate the Caps, Kolzig was a great goaltender, and is a great guy. The ultimate team player. He could have left the Caps for more money a few years ago...and maybe could've won a Cup...either starting or as backup.

That said.

Kolzig is not what he used to be, in net. The Caps made an awesome deadline deal by getting Huet...for basically nothing.

I guarantee you Habs fans are not too happy with that trade, today.

With Huet in the lineup, the backup should be Brent Johnson.

Simply put, there is no more room for Kolzig in the Caps lineup.

Kolzig is a class doubt. But when the opposing team's fans (Me, with the Penguins) hope that Kolzig is in net...that's not good.

Kolzig was an awesome Capital. But, too be honest...the Caps carried him longer than most teams would've.
I'm glad it was someone who hates the Caps that laid it out. I can't bring myself to saying Ollie had to go, because I genuinely liked Ollie Kolzig.

But, like I said, business is business. You have to be competitive. In sports, that means you have to beat the best. You have to have the best to beat the best.

Sucky, but that's part of the game.

C'est la vie. :ohwell:


New Member
:evil: You proable didn't even watch the game.

He probably didn't...but I did.

The Flyers had a heck of a first period. And a decent 2nd. Too bad they lost focus in the 3rd.

Penguins in 5 works just fine with me, though I admit...sweeping the Flyers in the Kleenex Center would have been just frakking perfect.

Oh well. :ohwell:


New Member
I don't know how many of you flip over to NHL Network right after the game...but it really puts the quotes that show up in tomorrow's newpapers into perspective.

Reporters ask the most :dork: questions in that post-game news conference.

"Sid, how important is it to close the series out at home on Sunday?"



Peter Forsberg

New Member
I don't know how many of you flip over to NHL Network right after the game...but it really puts the quotes that show up in tomorrow's newpapers into perspective.

Reporters ask the most :dork: questions in that post-game news conference.

"Sid, how important is it to close the series out at home on Sunday?"


I think the Flyers got underneath Cindy's skin a little. Will see what happens Sunday.


New Member
Yeah thats why Mario still wipes his @ss for him. He runs his mouth then lets somebody else protect him.

Crosby never shies away from sticking up for himself or his teammates. I know that fact goes against what Philly fans want to believe...but it's a fact.


New Member
They do. I said that the Caps fans come in 2nd behind Flyers fans, when it comes to crying about Crosby. Many opposing fans cry about him, but the Flyers and Caps fans are the most :dork: about it. :lol:

:shrug: Crosby's got talent, and is a great hockey player. He's already proven that. :shrug:

He's just not as good as Ovechkin. :shrug: