Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin stabbed


Well-Known Member
Now there's a moronic statement if there ever was one. How I voted is easily guessed..I would even vote for putting all the ferals down on sight.
Your county your judges your state those are the ones you have a say about. That is one of the faults of a Constitutional Republic if the law is not a Federal one or protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. States are allowed to do pretty much what they want to do on crime and punishment.

I ain't saying its right but that is the way it is.
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Well-Known Member
I am not saying that Chauvin was a great cop, but I am saying that he did not kill George Floyd and does not belong in prison.
I will say this with no doubt in my mind. Chauvin was not convicted because he killed George Floyd, he was convicted to keep knee grows from rioting. He is in prison today because he is white as are all of the J-6 protesters.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Free download, The Fall of Minneapolis, about the George Floyd debacle. I haven't watched it yet.
