Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin stabbed


Well-Known Member
Free download, The Fall of Minneapolis, about the George Floyd debacle. I haven't watched it yet.

Great. So post propoganda you admit you havent even watched.

Whats wrong with your brain.


Well-Known Member
OD dumb ass the truth will never be told but he was a POS and now no one has to worry about him another drug dealer off the streets.

Blah blah blah. Why do you think kneeling on someones wind pipe for 10 minutes is a normal occurrence?

And why do you think everyone is lying to you about every thing?



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Blah blah blah. Why do you think kneeling on someones wind pipe for 10 minutes is a normal occurrence?

And why do you think everyone is lying to you about every thing?

You are fascinating.

It would be awesome to take an abandon warehouse or factory and build a giant training maze in it, with sections where you can solve little puzzles for bread bits, peanuts and seeds.


Well-Known Member
You could learn a thing or two. The segment was all about it, including a woman that is friends with the woman who made the documentary.

The lady who made the documentary is married to the head of the police union. Please educate yourself. Its not hard to do

Just watch the video of the officer kneeling on his neck for 10 minutes. Instead of a movie designed to confirm your stupid racist beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Tyrus says it has to go to the courts . Fine if you trust the courts. But the court convicted this man to stop the riots.
A juror who wears BLM T-shirts. A Supreme Court too chicken sht. to listen to the case.

Trust the courts? Sheee-it . We know OJ was released from murder, The courts are turning loose criminals, giving light sentences. Judges finding Trump guilty of Fraud without evidence, Judges setting Trumps trial while he is running for President and giving him a gag order. Trust courts. Maybe at one time . Today, It all depends on who has money or political pull or who belongs to the right party.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
The lady who made the documentary is married to the head of the police union. Please educate yourself. Its not hard to do

Just watch the video of the officer kneeling on his neck for 10 minutes. Instead of a movie designed to confirm your stupid racist beliefs.
I know that. It was in the segment. It also included a lot of the body cam images showing him on his shoulder, not neck. Among other things that weren't allowed in the trial. He was railroaded as a sacrificial lamb.

But I digress, your preferred choice of news is the View, CNN and MSNBC, etc.