Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin stabbed


Well-Known Member
Oh booboo...this isn't the only thing you've failed at. Go look at your past posts...LOTS of failure there!!!
Hell, just in this post alone, you've failed to properly spell honesty...but again, your poor upbringing...I totally understand

But if honesty was that easy for you, then you would actually answer questions posed to you, instead of constantly obfuscating providing an honest answer. Since you can't just provide an honest answer, it's just one more thing you fail at....

Again...not your fault. LBJ did this to your family & your people...
You got your answers, just not the ones that fit your narrative.


Well-Known Member
You got your answers, just not the ones that fit your narrative.
Hahaha!! No booboo... you're just STILL obfuscating, that's all...
But that's okay...I don't expect you to give a truthful answer....
I've gone back thru several of your posts & you never bothered to give honest answers in the past. why would I expect you to change up now.
It's a learned trait...I'm sorry you're the sad product of LBJ's great society...he duped ya'll....
But he was correct that you people would keep voting for Democrat failings...


Well-Known Member
Hahaha!! No booboo... you're just STILL obfuscating, that's all...
But that's okay...I don't expect you to give a truthful answer....
I've gone back thru several of your posts & you never bothered to give honest answers in the past. why would I expect you to change up now.
It's a learned trait...I'm sorry you're the sad product of LBJ's great society...he duped ya'll....
But he was correct that you people would keep voting for Democrat failings...


Well-Known Member
Please try again,you keep repeating yourself. Oh and LBJ was before I became self aware just like Skynet.
And you keep repeating your love for the cycle of oppression & violence that's keeping you down...
So so sad....but please, stick with it...


Well-Known Member
Hahaha!! No booboo... you're just STILL obfuscating, that's all...
But that's okay...I don't expect you to give a truthful answer....
I've gone back thru several of your posts & you never bothered to give honest answers in the past. why would I expect you to change up now.
It's a learned trait...I'm sorry you're the sad product of LBJ's great society...he duped ya'll....
But he was correct that you people would keep voting for Democrat failings...
Like I said LBJ was a little before my time, however he was an advocate for minorities which means he was advocating for you and the others in your 9% clique.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha!! No booboo... you're just STILL obfuscating, that's all...
But that's okay...I don't expect you to give a truthful answer....
I've gone back thru several of your posts & you never bothered to give honest answers in the past. why would I expect you to change up now.
It's a learned trait...I'm sorry you're the sad product of LBJ's great society...he duped ya'll....
But he was correct that you people would keep voting for Democrat failings...
You sound like a jilted lover, you must have had a thing for Lyndon, did he break your 💔


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Like I said LBJ was a little before my time, however he was an advocate for minorities which means he was advocating for you and the others in your 9% clique.


"I'll have those ******s voting Democratic for 200 years."
~Lyndon Baines Johnson, upon signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law

Are you really this ignorant or just playing ignorant on the internet?


Well-Known Member
Why do you keep bringing Floyd up? Is that the only scrap you folks have? Or does reading comprehension escape you?

This isn't All about Floyd, this is about a cop with full police powers and the department backing him up killing a citizen while While RESTRAINED and incapable of causing harm to either the public or the officers.

If you and people that think like you do cannot understand that simple fact, our justice system is doomed.

Chauvin was found guilty by twelve jurors not one not eleven but twelve, if there was a reasonable doubt there would have been a hung jury, ( news flash there wasn't) it only takes one person with your attitude to accomplish this.

Floyd's priors have absolutely nothing to do with what happened that day.
Justice has EVERYTHING to do with what happed to Chauvin, he is where he BELONGS!

If you don't understand this, I truly feel sorry for you and your backers.
Floyd, Freddy Gray, Rodney king, Philando Castile, Duante Wright and so on. So little time, so much ammunition. All these asssholes needed to do was comply to instructions. It's not that hard.......... really


Well-Known Member

"I'll have those ******s voting Democratic for 200 years."
~Lyndon Baines Johnson, upon signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law

Are you really this ignorant or just playing ignorant on the internet?
It's not his fault Vrai...he's just the poor recipient of that soft bigotry...
You shouldn't expect any better from him...He's conditioned to his lot in life...

Quite sad, really....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's not his fault Vrai...he's just the poor recipient of that soft bigotry...

It's like he's a white liberal woman, because they are the worst low expectation bigots ever. "Oh, black people don't have ID because they can't find the DMV." "Black people can't help being drug addicted thugs - it's their culture."

Debra Messing, is that you?


Well-Known Member

"I'll have those ******s voting Democratic for 200 years."
~Lyndon Baines Johnson, upon signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law

Are you really this ignorant or just playing ignorant on the internet?
What's the matter Blondie, you don't like being in the less than 9% who think Chauvin got a raw deal? That makes you a minority LBJ's favorite cause.


Well-Known Member
Still got a jones for Lyndon I see, that nerve must be still pretty raw!
It's alright...I didn't expect any better comeback from're stuck in a rut & seem to have accepted your lot in life.
Still doing exactly as Lyndon said ya'll would I see....Pity...