Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin stabbed


Well-Known Member
One of his numerous crimes was an armed invasion where the victim was a pregnant woman. The Democrat criminal lovers are trying to play fast and loose with the details - "Oh, he didn't shoot her.." - "Oh, it was one of the other robbers that threatened her...." - "Oh, that photo isn't the pregnant woman, that's a different woman he assaulted..." - "Oh, she wasn't pregnant..." - but the fact is that he and a few of his buddies were armed with guns and broke their way into the home of a woman, where they proceeded to assault and rob her at gun point.

He went 5 whole years without committing any crimes after that (because he was in prison).

In fact Floyd was a violent habitual criminal.

All of that is common knowledge but in the Democrat news media you have to read the whole story and not just skim the headline. They spend the first half of the piece talking about how great he was and fluffing the reader. Keep reading and you get to the real George Floyd.

Why do you persist in defending shitbag criminals when you know nothing about them? Is it just reflexive? See a criminal, french kiss his ass?

I really don't understand this.

Is it that you hate the cops so much that your natural ally is the drug addicted violent criminals they apprehend?

Do you just have suck news sources or no sources at all so you don't know what you're talking about?

I am genuinely interested.

Are you capable of having a discussion about this or are you too triggered and foaming at the mouth to be reasonable and not just stomp your feet and fling a bunch of insults? I really don't understand how anyone can champion criminals who prey on society and would honestly like you to explain it to me.
What's the matter Blondie you don't like me and Wingsoold bantering about?

Why are you so interested in this subject, slow news day? Do you miss not having successful women to disparage, like you made a habit of a couple years ago?

You never answered my question do you know the difference between manslaughter and murder?

Why do YOU think that its ok to kill a handcuffed thus restrained suspect when the past has nothing to do with what happened that day?

I could ask you to peer deep inside yourself before you answer, but that would just be a waste of time. Your mind is made up, cops have your blessing to kill restrained suspects whether they are a threat or not. That alone says a lot about you!


Well-Known Member
Why do you keep bringing Floyd up? Is that the only scrap you folks have? Or does reading comprehension escape you? Why won't you just answer the question? Too painful to have to admit the truth, which is you back the criminals because you are one? You can clear it ALL up but refuse to. We know why. You are one of the POS criminals we discuss here.

This isn't All about Floyd, this is about a cop with full police powers and the department backing him up killing a citizen while While RESTRAINED and incapable of causing harm to either the public or the officers. You're right. It's about a POS career criminal finally meeting his Karma. Don't think it's right or fair? Maybe act like a productive citizen and you won't end up like productive worm food. I know you BELIEVE it's more complicated than that, but it's actually this simple

If you and people that think like you do cannot understand that simple fact, our justice system is doomed. Yeah. A career criminal meeting his Karmic end is so complicated. He played stupid games. Guess what he won?

Chauvin was found guilty by twelve jurors not one not eleven but twelve, if there was a reasonable doubt there would have been a hung jury, ( news flash there wasn't) it only takes one person with your attitude to accomplish this. Sounds to me like 12 Marxists got the outcome they desired. Shall we review all of the times 12 *******s got it wrong before?

Floyd's priors have absolutely nothing to do with what happened that day. Actually, they have EVERYTHING to do with that day. It's called KARMA And George Floyd EARNED his punishment that day.
Justice has EVERYTHING to do with what happed to Chauvin, he is where he BELONGS! Justice has everything to do with what happened to the Felon, George Floyd as well...and Floyd's justice was quite poetic, dont'cha think?
If you don't understand this, I truly feel sorry for you and your backers. You definitely don't understand how crime & punishment work. I don't feel sorry for you. I'm just done tolerating your ilk...


Well-Known Member
What a bunch of drivel.
1. Yes, Floyd is the only thing in this thread for you.
2. So you don't believe in God, Karma is part of the Buddhist faith .
3. Once again you don't believe in our justice system.
4. Sounds to me that folks that think like you are not in the majority, not even 9% !
5. a No, Floyds priors had nothing to do with that day.
b. The ONLY justice that was achieved here was against Chauvin and Tho, the other two cops got a shitty deal like George.
6. I know how the justice system works too bad you so called patriots don't have a clue!


PREMO Member
Why do YOU think that its ok to kill a handcuffed thus restrained suspect when the past has nothing to do with what happened that day?

Floyd died from a drug over dose ... He should have never been removed from the car but transported to a hospital if he could not breathe


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
What a bunch of drivel.
.... :tantrum


Well-Known Member
Floyd died from a drug over dose ... He should have never been removed from the car but transported to a hospital if he could not breathe
Too bad Chauvin didn't do his JOB then, and the drug overdose caused his death was refuted at the trial, ( successfully I might add)


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Of course it does, Marsha Clark did a lousy job of prosecution. She lost that case on her own.
Still means nothing with regards to guilt or innocence.

OJ was guity of murder and got off scott-free.

Chauvin was at best guitly of indifference to Floyds junkie OD and was convicted of murder.

Facts mean nothing in a courtroom. Convincing a judge or jury to let you go is all that matters.

There was ZERO chance of Chauvin being delivered any verdict other than Guilty of Murder. It was predetermined by the press, the pols and the mob outside the courthouse.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
By that same philosophy Casey Anthony, Robert Blake and John McAffee did as well.

There isnt' anyone that reasonably believes they are innocent.


Well-Known Member
Still means nothing with regards to guilt or innocence.

OJ was guity of murder and got off scott-free.

Chauvin was at best guitly of indifference to Floyds junkie OD and was convicted of murder.

Facts mean nothing in a courtroom. Convincing a judge or jury to let you go is all that matters.

There was ZERO chance of Chauvin being delivered any verdict other than Guilty of Murder. It was predetermined by the press, the pols and the mob outside the courthouse.
Only in yours, blondies, cpussy's and wingssoolds minds less than 9%, what's it like being a minority


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What's the matter Blondie you don't like me and Wingsoold bantering about?

Why are you so interested in this subject, slow news day? Do you miss not having successful women to disparage, like you made a habit of a couple years ago?

You never answered my question do you know the difference between manslaughter and murder?

Why do YOU think that its ok to kill a handcuffed thus restrained suspect when the past has nothing to do with what happened that day?

I could ask you to peer deep inside yourself before you answer, but that would just be a waste of time. Your mind is made up, cops have your blessing to kill restrained suspects whether they are a threat or not. That alone says a lot about you!

Were you sober when you wrote this? Because it's filled with free association out of left field.

Anyway, you answered my question:
Are you capable of having a discussion about this or are you too triggered and foaming at the mouth to be reasonable and not just stomp your feet and fling a bunch of insults?

Clearly you are not capable of having a reasonable discussion and are completely ignorant of the facts, therefore I will stop discussing with you.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Were you sober when you wrote this? Because it's filled with free association out of left field.

Anyway, you answered my question:

Clearly you are not capable of having a reasonable discussion and are completely ignorant of the facts, therefore I will stop discussing with you.
I'm guessing its :dork: rather than alcohol.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
And the bonus for Chauvins conviction and the passification of the Black Lies Matter Movement....

Minneapolis police staffing levels reach historic lows amid struggle for recruitment, retention

With 585 sworn officers, the city holds one of the lowest ratios of officers to citizens among many major American cities.

By Liz Sawyer and Jeff Hargarten Star Tribune SEPTEMBER 16, 2023 — 8:18PM

Minneapolis police recruits listened as J. Scott Hill, chief Investigator for Montgomery Alabma’s humane officer division, talked about how to know if a dog is a threat.

Some days, the Minneapolis Police Department's ranks are so thin that just four officers in a given precinct are expected to patrol wide swaths of the city during their shift.

There's often no one available to work the front desk at police stations, so residents seeking assistance with a report are greeted by a locked door. Handmade signs instruct them to dial 911 in an emergency.

Staffing shortages plague law enforcement agencies nationwide, as overall interest in the profession has plummeted amid heightened public scrutiny following a series of high-profile police killings. But the problem is particularly acute in Minneapolis, where the police force continues to hemorrhage officers faster than it can replace them.

Over the past three years, MPD experienced the most significant exodus of uniformed personnel in its history and, last month, dipped to the lowest level in at least four decades.



Well-Known Member
What a bunch of drivel.
1. Yes, Floyd is the only thing in this thread for you.
2. So you don't believe in God, Karma is part of the Buddhist faith .
3. Once again you don't believe in our justice system.
4. Sounds to me that folks that think like you are not in the majority, not even 9% !
5. a No, Floyds priors had nothing to do with that day.
b. The ONLY justice that was achieved here was against Chauvin and Tho, the other two cops got a shitty deal like George.
6. I know how the justice system works too bad you so called patriots don't have a clue!
It's ok phreddyp. I didn't expect you to answer honestly. You NEVER do...
I doubt you had a father around to raise you properly and that's why you stand with the shitbags of the world...It's all you know...

I actually pity you now....