Forum rules or dirty words.

What is your opinion about the profanity on forum?

  • #1 Profanity is unfitting for a Community Forum.

    Votes: 15 25.4%
  • #2 Dirty language is okay on this forum.

    Votes: 15 25.4%
  • #3 The rules say no dirty language so there is not to be any.

    Votes: 14 23.7%
  • #4 The Moderator does not enforce it so the rules mean nothing.

    Votes: 12 20.3%
  • #5 The dirty words are okay because they irritate JPC.

    Votes: 28 47.5%
  • #6 Mature grown up people use profanity so it can be used here too.

    Votes: 18 30.5%
  • #7 When the Moderator does not care then no one else need care either.

    Votes: 11 18.6%
  • #8 I never post profanity but other people do.

    Votes: 12 20.3%
  • #9 Can use acronyms and lie about its meaning being dirty.

    Votes: 17 28.8%
  • #10 It is not asking too much for people to refrain from using dirty language on the forum.

    Votes: 17 28.8%
  • #11 To hell with the forum rules.

    Votes: 15 25.4%
  • #12 Just change the name to "The dirty Community Forum".

    Votes: 13 22.0%
  • #13 Other reason to stop the profanity.

    Votes: 10 16.9%
  • #14 Other reason to keep using profanity on the forum.

    Votes: 16 27.1%

  • Total voters


My real name.

Be thankful the bullying towards you is only on the "forum"

As I already said - the forum bullies have no power over me, link.

The bullies damage the validity of this forum - certainly yes, but they do nothing to me.

Other people here bow to the bullies - but not I.

IMO, the bullies here are just childish and immature people who have no real substance. Their dirty words and obscenities are the only weapons they have here.



As I already said - the forum bullies have no power over me, link.

The bullies damage the validity of this forum - certainly yes, but they do nothing to me.

Other people here bow to the bullies - but not I.

IMO, the bullies here are just childish and immature people who have no real substance. Their dirty words and obscenities are the only weapons they have here.


So dirty words bother you, but what about the women you degrade, or the people you offend with your racist comments. I've read some of the garbage on your blog and to me it sounds like you view all women as prostitutes and you believe women don't know how to raise children.


My real name.

So dirty words bother you, but what about the women you degrade, or the people you offend with your racist comments. I've read some of the garbage on your blog and to me it sounds like you view all women as prostitutes and you believe women don't know how to raise children.

You are just giving vague generality statements which do not represent my beliefs or my opinions.

And no one gets to interpret my words to mean some thing other than what I specifically said or posted.

As to my "blog" then I really do not have any blog, even though I have tried in years past to start a few blogs they never amounted to anything.

And I deny ever degrading Women as I have a truly high regard for the female gender and never ever would I say anything to degrade women as a whole. There are many Women who do degrade them self and for those I truly sympathize and usually I try to defend them as misguided.

Now I will insult white-men as a whole since I am included as one of them and I when see we all deserve it.

As to my racial comments that offend racist white folk then I take pride in doing that - and rightly so.

And Women are wrong in raising their children without the child's true God given natural father, and that is a severe wrong done to the children.

Back to this thread subject - then I do not see why anyone on this forum can not discuss any such thing as racial and gender issues or even discuss about how terrible I am without using profanity or obscenities.



My real name.

I'm sure Tox is in tears after that blistering personal attack.

You could call that as a personal attack, but I do not see it that way.

Toxick and I are actually discussing this thread subject (an odd thing here I know), so my posting is clarifying the subject between Tox and myself as a part of the subject discussion.

Plus I said that it made him "like" (likened to) the riff raff and rabble which is a nice way of NOT being personal in a discussion.

Compare mine to other comments posted just in this thread where they post things like "shut up" and "your stupid" without talking about the thread subject then those are the real personal attacks without any merit.

Between me an Tox - he is the one who supports the misuse of dirty words, as like does you too, onto this public community forum, so there is legitimacy in me calling him as like the riff raff and rabble against Dulcinea too.



You could call that as a personal attack, but I do not see it that way.

I don't care if it was a personal attack or not. As I've said before, I've been on the internet for a very long time, and I've been a part of many groups with attitudes ranging from sickeningly sweet to brutal hostility, populated by people with writing skills ranging from incoherence to literary mastery.

In other words, I've been called worse by better people. .

I'm more disturbed by the fact that you felt the need to provide a link to the definition of the word "rabble", and a link explaining your reference to Dulcinea as if I'm some kind of illiterate simpleton, when I do not believe I've done anything to merit that sort of contempt.

Between me an Tox - he is the one who supports the misuse of dirty words

I most certainly do not.

I do not support the misuse of dirty words. I do not support the misuse of any word - a fact of which you should be painfully aware by now.

I support the proper use of dirty words.

I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again. There are many subtle layers of nuance that cannot be adequately conveyed without the use of profanity.

However, like the rest of our wonderful language, it should be used in the manner for which it is intended.


Bottom line, JPC, most people like it here, the ones that don't know how to leave most of the time. You can't change it, and you don't like it, you should be one of the ones to leave.


Thought pirate
JPC, you should worry less about other's use of "dirty words" and concentrate on your use of proper English words and sentences.

Just because you can string together a bunch of words into a long sentence does not make you smart.


My real name.

I've been called worse by better people.

I bet that I have been called worse things then you have.

But NOT from better people, as you might have me beat in that regard.

I'm more disturbed by the fact that you felt the need to provide a link to the definition of the word "rabble", and a link explaining your reference to Dulcinea as if I'm some kind of illiterate simpleton, when I do not believe I've done anything to merit that sort of contempt.

I put stuff into my postings which are meant for everyone and NOT just for your self.

That is because this forum is visible to the public view including my own home town here in southern MD, and so I figure and expect that my posting need to be given the correct meaning for my words, including the video of Dulcinea.

My posting might be directed at you - but it is intended for a wider audience.

This really is the same reason why I object to using the dirty language, because if it was a private conversation between just you and I - then I would be less sensitive to the dirty words.

This forum being under public scrutiny is important and significant to me, and as such the specific words and their meanings do matter a lot.

Even some Woman like "Bay_Kat" deserves our consideration, even if she might post dirty words herself then still I am not to ever post such words in her view, nor in front of any other Lady here.

I do not see the profanity and obscenities as being just the rules - no, it is a demonstration of our own character.



Well-Known Member
I bet that I have been called worse things then you have.

I do not see the profanity and obscenities as being just the rules - no, it is a demonstration of our own character.


You've definitely been called worse, ya dumbass.

You can't talk about "character", you have none. You should be thankful you're on a forum via the internet, I doubt you'd get more than a few words out before someone shut your mouth for you.


New Member
I bet that I have been called worse things then you have.

But NOT from better people, as you might have me beat in that regard.

I put stuff into my postings which are meant for everyone and NOT just for your self.

That is because this forum is visible to the public view including my own home town here in southern MD, and so I figure and expect that my posting need to be given the correct meaning for my words, including the video of Dulcinea.

My posting might be directed at you - but it is intended for a

This really is the same reason why I object to using the dirty language, because if it was a private conversation between just you and I - then I would be less sensitive to the dirty words.

This forum being under public scrutiny is important and significant to me, and as such the specific words and their meanings do matter a lot.

Even some Woman like "Bay_Kat" deserves our consideration, even if she might post dirty words herself then still I am not to ever post such words in her view, nor in front of any other Lady here.

I do not see the profanity and obscenities as being just the rules - no, it is a demonstration of our own character.


Is child support a bad word/s?


My real name.

Is child support a bad word/s?

The Child Support system and its ideology are evil and ignorant, but the words are not dirty or profane or anything negative.

It does seem to me that one big reason for the inappropriate language is because of people functioning around a 3rd grade level here.



Well-Known Member
The Child Support system and its ideology are evil and ignorant, but the words are not dirty or profane or anything negative.

It does seem to me that one big reason for the inappropriate language is because of people functioning around a 3rd grade level here.


You may get beat down on the playground one day too


I bet that I have been called worse things then you have.

Possibly, but unlikey. Unless you've spent any amount of time on Usenet, or 4chan. People there can be viscious. Not like the Shiny Happy People Forums around here.

I do not see the profanity and obscenities as being just the rules - no, it is a demonstration of our own character.

I disagree. I do not see the use of profanity, in and of itself, as a demonstration of character. When used clumsily or as a replacement for a robust vocabulary, it can show a lack of education, writing talent, or overall brain-power.

When used properly it can magify, intensify, add flavor and rhythm to otherwise dry text.

In neither case do I see its use as an indicator of a Bad Person.

But some people are unaccustomed to it (although, how anyone on the internet can be unaccustomed to it is beyond me), and/or they just don't like it. Unfortunately, that's not my problem. I talk how I talk and I write how I write. There's an ignore button and I do not begrudge anyone its liberal use.


My real name.

Well is not that just wonderful of you.

Perhaps you need to be given some proper award as the most conscientious gutter talker on the entire forum.

If only other persons here could be as magnanimous as you claim to be.



Well is not that just wonderful of you.

Perhaps you need to be given some proper award as the most conscientious gutter talker on the entire forum.

If only other persons here could be as magnanimous as you claim to be.


You're still here and still complaining. That can only mean one thing, you really like it, but you want everyone to think you don't.