Forum rules or dirty words.

What is your opinion about the profanity on forum?

  • #1 Profanity is unfitting for a Community Forum.

    Votes: 15 25.4%
  • #2 Dirty language is okay on this forum.

    Votes: 15 25.4%
  • #3 The rules say no dirty language so there is not to be any.

    Votes: 14 23.7%
  • #4 The Moderator does not enforce it so the rules mean nothing.

    Votes: 12 20.3%
  • #5 The dirty words are okay because they irritate JPC.

    Votes: 28 47.5%
  • #6 Mature grown up people use profanity so it can be used here too.

    Votes: 18 30.5%
  • #7 When the Moderator does not care then no one else need care either.

    Votes: 11 18.6%
  • #8 I never post profanity but other people do.

    Votes: 12 20.3%
  • #9 Can use acronyms and lie about its meaning being dirty.

    Votes: 17 28.8%
  • #10 It is not asking too much for people to refrain from using dirty language on the forum.

    Votes: 17 28.8%
  • #11 To hell with the forum rules.

    Votes: 15 25.4%
  • #12 Just change the name to "The dirty Community Forum".

    Votes: 13 22.0%
  • #13 Other reason to stop the profanity.

    Votes: 10 16.9%
  • #14 Other reason to keep using profanity on the forum.

    Votes: 16 27.1%

  • Total voters


My real name.

This whole thread and your stance in it may have actual merit - if you actually gave a the tiniest impression that you're even remotely interested in following rules or showed the slightest nod to promoting responsible behavior.

This has nothing to do with me. The rules are not my rules. And I myself do comply with the rules, as I never ever post any profanity online.

And I confess everything about me, as it is my real identity, I really went to prison and I still hate the evil Child Support.

Why not the dirty mouth just confess that they do break the rules? and maybe even change the rules? and confess that this is just a dirty Community Forum?

As it is, it looks like you're ... grasping at straws in an attempt to foil people that you don't like.

It is true that I do not like any person who post dirty words onto a public forum, and if you see that as me trying to "foil people" who do post obscenities - then that accusation I accept with pride.

I see this as not to "foil" the dirty mouth posters here, but because I want to respect this forum and I want the forum to hold the high ground.

The persons here who do post profanity and obscenities are the ones who are doing damage to this forum.

This website is a small business, and it is no one's place to trash it.

Obviously others here do not care about the status of this forum or else they would not be posting their dirty ideas onto this website.

Their immature language will kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

What it really is are the forum bullies and punks who must think their dirty words do some how make them to look macho and cool and see it as mature when it is not.



A Salute to all on Watch
bedraggled, befouled, begrimed, bemired, besmirched, black, blackened, cruddy, dingy, draggled, dusty, filthy, foul, grimy, grotty, grubby, grungy, mucky, muddy, nasty, smudged, smutty, soiled, sordid, stained, sullied, unclean, uncleanly, contaminated, defiled, germy, impure, polluted, tainted; insanitary, uncleaned, unsanitary, unsterile, unsterilized, unwashed; greasy, gunky; chaotic, cluttered, confused, disarranged, disarrayed, disheveled (or dishevelled), disordered, jumbled, littered, messed, messy, muddled, mussed, mussy, rumpled, scruffy, sloppy, slovenly, unkempt, untidy; raunchy, scuzzy [slang], shabby, skanky [slang], sleazy, squalid; collied [chiefly British dialect], crocked [dialect], fuliginous, sooty

one more......plain ####ing trashy :buddies:


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
This has nothing to do with me.

au contraire, you thick POS. This thread and everything in it has everything to do with you. You intended that it started it.:buddies: that blog about ya. You musta be so proud...


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I want to respect this forum and I want the forum to hold the high ground.:

:killingme:killingme You should do stand up comedy. Oh wait..that was rude of me, wasn't it? Can you stand up? Sorry for any inadvertent "handicapped joke". No hard feelings, right?:buddies:


Well-Known Member
What it really is are the forum bullies and punks who must think their dirty words do some how make them to look macho and cool and see it as mature when it is not.


Cool and mature is dodging work, scamming working people for their tax dollars and not paying child support, right?


My real name.

But isn't it funny which repsonse is leading?

#5 The dirty words are okay because they irritate JPC.

I see it as also noteworthy that the second place is number 9, in that lying and a dirty mouth goes together so perfectly - as dirty mouth liar.

If we take what you say accurately then those that voted for #5 are saying that they do it just to harass me which is another violation of forum rules as being a forum bully and misusing the obscenities to harass people on the forum.

Of course it is not like that is some secret reveled, but just that the admittance of such guilt is an ounce of truth here.

But really this sort of stuff is more than simply a matter of RULES especially when the rules mean nothing, as this is more a matter of human decency, in that a discussion forum is meant to be a place where any person can discuss different opinions and different subjects in some sort of considerate way, instead of having the forum dominated by calling names and personal attacks.

As if people on this forum can not have a discussion without some one injecting their dirt into every subject and every thread.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
As if people on this forum can not have a discussion without some one injecting their dirt into every subject and every thread.


Inorite? The rude fawkers. Some people are sofa king we Todd did.

I especially hate it when they interrupt you in the middle of one of your thoughtful discourses on race relations.:killingme


My real name.

Is this about the post where someone said "lmfao" and you found it objectionable and profane?

It seems that I must add this posting / thread as a more specific example of what is going down.

Link here =

That one is not some acronym as that one is truly ugly and vulgar.

And that one was NOT put there to irritate me.

I say why not let some one else do the moderating? or help you do it? instead of letting that happen to this forum.

I myself will volunteer to do the moderation for free, because the forum-bullies have no power over me or against me.

And I could do it anonymously under another name so to keep the opposition content.



Well-Known Member
I say why not let some one else do the moderating? or help you do it? instead of letting that happen to this forum.

I myself will volunteer to do the moderation for free, because the forum-bullies have no power over me or against me.

:lol: What a tool.

Maybe in the forum...


my war
I myself will volunteer to do the moderation for free, because the forum-bullies have no power over me or against me.

And I could do it anonymously under another name so to keep the opposition content.


That is very pro-active of ya, JP! Finally looking for a job! :clap:


New Member
It seems that I must add this posting / thread as a more specific example of what is going down.

Link here =

That one is not some acronym as that one is truly ugly and vulgar.

And that one was NOT put there to irritate me.

I say why not let some one else do the moderating? or help you do it? instead of letting that happen to this forum.

I myself will volunteer to do the moderation for free, because the forum-bullies have no power over me or against me.

And I could do it anonymously under another name so to keep the opposition content.


Did you also try to take over the Baltimore forum? Perhaps that is the real reason they banned you? :shrug:
You do realize this is a free enterprise operation correct? May I suggest you start your own company and have at it. OR
Perhaps you might volunteer your services to the many corporations/organizations out there that may need your help. :lol:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Did you also try to take over the Baltimore forum? Perhaps that is the real reason they banned you? :shrug:
You do realize this is a free enterprise operation correct? May I suggest you start your own company and have at it. OR
Perhaps you might volunteer your services to the many corporations/organizations out there that may need your help. :lol:

According to him, that would be slavery.


I myself will volunteer to do the moderation for free, because the forum-bullies have no power over me or against me.

And I could do it anonymously under another name so to keep the opposition content.


The day you moderate my speech - or anything I do - is the day God takes me off of this earth.