Fox News Reporting They Have A Verdict!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
I'd like to see a little more of the defense.
The defense ripped the employees to shreds, saying they were disgruntled and vindictive because they had been fired. Then they had several of MJ's former child buddies, like Macauley Culkin, who said that they slept in his bed but he never touched them.

But the kicker was the Mom of the molested kid. She had previously filed a lawsuit against JC Penney, saying some security guard had groped her. And the whole family lived lavishly with Jackson, getting spa treatments, clothing, all sorts of goodies. And apparently the Mom tried to extort Chris Rock and Jay Leno as well. So she was definitely a hustler and certainly fed her child to a pedophile in exchange for money and bling.

But that doesn't mean that Michael Jackson is not guilty as charged. It just means he knows how to pick 'em.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
The :sarcasm: smilie isn't big enough for "justice for all". I agree with Vrai that the mother was/is a dirtbag, but that does not excuse MJ's admitted behavior with children. There is a definite history with MJ and his fondness for little boys. He managed to get enough "hush money" to his last accuser and now very convieniently this jury has no recollection of this past history. I'm sorry but there is no way the defense could have swayed my opinion.
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Larry Gude said:
...why are we assuming that MJ actually had sex with young boys?

Bill Clinton had his blue dress. OJ had blood everywhere.

If MJ actually had sex with any boy, especially the boys whose parents and prosecutors believed so strongly that there was sexual relations with MJ that they brought suit, where's the DNA? Where's the examination of the boy from a doctor at a hospital stating that something had happened?

Serial murderers and sexual predators and child molestors are not of the 'one and done' variety.

Anyone read murder mysteries? Do I need to get graphic? How hard would it have been to get some evidence? A pubic hair perhaps? See where this is going?

There is NO forensic evidence that Jackson had sex with any of these kids and I submit for your opinion that it just may be that Jackson is INNOCENT.

Not just aquited, innocent.

That does not make him 'normal' or healthy or anything but he may have just laid there in bed with other young kids doing young kid things; telling stories, day dreaming, being kids.

I think the guy is hyper ####ed up and where is it written that a 46 year old is incapable of being around kids and actully acting that age?

In any event, if he actually ever had sex with some kid there would be EVIDENCE. Not accusations from gold diggers, disgruntled employees or other assorted freaks, EVIDENCE.


Since it was only circumstantial evidence that convicted Scott Petterson, how's about this for evidence against Jackson:

1. He's been unable to maintain anything but maternal relationships with mature women. Classic pedophile.
2. He designs his surroundings to be attractive and inviting to children. Classic pedophile again.
3. When confronted with his crimes, he'll focus on his actions being good, or not harmful, rather than wrong. Whenever MJ is asked if he's ever molested a child, he has the same answer... "I would never harm/hurt a child." Pedophiles use those terms because in their minds what they're doing isn't harmful or hurtful. It's loving and caring.
4. MJ didn't take the stand... that says a lot!

Here's the real issue with guys like MJ. Just as a wife killer like OJ doesn't go from nice guy to killer without a few stops in Abuserville, so will be the case with MJ. Child molesters habitually start with fantasies, which then are satisfied thorough pornography. But over time porno becomes routine as the fantasies become more detailed and sophisticated. This is when the pedophile moves up to molesting children, although in their eyes it's a normal sexual relationship. If they're not stopped, the fantasies and agressiveness grow, and since they cannot consumate a relationship legally, they'll build up a fantasy relationship with a child where they imagine the child really wants to be with them in the same way as they want the child, and this is when the line into child abduction is crossed. This is also when the kids get killed because the abductor is confronted with rejection and the realization that the child does not want them sexually and that they are now at risk for having a child who will surely report the incident to the police. So out of either rejection or fear of arrest, they kill the child.

MJ is following the exact MP of a classic pedophile, and he'll be back in the news before too long because I think he's past the point where he can control himself. What really worries me is why a guy who claims to be a child who never wants to grow up would want his own children... who could only possibly serve to remind him that he is grown up, thus destroying his vision of reality and illusions? My guess is that he thinks his kids will never betray him and will love him unconditionally, i.e., allow him to realize his fantasies with them without fear of arrest.


Asperger's Poster Child
Bruzilla said:
MJ is following the exact MP of a classic pedophile, and he'll be back in the news before too long because I think he's past the point where he can control himself.

I didn't know that about the MP, but it makes sense. It validates all the fears I have about his unearthly freakishness. I think you're right about MJ being in the larva stage of pedophilia.

canuk woman

i heard this on mjstar that he's never going to sleep with children ever again


New Member
canuk woman said:
i heard this on mjstar that he's never going to sleep with children ever again
Again? I thought he would never do that! Hmmm I must be mis-informed, will he share his porno books with them though? :patriot:


canuk woman said:
i heard this on mjstar that he's never going to sleep with children ever again

so that comment there tells you he is guilty... I guess you'd let him watch your children.. does that make you as perverted as he is.. :confused:


i'm sorry-but if you have more then 5 counts of something against you and you've been drug in the courthouse more then once, you should be found guilty just for being that stupid.


It seems to me that in the United States, one is innocent until proven guilty.

Michael Jackson wasn't even close to be proven guilty of anything. (Other than being a weirdo, and last I looked that wasn't illegal).

His behavior with children is inappropriate, and unbecoming - and frankly, I wouldn't let my kids anywhere NEAR this horribly twisted wreck - but he wasn't proven guilty of this crime, and should not have been, because of a completely underwhelming flop of a case by the prosecution, and the impressive lack of credibility by the accuser.

And I can't force myself to believe that "Look at Jackson... just LOOK at him!" and "He's such a screwball, how can he NOT be guilty" are valid arguments. If we're just going to disregard the complete lack of evidence, and go by what we "know" to be true, then we're all in for a world of hurt.

This coming from a former frontman of the torch weilding mob.

Having said that, Jackson should be required to get court approved therapy.


Football addict
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by citysherry

My prediction is that he’ll be acquitted on all charges.

BuddyLee said:
Ha! I was right.


Toxick said:
It seems to me that in the United States, one is innocent until proven guilty.

Michael Jackson wasn't even close to be proven guilty of anything. (Other than being a weirdo, and last I looked that wasn't illegal).

His behavior with children is inappropriate, and unbecoming - and frankly, I wouldn't let my kids anywhere NEAR this horribly twisted wreck - but he wasn't proven guilty of this crime, and should not have been, because of a completely underwhelming flop of a case by the prosecution, and the impressive lack of credibility by the accuser.

And I can't force myself to believe that "Look at Jackson... just LOOK at him!" and "He's such a screwball, how can he NOT be guilty" are valid arguments. If we're just going to disregard the complete lack of evidence, and go by what we "know" to be true, then we're all in for a world of hurt.

This coming from a former frontman of the torch weilding mob.

Having said that, Jackson should be required to get court approved therapy.

The sole reason that Jackson got off was not because of the validity of the charges, it was because of the lack of credibility of the accusers. Defense lawyers have used this policy for decades to get off sex offenders. Paint the victim as a bad enough person, and a liar, and you get off. I don't think that he's guilty because he's "wierd" or eccentric, I think he's guilty because he shows evey textbook symptom of being a pedophile.

By the way, what court-approved therapy should he receive, and why should the court order the therapy, if he's not guilty?

canuk woman

PrepH4U said:
Again? I thought he would never do that! Hmmm I must be mis-informed, will he share his porno books with them though? :patriot:

maybe you should go to to get more info

canuk woman

Short_Cake said:
so that comment there tells you he is guilty... I guess you'd let him watch your children.. does that make you as perverted as he is.. :confused:

no it doesn't and no that does not make me as perverted


I am so very blessed
canuk woman said:
will you stop with the bedsores thing
Our of curiosity, what is it about Michael Jackson that you find so appealing? Granted, at one time in his life - a long time ago - he put out some entertaining music and videos. But he hasn't released any decent music in some time. What is it about him that you like and/or admire? What do you view as his good and endearing qualities?