Friday, Aug 17 - Mango's at Herrington Harbor



Yes, I've snuck into one of the forum meet-ups at CIP.

Sure you did Craig, just like you were going to meet BCP @ Ruddy Duck and punch his ####ing face .........

Dick Cheese .........


Nobody wants to ruin a forum get-together, and you completely missed the point. When something should/does occur, and all of you get that little visit from CC's finest,

who was the MORON that called the Secret Service on Mikey ?

Kerhad is that you ??


In My Opinion
I actually think NHboy is okay. Giantone, no.

Had KooKoo toned her act down after she came out and met us, it's entirely possible that things would have settled down. But no. Just a couple days later she was right back at her ugliness. So too bad for her.

Going to get slapped for this but, She seemed normal and nice while at the resturant, Its why I try not to engage in the BS on here.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
She seemed normal and nice while at the resturant,

That was the general consensus, which is why I said things could have blown over. UNTIL she jumped back on here a couple days later and started showing her ass again. I told Bann that if KooKoo shows up again, I will find other things to do on Friday nights. No interest in that drama and bullcrap, and no intention of sitting at a dinner table with someone who has been as ugly to me personally as she has.

So there it is. I do this #### all day long, deal with freaks and wackjobs; I'll not be doing it in my leisure time as well.


Jam out with ur clam out
That was the general consensus, which is why I said things could have blown over. UNTIL she jumped back on here a couple days later and started showing her ass again. I told Bann that if KooKoo shows up again, I will find other things to do on Friday nights. No interest in that drama and bullcrap, and no intention of sitting at a dinner table with someone who has been as ugly to me personally as she has.

So there it is. I do this #### all day long, deal with freaks and wackjobs; I'll not be doing it in my leisure time as well.

what you need is a plan b... keep it a secret...

if "someone" shows up..... a signal is made... then someone goes out to smoke.. others go to the potty... and BAM everyone is gone... and off to the plan B meeting place.(only the regulars know where it would be)



Obama destroyed America
Nobody wants to ruin a forum get-together, and you completely missed the point. When something should/does occur, and all of you get that little visit from CC's finest, don't act like any of you are completely innocent.

Yes, I've snuck into one of the forum meet-ups at CIP. I could have taken my cheap shot at several members I don't care for. But you know, it's not worth the trouble. What's on the forums stays on the forums IMO. I'd let ItalianScallion shine my shoes, ETC wash my car, and Baja can dry clean my hijab. It's cool. If you want to carry what's said on here outside of the forum....idk what to tell you. You never know who will carry the things said on here to what extent. I won't be the one finding out.
Dude, you, JPC and mamakookoo would make a great gang. You could call yourselves "The Three Windowlickers".

Why do you sneak around?? Grow a set and announce yourself. Then we'll invite you to sit down and explain why you're such a terrorist loving douchebag who obsesses over people on an internet forum.
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I get off work @ 4:30 & this is closer to me so I'll be there a little before 5. :yahoo:

*FH will be meeting us a bit after 5 depending on work.


My real name.

Going to get slapped for this but, She seemed normal and nice while at the restaurant, Its why I try not to engage in the xx on here.

Clearly it is just another cat-fight where the females are attacking one of their own.

There is nothing which can interfere when the cats get their teeth into some new food.
