Gas Prices!


New Member
BuddyLee said:
How does one measure cheese and oil on the same scale?

I don't why did you compare their prices? Oil...about $65 a barrel now. Cheese....a handful of the most types cost a few dollars?

For equal mass the cheese would be much more expensive unless you want to use velveta.


Football addict
Triggerfish said:
I don't why did you compare their prices? Oil...about $65 a barrel now. Cheese....a handful of the most types cost a few dollars?

For equal mass the cheese would be much more expensive unless you want to use velveta.
So the average American would rather take the bulk of cheese than the barrel of oil? Maybe in Green Bay.


New Member
BuddyLee said:
So the average American would rather take the bulk of cheese than the barrel of oil? Maybe in Green Bay.

OK I reread what you stated earlier..."wanted". I was reading into earlier posts by everyone talking in monetary price. Then again a starving family anywhere can do more with a bulk of cheese than barrel of oil.
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BuddyLee said:
It's too bad cheese isn't as wanted or worth as much as oil.:really:

Are you sure about that?

BuddyLee said:
You and everyone else can complain, good luck with that though.:yay:

And there goes the point.

Thank you for completely ignoring it.


Football addict
Triggerfish said:
OK I reread what you stated earlier..."wanted or needed". I was reading into earlier posts by everyone talking in monetary price.
Tis' ok. I just don't get this concept of throwing a hissy fit when gas goes up.

Oh no, woe is me! Gas went up 10 cent. I'll have to spend $2 more to fill up the ole 20 gallon tanker. I'll never make my $600,000 mortage, numerous credit card and car payments.:drama:


BuddyLee said:
Watching people wasting their breath is only so entertaining.

Yeah. You're right. Whenever you're getting screwed, it's always better to just spread your cheeks and say "sock it to me".

That's much more effective than wasting your time and effort on complaints or trying to effect any sort of desired change.

For what it's worth, I don't particuarly care if gas goes up to 7 dollars a gallon. I ride the bus every day, which cost me 20 bucks a month, no matter what it says on the gas-station sign.

However, I thought your line of reasoning, as thus far expressed in this thread, sucks.


Football addict
Toxick said:
Yeah. You're right. Whenever you're getting screwed, it's always better to just spread your cheeks and say "sock it to me".
There are better things to worry about in life than mere pennies. What are you and others doing to lower the costs, crying on a forum?

When you feel you're pennies are worth...well...pennies again please come back and define 'good reasoning' for spending so much time b*tching and moaning about the apocalyptic:sarcasm: subject at hand.


New Member
Retail prices have risen an average of 70 cents since the beginning of the year and are up 62.7 cents from last August, Lundberg said.

Still, adjusted for inflation, prices have yet to climb to the record levels reached in the 1980s.

Gas prices in March 1981 would be $3.03 per gallon expressed in today's dollars, Lundberg said, while a barrel of oil would be about $90.

I guess the prices are finally catching up.


BuddyLee said:
There are better things to worry about in life than mere pennies. What are you and others doing to lower the costs, crying on a forum?

I'm not, and I wasn't, crying about the price of gas.

And what am I doing about it? I'm taking the bus instead of driving my car. (Unfortunately this isn't an easy option for folks in Southern Maryland, as there's not a decent form of public transit available there). Thereby cutting my direct support of Big Oil, not to mention saving buckets of moolah, which I can spend on books, gadgets and concerts.

However, my point - which you've yet to acknowledge, much less address - is that your whole argument was based around the ideal that "if it's good enough for the Yoorupeens, it's good enough for me"

But I reckon it's a moot point now, since you seem to have changed your argument to "it's only money".

To wit:
When you feel you're pennies are worth...well...pennies again please come back and define 'good reasoning' for spending so much time b*tching and moaning about the apocalyptic:sarcasm: subject at hand.

And I'll be sure, in the future, to keep an eye out for any complaints that you may have, or any rants you may provide, and I'll decide if it's worth your time and energy to come in here and b*tch and moan about it.

Yer welcome. :yay:


Football addict
Toxick said:
However, my point - which you've yet to acknowledge, much less address - is that your whole argument was based around the ideal that "if it's good enough for the Yoorupeens, it's good enough for me"
So oil will only decrease in price, right?:flush: Point in case, be glad for what you're paying now because you could pay a helluvalot more.

Toxick said:
And I'll be sure, in the future, to keep an eye out for any complaints that you may have, or any rants you may provide, and I'll decide if it's worth your time and energy to come in here and b*tch and moan about it.

Yer welcome. :yay:
Happy hunting.:cheers:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
If someone gave me a block of cheese squirming with maggots, I'd complain.

Yet in Italy, casu marzu is a much sought after delicasy.
:shriek: I thought you were making that up, so I googled it :twitch:

Anyway, b!tch your head off - this is America and you've got a right! :patriot: People have complained about the price of everything since there first was stuff to buy.


New Member
I personally believe that rising oil prices is a good thing. It makes development of alternative energy more attractive. Maybe we'll find something that will free us from foreign oil and/or something less polluting.

John Z

if you will
Toxick said:
For what it's worth, I don't particuarly care if gas goes up to 7 dollars a gallon. I ride the bus every day, which cost me 20 bucks a month, no matter what it says on the gas-station sign.

Don't think that the cost of the bus will stay at $20/month with gas at $7/gal. In fact, the cost of *everything* will increase as energy costs increase.


Well-Known Member
Triggerfish said:
I personally believe that rising oil prices is a good thing. It makes development of alternative energy more attractive. Maybe we'll find something that will free us from foreign oil and/or something less polluting.

I agree with you to a certain extent. Unfortunately, no matter how quickly new vehicles are designed and manufactured that would free people from paying the higher gas prices, those who really need the break from the added expense are those who are least likely to be able to afford a new vehicle. Even if a dozen good hybrid designs go on the market tomorrow, it'll be a very long time before we as a nation can say we're free from foreign oil.


Super Genius
Triggerfish said:
I personally believe that rising oil prices is a good thing. It makes development of alternative energy more attractive. Maybe we'll find something that will free us from foreign oil and/or something less polluting.
:yeathat: I'm with you on that one Trigg.