Gas Prices!



When someone talks about parents referring back to the "Good Old Days" when gas was a nickel a gallon and a 3/2 house cost $20,000, you need to remember that back in the "Good Old Days" those prices were considered as expensive as $2.50 gas and $200,000 homes are today. And when out kids grow up and are complaigning about $6.00 a gallon gas and $800,000 homes we'll harken back to the "Good Old Days" that are now.

The best solution to someone's employment and cost of living woes is to live somewhere where you can afford to live. I got tired of skyrocketing taxes and prices in Maryland (and the gun laws) and moved to Florida. My salary went up (almost doubled actually), my state taxes went away, and the cost of living is much lower.

As for gas prices, they're being driven by speculation and availability more than anything else. Back in the "Good Old Days" there was only one formulation for each octane level, now you have dozens and you can't do spot moves of gasoline anymore. The other half of the problem, and the bigger in my mind, is the price speculation. It isn't based on realistic issues, just on what might, could, maybe could, happen in the future. The best way to deal with that issue is to start flooding the US oil market with more oil from Alaska, Texas, Florida, etc. That would bring the price of oil down to $25 or so in a hurry, and drop gas prices back down to about .90 a gallon where they should be.


I bowl overhand
ylexot said:
Maybe this will help...
Experimental Hybrid Cars Get Up to 250 Mpg

Of course, auto manufacturers still haven't figured out the right way to make a hybrid (electric powered with a gas generator).
And in CA they are talking about a "usage tax" on Hybrid cars. With them using less gas, they are losing tax revenue. One way or another they are going to get their money.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
The rising gas prices are finally starting to change my behavior. I'm officially spending over $250 a month in gas.

I've started curtailing errand trips for on the way home from work, etc. I'm taking more flights now, rather than driving, because it's actually less expensive to fly in some cases. I'm thinking twice about leaving the house, asking myself, do I really need to go right now...

If it continues at the rate it's going, I'll be hurtin' by this time next year.

I don't know who's fault it is... whether it's ours, the oil companies, the war's, etc. But I do know it's starting to affect my behavior.

And I'm sure I'm not alone.
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I bowl overhand
sleuth said:
The rising gas prices are finally starting to change my behavior. I'm officially spending over $250 a month in gas.

I've started curtailing errand trips for on the way home from work, etc. I'm taking more flights now, rather than driving, because it's almost less expensive to fly in some cases. I'm thinking twice about leaving the house, asking myself, do I really need to go right now...

If it continues at the rate it's going, I'll be hurtin' by this time next year.

I don't know who's fault it is... whether it's ours, the oil companies, the war's, etc. But I do know it's starting to affect my behavior.

And I'm sure I'm not alone.
The motorcycle has been a godsend.. the timing was perfect. Went from paying 45 - 50 a tank to $11.. and from 13 MPG to almost 50.. At this point the bike is paying for itself, and then some.

Saw on the news that a lady in DC resorted to a scooter, and is getting 60 MPG, figured a scooter would do better then that.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
itsbob said:
The motorcycle has been a godsend.. the timing was perfect. Went from paying 45 - 50 a tank to $11.. and from 13 MPG to almost 50.. At this point the bike is paying for itself, and then some.

Saw on the news that a lady in DC resorted to a scooter, and is getting 60 MPG, figured a scooter would do better then that.
That's another thing...
I've been thinking about buying an old cheap motorcycle for about $500 just for the gas...


When you think about it; it's really not even that expensive when compared to other things also sold in gallons (water, milk, ice cream, paint)....


Well-Known Member
nomoney said:
When you think about it; it's really not even that expensive when compared to other things also sold in gallons (water, milk, ice cream, paint)....
This is the idiotic comment so often repeated by George Will, who frequently comments that a gallon of milk costs so much more.

The thing is, it takes me a WEEK to use up a gallon of milk at the rate I drink it (coffee, cereal, cooking).

It takes me about twenty five MINUTES to consume a gallon of gas.


Salt Life
SamSpade said:
The thing is, it takes me a WEEK to use up a gallon of milk at the rate I drink it (coffee, cereal, cooking).

It takes me about twenty five MINUTES to consume a gallon of gas.
Multiply those 25 minutes per gallon times the number of miles you get from one tank of gas. Now, multiply the number of glasses you get per gallon of milk. IMO, gas goes a long way. :shrug:


New Member
Chasey_Lane said:
Multiply those 25 minutes per gallon times the number of miles you get from one tank of gas. Now, multiply the number of glasses you get per gallon of milk. IMO, gas goes a long way. :shrug:
It goes a long way because YOU didn't fill the tank up!


SamSpade said:
This is the idiotic comment so often repeated by George Will, who frequently comments that a gallon of milk costs so much more.

The thing is, it takes me a WEEK to use up a gallon of milk at the rate I drink it (coffee, cereal, cooking).

It takes me about twenty five MINUTES to consume a gallon of gas.

I'm sorry you think my comment was idiotic. But I refuse to join in on the hype that the gas prices are "outrageous". :duh: Yes I cringe when I pump in $50 a week in gas....but it was my choice to buy that vehicle and it is my choice that my family has a million hobbies/activities that require running the roads all the time. If gas is such an issue/ buy a hybrid-ride a bike- or pay the buck or two it costs to ride the short bus back and forth. My family goes through 3 gallons of milk just under a week; I'm more pizzed at the price increase in that than I am of gas...I mean we've already conquered all the cow countries, haven't we?


Well-Known Member
Chasey_Lane said:
Multiply those 25 minutes per gallon times the number of miles you get from one tank of gas. Now, multiply the number of glasses you get per gallon of milk. IMO, gas goes a long way. :shrug:
Not really. The question is still COST, not hours of usage.

I'm buying about 24 gallons of gas a week, on average. At 2.50 a gallon, that's sixty bucks.

I buy - MAYBE - a gallon of milk a week, usually much less - which, UNLIKE gas, I can still do without very easily. 3-4 bucks TOPS.

When the price of milk goes to 7 bucks a gallon - I'm drinking something else. Maybe beer. When the price of gas goes to 7 bucks - I have to buy it anyway.


Salt Life
nomoney said:
Yes I cringe when I pump in $50 a week in gas....
:killingme I wish I only put $50 in gas a week. Day filled up my car the other day and it came to $37.90. Multiply that by 3 times a week. :bawl:

canuk woman

StarCat said:
:mad: I hope I'm posting this in the right section...

Is anyone else REALLY fed up with the dramatic increase in gas prices, just in the last few weeks? It cost me $29 to fill up my Elantra today at BJ's for $2.44 a gallon. When I bought the car in September 2003, it cost me $15 to fill it up. I'm really dreading tomorrow when we have to fill up my husband's Trailblazer, which gets a whopping 250/300 (IF we are lucky) miles per tank...I would start riding my bicycle but I would probably look fairly stupid with 2 car seats hanging off of it :razz:

those greedy souless f******* gas people i oughta stick the pumps up their a***


Well-Known Member
Chasey_Lane said:
:killingme I wish I only put $50 in gas a week. Day filled up my car the other day and it came to $37.90. Multiply that by 3 times a week. :bawl:
The BIG THING that helps is taking that bus into work. Uncle Sam just about pays for all of it - so my only costs for driving is to and from the bus stop in Charlotte Hall.

Don't you work in the DC area? Why don't you take the bus? You could probably do it pretty damned cheap. Most times, I just take a nap on the way in and back from work.