Gay indoctrination...

Are they being indoctrinated?

  • Yes, it will harm them and make them gay

    Votes: 6 7.6%
  • It might not make them gay, but it will make them wrongly accept gays

    Votes: 21 26.6%
  • It won't harm them nor make them accepting of a wrong way to live

    Votes: 13 16.5%
  • It won't harm them and will rightly make them accept gays in society

    Votes: 39 49.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


In My Opinion
kmw1123 said:
but there are parents out there who do not mind their children learning tolerance for such things as homosexuality. As far as I can tell, that portion of the class is optional and will remain that way, so therefore no one is forcing their views on your children.
so, it should be ok to include the creation story from the bible in the evolution class as long as that portion is optional?


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said:
...will being told 'Gay is OK' make your son or daughter gay?
Just being told Gay is OK isn't going to hurt anyone, but being inundated with it in the news, in the movies, on TV EVERY night.. they will be more apt to find it an acceptable a choice for themselves, as it being a NORMAL way of life. Just like the research that said 10% of the population was gay in the 60's, then 20 years later they discover that not only was the research flawed, but was bogus, and a lot of illegal activity had to take place to compile the research.. (Can you explain to me how you can figure the AVERAGE time for a 2 year old to reach orgasm is without breaking a law??)

So, if the gay rights movements have their way, and come into our living rooms, and into the classroom with their ways of life more and more, they may yet reach the 10% mark.. or even the 20% mark.. You can't have a church prayer meeting on a school campus, but deny the gays the right to have a gay and lesbian pride club.. or gay and lesbian pre-teen club.. Something is not right..


I bowl overhand
And EVERYONE screams tolerance.. except those that think different, or find something not acceptable that they do.. How can you be tolerant of everyone.... except those that disagree with you?


kmw1123 said:
Hmmm, in a way I agree with you. I wonder if I could get a refund for all the classes I had to take on multiculturalism in education since it's not my job to deal with it. I'm not trying to go off on anybody or ask anyone to change their views, but there are parents out there who do not mind their children learning tolerance for such things as homosexuality. As far as I can tell, that portion of the class is optional and will remain that way, so therefore no one is forcing their views on your children. If they change that and make it a requirement for all students, then feel free to storm the board of ed with torches and pitchforks. I would actually be a part of the angry mob because it would be 10 times harder to do my job if I had to deal with angry parents all day long.

I assume since you paid for it you must be talking about college? You have a choice of what you take in college. Even though the original post by Larry didn’t state this, I believe this discussion is in the context of public schools. Kids in our schools don’t have a choice at what is thrown at them. You do, however, have a choice at what courses you take in college. If there are parents that don’t mind their children “learning tolerance” about such things, let them teach it to their kids. But it becomes a dangerous place when, in the wrong hands, the line of teaching tolerance and indoctrination gets crossed. K_Jo was proposing “MAKING” (or FORCING) kids to accept homosexuality. My whole argument has been based on this thinking crosses the line. I’m not sure what you mean by “that portion of the class is optional and will remain that way, so therefore no one is forcing their views on your children.” Are you saying a child can get up and leave the classroom when the teacher starts discussing homosexuality? I doubt that very seriously.

Bottom line, this sort of thing does not belong in our schools. Things of a such social and personal nature needs to come from parents where the parents can decide what their kids hear and can get immediate feedback and have an actual loving discussion about it. A place where the child can feel comfortable. A place where there is no agenda to force a child to accept something contrary to their beliefs.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

itsbob said:
, but being inundated with it in the news, in the movies, on TV EVERY night.. they will be more apt to find it an acceptable a choice for themselves, as it being a NORMAL way of life.

...then, as a simple logic trail, if we simply replace 'homo' with 'hetero' then being inundated with heterosexuality in the news, in the movies, at home, on TV, every night is what makes hetero's hetero? Right?

See, there's the rub; homophobes truly believe that all we are is these empty vessels that will all turn queer if 'those' people are seen and heard. Now, behavior wise, sure. We're all socialized for manners, custom and so on and so forth. Social behavior is not sexual behavior. Shaking hands and saying 'please' and 'thank you' does not make a roll in the hay, or gay hay, as the case may be.

I can be taught and exposed to 'gayness' but that is not going to make me want to wear a boa, march in a parade with my azz cheeks hanging out or listen to ABBA. Or sleep with a male.

It's that simple. Women make me have nasty thoughts. I want to touch them. Give them flowers. Pull their hair. Drag them into a cave. And then go get a sammitch and watch football. They turn me on. And it's not even all women. We all have our preferences.

To me, it is that simple; gay males and lesbians have those 'feelings' towards
people of their gender. They didn't get there in Biblical times from TV and school. They didn't get there in Biblical times from ABBA. I mean, right there is all the evidence you need;homosexuality is referenced in religion not as some incredibly rare thing. It was, I think, just as common then as it is now and it had no more to do with the culture then than it does now or ever will be.

Some people are gay. They're not gonna make anyone's kids gay. They can't. even though many invest them with SUPERGAY powers.

Rap music, now you're looking at a social problem and it's the least 'gay' thing in the universe.


Larry Gude said:
...then, as a simple logic trail, if we simply replace 'homo' with 'hetero' then being inundated with heterosexuality in the news, in the movies, at home, on TV, every night is what makes hetero's hetero? Right?

See, there's the rub; homophobes truly believe that all we are is these empty vessels that will all turn queer if 'those' people are seen and heard. Now, behavior wise, sure. We're all socialized for manners, custom and so on and so forth. Social behavior is not sexual behavior. Shaking hands and saying 'please' and 'thank you' does not make a roll in the hay, or gay hay, as the case may be.

God/nature (whathaveyou) created male and female to procreate. It’s how nature works. Has nothing to do with being a homophobe; it has to do with allowing nature to be just that… I find it interesting that you have resorted to calling folks homophobes yet you were the one that started this thread with the term “indoctrination”. I thought the discussion was in the context of that.

I can be taught and exposed to 'gayness' but that is not going to make me want to wear a boa, march in a parade with my azz cheeks hanging out or listen to ABBA. Or sleep with a male.

Hey, I’ve listened to ABBA and not once has it made me want to sleep with a male. :confused:

It's that simple. Women make me have nasty thoughts. I want to touch them. Give them flowers. Pull their hair. Drag them into a cave. And then go get a sammitch and watch football. They turn me on. And it's not even all women. We all have our preferences.

Fine, have your preference, but don’t insert this into our education system (or any other tax-payer-sponsored venue) as something that MUST be accepted.

To me, it is that simple; gay males and lesbians have those 'feelings' towards
people of their gender. They didn't get there in Biblical times from TV and school. They didn't get there in Biblical times from ABBA. I mean, right there is all the evidence you need;homosexuality is referenced in religion not as some incredibly rare thing. It was, I think, just as common then as it is now and it had no more to do with the culture then than it does now or ever will be.

I though this thread was about “being told 'Gay is OK'”, not being gay itself. Are you changing the direction of the discussion? Whether you or find gayness as accept or not has nothing to do with whether kids should be “indoctrinated” (your word) with such beliefs.

Some people are gay. They're not gonna make anyone's kids gay. They can't. even though many invest them with SUPERGAY powers.

Okay, true. But what if a teacher is teaching a class on “Gay acceptance and the Changing Social Climate”. She tells the 4th graders “Gay people are a fact of life and we must accept their behacior as normal and integrate them into every aspect of our lives”. Billy stands up and says “But teacher, I don’t believe it is normal and my faith tells me so and I think you are wrong”. What does teacher do, send Billy to the principles office for violating the tolerance rule? Smack Billy on the back of the hands for being insensitive? Make Billy sit in the corner? Or open the discussion for other input?

Now all the values that Billy's parents were trying instill own kids has just been comprimised by an outside force. That parent should be just as outraged as a Muslim parent should be if a teacher was teaching Christianity in the same context.


Main Streeter
PsyOps said:
You do, however, have a choice at what courses you take in college.
Some choice. You still have to take the courses that are required for the degree you want and then there's all the general requiremnts you don't have a choice about.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

PsyOps said:
God/nature (whathaveyou) created male and female to procreate. It’s how nature works. Has nothing to do with being a homophobe; it has to do with allowing nature to be just that… I find it interesting that you have resorted to calling folks homophobes yet you were the one that started this thread with the term “indoctrination”. I thought the discussion was in the context of that.

....whenever male monkeys and other animals who often engage in 'homosexaul' behavior poke each other in the azz and play with each others bananas, it's natural, right? That's just the way nature works, right?

As for 'homophobe' N: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexual

...if you don't have an irrational fear of queers, good for you.

The context was to get people to vote on whether or not the 'gay agenda' is succeeding in making kids gay or accepting of gays.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm sorry psy...

PsyOps said:
Fine, have your preference, but don’t insert this into our education system (or any other tax-payer-sponsored venue) as something that MUST be accepted.

...but I demand you accept my heterosexuality. I demand art and literature that is accepting and tolerant of heterosexuality. I want football players and cheerleaders. I want prom queens and kings appropriate to their gender. I want Romeo and Juliet. I want boys rooms and girls rooms. I want human reproduction taught. I want sex ed to cover disease and function and biology. If there is some stuff about homosexuality, especially when it comes to disease, we maybe ought throw some of that in there as well.

I demand you accept me for who I am.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

PsyOps said:
Okay, true. But what if a teacher is teaching a class on “Gay acceptance and the Changing Social Climate”. She tells the 4th graders “Gay people are a fact of life and we must accept their behacior as normal and integrate them into every aspect of our lives”. Billy stands up and says “But teacher, I don’t believe it is normal and my faith tells me so and I think you are wrong”. What does teacher do, send Billy to the principles office for violating the tolerance rule? Smack Billy on the back of the hands for being insensitive? Make Billy sit in the corner? Or open the discussion for other input?

Now all the values that Billy's parents were trying instill own kids has just been comprimised by an outside force. That parent should be just as outraged as a Muslim parent should be if a teacher was teaching Christianity in the same context.

...what does Billy's faith tell him to do? Ignore them? Pretend they don't exist? Set them on fire? Is the teacher making Billy be gay for a day? Take one home to integrate one into his family? I had to take Beowulf home and I still reject it.

As for the Muslims, they ought to be a whole lot more outraged that people of their faith are committing mass murder in their name than that little Mo wants to wear his sisters Burka.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm not sure...

Nucklesack said:
Guess God loves them Homo's since he made many an animal that way too


Maybe they read Heather has 2 mommies and were brainwashed into being gay?

...if you're supporting my argument or not.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Nucklesack said:
If your argument was "Homosexuality is a natural act, since other animals in Nature exibit it also", I am supporting your argument.

If your argument is "(a) God created the world and animals and plants and sun, and Created animals that were also Homosexual, so God must not have the disdain for it that Man does", then i'm supporting your argument.

...if I understand you, you're supporting my argument?


Larry Gude said:
...what does Billy's faith tell him to do? Ignore them? Pretend they don't exist? Set them on fire? Is the teacher making Billy be gay for a day? Take one home to integrate one into his family? I had to take Beowulf home and I still reject it.

I'm less concerned about what Billy does and more concerned about what the teacher does. The teacher has a captive audience; skulls full o' mush (if you will). Easily molded into whatever the teacher wants to convey. As I keep trying to say, it was your contention that there is the possibility of "INDOCTRINATION". The fact that you even started this thread indicates the potential controversy of bringing such things in our public schools. So, in the end, Billy shouldn't have to worry about what to with the information; because it doesn't belong there (in the schools) in the first place.

As for the Muslims, they ought to be a whole lot more outraged that people of their faith are committing mass murder in their name than that little Mo wants to wear his sisters Burka.

Okay Larry, since you attempted to divert from my point... That parent should be just as outraged as a parent, who raises their kids as atheists, should be if a teacher was teaching Christianity in the same context. :rolleyes:
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Are you suggesting...

PsyOps said:
I'm less concerned about what Billy does and more concerned about what the teacher does. The teacher has a captive audience; skulls full o' mush (if you will). Easily molded into whatever the teacher wants to convey. As I keep trying to say, it was your contention that there is the possibility of "INDOCTRINATION". The fact that you even started this thread indicates the potential controversy of bringing such things in our public schools. So, in the end, Billy should've to worry about what to with the information; because it doesn't belong there (in the schools) in the first place.

...that the parents have less influence than the school?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

PsyOps said:
As I keep trying to say, it was your contention that there is the possibility of "INDOCTRINATION". The fact that you even started this thread indicates the potential controversy of bringing such things in our public schools. So, in the end, Billy should've to worry about what to with the information; because it doesn't belong there (in the schools) in the first place.

...the whole point of the thread was to see, in this voting land of ours, if more people are really bothered by the gay agenda or not.

I used 'indoctrination' in reference to the way opponents present the 'gay menace'.

It was...


Larry Gude

Strung Out

PsyOps said:
Okay Larry, since you attempted to divert from my point... That parent should be just as outraged as a parent, who raises their kids as atheists, should be if a teacher was teaching Christianity in the same context. :rolleyes:

...since you put it that way, the atheists should be a whole lot more worried about Islamo-facists who wish to put an end to their atheism.


New Member
There is no gay INDOCTRINATION. The state board of ed approved a homosexual tolerance portion in the sex ed program that was started in Montgomery County. Parents have the option to take their child out of that portion of the class and they can either do an independent study, an extra abstinence lesson, or a lesson on stress management. Therefore, no one is forcing kids and parents to be exposed to something they don't believe in. This arguement is pointless.


kmw1123 said:
There is no gay INDOCTRINATION. The state board of ed approved a homosexual tolerance portion in the sex ed program that was started in Montgomery County. Parents have the option to take their child out of that portion of the class and they can either do an independent study, an extra abstinence lesson, or a lesson on stress management. Therefore, no one is forcing kids and parents to be exposed to something they don't believe in. This arguement is pointless.

In my opnion, whenever you take a hormonally imbalanced kid and confuse them with an unexplainable totally unresearched subject like this... you characterize it as indoctrination. I've been against it since the yellow pages in the High Schools first included it... faught it in the PTA and continue to speak out against it every time it comes up.

Children who are raised in homes with even moderate parental supervision are at risk. There are a lot of children out there, however, who are now living without parental guidance due to the simple fact that both parents may be out of the home working.

Good kids are having to face this exposure on top of the regular peer pressure that we faced when we were their age. In some cases it's not only indoctrination, it's blatant recruitment. I find it revolting.... That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it....


New Member
How hard is it to sign a piece of paper to keep your kids out of that portion of the class? I know parents have to work and all that, but if you can't take 2 minutes to read over a form and sign it, then you have alot more to worry about then your kids taking a gay tolerance lesson.