Gay indoctrination...

Are they being indoctrinated?

  • Yes, it will harm them and make them gay

    Votes: 6 7.6%
  • It might not make them gay, but it will make them wrongly accept gays

    Votes: 21 26.6%
  • It won't harm them nor make them accepting of a wrong way to live

    Votes: 13 16.5%
  • It won't harm them and will rightly make them accept gays in society

    Votes: 39 49.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
PsyOps said:
And here is my point.... Where does it end? Have our politicians gone mad?

Sex Ed for Kindergarteners 'Right Thing to Do,' Says Obama

AGE APPROPRIATE? IN KINDERGARTEN? I don't trust these people. There is no way I want schools even binging up the word sex to my 5 year old.

Yeah, I don't agree with the whole sex ed in kindegarten, either. Although I do agree with the inappropriate touching point. Kids should be encouraged to come forward if something like that is going on at home. Abuse happens more often than we realize, and it breaks my heart to think of those kids who are too afraid to speak up and can't get help.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

PsyOps said:
This is about indoctrinating our children with things of a moral and social element. It just doesn’t belong in our schools.

...right. What was I thinking? The last place you want to be teaching social things is in a school.


Larry Gude said:
...right. What was I thinking? The last place you want to be teaching social things is in a school.

Let me guess... more sarcasm. Then I contend that if we are allowed to "indoctrinate" our kids with homosexuality, from a social and tolerance level, demanding that our kids accept this behavior as normal (which I am not contending that it isn't), then the same should apply to Christianity, Hinduism, etc..., transgenderism, yadda, yadda.

You didn't read the article I provided you, did you? If you read this, you will understand where I am coming from. Until then all you seem to be able to do is throw your sarcasm at me.

Let me say, I am not proposing there shouldn't be some level of "education" on these issues, but if you are going to allow one, then you must be prepared to allow them all. Homosexuality is not the only group out there demanding our kids be exposed to them as acceptable. My only fear (as indicated in the article I provided) is some extremist with an agenda planting that doesn't know where the line is and attempting to plant ideas in these "skulls-o'-mush" that may weigh contrary to their culture, beliefs and family values. I know these things aren't important to a lot of you, but I have certain values I am instilling in my kids and don't need some social experiment in our schools to do that job for me. Just teach them the 3-Rs, etc... leave the rest to the parents.
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kmw1123 said:
Yeah, I don't agree with the whole sex ed in kindegarten, either. Although I do agree with the inappropriate touching point. Kids should be encouraged to come forward if something like that is going on at home. Abuse happens more often than we realize, and it breaks my heart to think of those kids who are too afraid to speak up and can't get help.

Who wouldn't agree with that. That's just a simple matter of maintaining discipline in the classroom. Teaching 5 year olds about sex wont solve the touching problem. If anything it will be like the hot stove. You tell them it's hot they become curious about how hot it really is... and touch it. Some things, at certain ages, are best left alone AND TO THE PARENTS!


New Member
Not trying to add fuel to the fire, but where do we draw the line when it comes to opposing viewpoints? Let's say that we allow people like PFOX and other anti-gay groups come into schools and discuss their viewpoints and pass out brochures. Does that mean that when we cover civil rights for African Americans we should allow the KKK to come in and discuss their points of view? When we discuss the Holocaust, should we bring in neo-nazi groups to discuss their beliefs? If you allow one, you may have to allow them all...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Good guess!!!

PsyOps said:
Let me guess... more sarcasm. Then I contend that if we are allowed to "indoctrinate" our kids with homosexuality, from a social and tolerance level, demanding that our kids accept this behavior as normal (which I am not contending that it isn't), then the same should apply to Christianity, Hinduism, etc..., transgenderism, yadda, yadda.

You didn't read the article I provided you, did you? If you read this, you will understand where I am coming from. Until then all you seem to be able to do is throw your sarcasm at me.

Let me say, I am not proposing there shouldn't be some level of "education" on these issues, but if you are going to allow one, then you must be prepared to allow them all. Homosexuality is not the only group out there demanding our kids be exposed to them as acceptable. My only fear (as indicated in the article I provided) is some extremist with an agenda planting that doesn't know where the line is and attempting to plant ideas in these "skulls-o'-mush" that may weigh contrary to their culture, beliefs and family values. I know these things aren't important to a lot of you, but I have certain values I am instilling in my kids and don't need some social experiment in our schools to do that job for me. Just teach them the 3-Rs, etc... leave the rest to the parents.

...and I did read the article. You and people on your side think that when someone tells your kid to take drugs, be gay or clean their room, they're gonna join whatever cult and become full fledged members, right?

I fully support your right to protest this stuff, vigorously. I've already said the school board is wrong to limit and restrict debate. They're acting no differently than school boards 30-40 years ago who were scared of whatever it was they were scared of in the day.

As far as leaving the rest to the parents, is it OK with you if parents teach their kids to hate gays? Blacks? Jews? Whites? Themselves? At the end of the day, your kids and mine and everyone elses are going to live in the world, somewhere. That means they're gonna be around all sorts of people to whatever degree they choose.

Is it simply a coincidence that things like the Klan and legal racial segregation are pretty much gone? Did school boards have nothing to do with that? Did parents do all that on their own?

Conversely, school boards can and do go too far. The board was wrong to limit and restrict debate. That's no different a mindset than some Bull Conner 50 years ago. Maybe they ought to lose their jobs over this?

Like it or not, schools are very social places full of all sorts of different people.


Well-Known Member
kmw1123 said:
Not trying to add fuel to the fire, but where do we draw the line when it comes to opposing viewpoints? Let's say that we allow people like PFOX and other anti-gay groups come into schools and discuss their viewpoints and pass out brochures. Does that mean that when we cover civil rights for African Americans we should allow the KKK to come in and discuss their points of view? When we discuss the Holocaust, should we bring in neo-nazi groups to discuss their beliefs? If you allow one, you may have to allow them all...
Isn't that covered under "community standards"? Clearly, there is a LARGE portion of the community here that feels the way this issue is being addressed is not within their standards. Maybe in northwest Idaho there is some community that would have the Arian Nation be their standard, but I doubt even that. That's a vocal MINORITY of people, with standards far outside their community.

I understand you're trying to take the "slippery slope" argument the other way. I think that's why people say mostly to stay away from the issue altogether.

Personally, my point of view is to teach in biology class that there is a statistically insignificant portion of the population that, either by choice or birth, decide to act single-sexually. This is an abnormality that it is illegal to discriminate against or to harass in any way - and any action like that will not be tolerated in this school. If you have any further questions on the subject, we (the school) recommend you speak with your parents about it. On to the next subject.

What do you think?


New Member
I would like to find a copy of the lesson plans that would be used so I could get an idea of what they are trying to get across to the students.


Well-Known Member
kmw1123 said:
I would like to find a copy of the lesson plans that would be used so I could get an idea of what they are trying to get across to the students.
The lessons in question are characterized this way: There are three lessons {by the way, this is really good. Two 45 minutes eighth grade sessons plus 2 45 minute 10th grade session plus an additional 45 minute 10th grade session = 3 lessons};

From the State BOE decision said:
The Grade 8 lessons are a two-part lesson on "Respect for Differences in Human Sexuality" Each part of the lesson provides 45 minutes of instruction, a total of 90 minutes for the entire lesson over the course of two days. In the first session, students examine negative effects of stereotyping and harassment, and positive results of respect, empathy, and tolerance on individuals and the school environment. In the second session, students consider how people respond to differences in gender identity, sexual identity, and sexual orientation.
The Grade 10 lessons are on "Respect for Differences in Human Sexuality" that build on the Grade 8 lesson with information and materials appropriate for the higher grade level. Each part of the lesson provides 45 minutes of instruction, for a total of 90 minutes for the entire lesson over the course of two days. In the first session, students learn the vocabulary of human sexuality and build on their understanding with factual information, including references to laws the schools must follow to prevent harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and sexual identity. In the second session, students examine sexual orientation and the challenges related to human sexuality that some adolescents may face.
A single session lesson in Grade 10 presents a "Condom Use Demonstration" for disease prevention and control. the 45 minute lesson includes a brief video that demonstrates the correct examination, use, and disposal of a condom.
The lesson serves as a bridge between the unit of Family Life and Human Sexuality, which includes information about contraception, and the unit on Disease Prevention and Control, which includes informationon sexually transmitted disease and infection. {Now, the kicker that is the opposite of everything above} The lesson emphasizes abstinence from sexual activity as the most effective method to prevent unwanted pregnancy and to protect against sexually transmitted disease and infection.
I see enough.... :shrug:


New Member
It almost seems as though the school system is trying to "cover its own butt" with talk of learning how to deal with differences in the school environment and laws that schools must abide by dealing with harassment. Offer these tolerance lessons now so that if there was ever a discrimination law suit, the school can say that they tried to do something in the way of prevention.


Well-Known Member
kmw1123 said:
It almost seems as though the school system is trying to "cover its own butt" with talk of learning how to deal with differences in the school environment and laws that schools must abide by dealing with harassment. Offer these tolerance lessons now so that if there was ever a discrimination law suit, the school can say that they tried to do something in the way of prevention.
could be. Seems like half a day over the course of two school years is a little long to spend on that to me personally. And, there seem to be a lot of little key phrases in there that sound ideoligical. If that's their goal, though, why not use that as a reasonable argument?


Larry Gude said:
...and I did read the article. You and people on your side think that when someone tells your kid to take drugs, be gay or clean their room, they're gonna join whatever cult and become full fledged members, right?

“You people…” Just great. :rolleyes: I can add you to the rest of the progressives in Boulder that you are okay with this sort of teaching; that adults come in to our schools and promote the use of illegal drugs, promiscuous and unprotected sex, and same sex experimentation. I don’t know if it occurred to you Larry, but doing illegal drugs is……. ILLEGAL. I suppose you would be perfectly comfortable with your kid sitting in on that assembly. Then why don’t we follow it up with the KKK coming in and promoting the eradication of the African American culture. Then after that we can bring in a bunch of porn stars and have them talk about the wonderful experiences of gang sex. And let’s not stop there… let’s get the Westboro Baptist Church in there telling the kids how they can organize their own protests against our fallen soldiers with sign-making classes that state “Thank God for IEDs” and “Thank God for dead soldiers”… IN THE NAME OF JESUS. And we might just need to bring in a radical Islamist to preach jihad. Are there any boundaries Larry?

As far as leaving the rest to the parents, is it OK with you if parents teach their kids to hate gays? Blacks? Jews? Whites? Themselves? At the end of the day, your kids and mine and everyone elses are going to live in the world, somewhere. That means they're gonna be around all sorts of people to whatever degree they choose.

No it’s not okay with me for parents to teach their kids to hate. But it’s not my place to tell parents how to raise their kids. Are you proposing there be a law that forbids parents from teaching their kids this or that? Do you honestly think putting this crap in schools is going to change that anyway? But I trust the parents to teach this type of “tolerance” education more than I trust the schools. Like I wrote before, it’s not so much the subject of it, it’s who it is and what agenda they have in teaching this.

Is it simply a coincidence that things like the Klan and legal racial segregation are pretty much gone? Did school boards have nothing to do with that? Did parents do all that on their own?

Gays are already integrated into our schools. There was no government mandated law making that happen. When bussing started back in the 70s there were no special courses or instruction that taught to tolerate each other. We just did. I remember it well. Things didn’t go well in some instances, but went really well in other instances. But we didn’t need some course on how to tolerate each other. We were thrown into the classroom together and that was that. I do remember my mom and dad talking to me about it though. So what is so special about gays that we need some class or instructional to teach us how to tolerate them?

Like it or not, schools are very social places full of all sorts of different people.

Of course they are social places. That’s the nature of things. Too much responsibility is being placed on our teachers being forced to teach outside what I believe my taxes are paying for. Go to some of the schools in PG county and you will understand what I am talking about. As an example, if I hadn’t moved from Greenbelt MD my son would had to go to Robert Goddard Middle School. They changed it to a French Immersion school. No vote from the community. No say so from the parents, they just did it. Now what stinking purpose was there in this? Where the majority of the people of that area speak either English or Spanish they did this. :jameo: This is not what my tax dollars were intended. I would have had to pay for my son to go to do a different school, while my taxes would have still paid for this school. This is something that does not belong in the schools. If they want to have French classes fine. If there is going to be a French Immersion school let someone open a private school. I wont go into detail as to the other methods of indoctrination that is happening in PG schools; just visit there and you will know what I am talking about. That is why we moved. But it seems there is no escaping the reach of the progressive movement that is taking over this country aimed at “INDOCTRINATION” at very young ages. Get ‘em why their young. That is the plan.


kmw1123 said:
It almost seems as though the school system is trying to "cover its own butt" with talk of learning how to deal with differences in the school environment and laws that schools must abide by dealing with harassment. Offer these tolerance lessons now so that if there was ever a discrimination law suit, the school can say that they tried to do something in the way of prevention.

Quite frankly, in my opinion, this "tolerance" talk has gotten quite out of control.... if the school board would just go back backing a good spanking at home we wouldn't have so many bullies and sissie's.... :coffee:

When they took prayer out of the public schools they started their own problem and now they can't figure out how to get it fixed.... tolerance will never work when they don't have a God to teach them morals....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's kinda funny...

PsyOps[B said:
]“You people…” [/B] Just great. :rolleyes: I can add you to the rest of the progressives in Boulder that you are okay with this sort of teaching; that adults come in to our schools and promote the use of illegal drugs, promiscuous and unprotected sex, and same sex experimentation.

...watching you directly misquote me in a thread about schools, not that there is anything wrong with that. You have done it on a consistent basis for some time on numerous subjects and, frankly, it's long been known that a portion of the population is...that way. Well, I can learn to be accepting of alternative comprehension.

So. About them queers. What should we do with 'em, in your perfect world, besides silence them? I'm open to suggestions.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
So. About them queers. What should we do with 'em, in your perfect world, besides silence them? I'm open to suggestions.

We should teach about them exactly the same as we do about other political issues. The same as we do about legalizing dope or not. The same as we do about tolerance for people who have sex with corpses or blowup dolls. The same as we do about religious views and which ones are right and which ones are wrong. The same about which race is superior. About why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings.


This isn't "silencing" them anymore than than say, religions are silenced. Just don't "teach" it to my kids.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Nucklesack said:
So aetheists arent moral?

But having both Renters and Property Owners pay double into your CRE Ponzi scheme is your idea of Moral?

Now now. Putting aside that I have no religious axe to grind, a DUMB and perhaps even unfair taxing scheme isn't an issue of *morality*.


Larry Gude said:
It's kinda funny watching you directly misquote me in a thread about schools, not that there is anything wrong with that. You have done it on a consistent basis for some time on numerous subjects and, frankly, it's long been known that a portion of the population is...that way. Well, I can learn to be accepting of alternative comprehension.

So. About them queers. What should we do with 'em, in your perfect world, besides silence them? I'm open to suggestions.

Misquote you? Perhaps if you didn't write in double-speak, half-points, inuendo and unmentioned sarcasms (which you are most consist of) you wouldn't be misquoted.

Talk about misquoting... where do you come off insinuating I even felt any iota that gay people are queers. I don't use such push-button language. It's disengenuous to assert otherwise.

And again talk about misquoting... I never said anything about silencing anyone. and I have no perfect world.

I haven't suggested doing anything about them "queers". They want to live their lives like you and me. I thought this discussion was about whether our kids should be "INDOCTRINATED" with being told it's okay to be gay. My simple answer has been from the very beginning IT DOESN'T BELONG IN OUR SCHOOLS. Some of these teachings belong at home. That is my humble opinion.


New Member
All I can say is that it is pointless debating this over and over here on this forum. If you are totally against it, join one of the groups that are protesting the state board of education. They are the one's who made the decision. If it goes to court and your side wins, so be it. If it doesn't win, either sign the paper to keep your kid out of that portion of the sex ed program or take them out of public school.


Well-Known Member
kmw1123 said:
All I can say is that it is pointless debating this over and over here on this forum. If you are totally against it, join one of the groups that are protesting the state board of education. They are the one's who made the decision. If it goes to court and your side wins, so be it. If it doesn't win, either sign the paper to keep your kid out of that portion of the sex ed program or take them out of public school.
That, honestly makes sense. Now, just give me a voicher to pay for my private school with the funds rightfully set aside for my kids for public school, and I'll be on my way to a school that I can agree with the propaganda it puts out.

Oh, wait, school voichers. That should be a whole new thread! :lmao:


New Member
This_person said:
That, honestly makes sense. Now, just give me a voicher to pay for my private school with the funds rightfully set aside for my kids for public school, and I'll be on my way to a school that I can agree with the propaganda it puts out.

Oh, wait, school voichers. That should be a whole new thread! :lmao:

Fine, I'll be sure to tell human resources to cut you a check directly out of my salary. It's not like I was ever going to be able to buy my own home anyway with what they pay me. You know, if I had known that teaching was going to be one of the most unappreciated jobs out there, I would never have followed my dream and gotten into the field. All I have heard is how teachers have some sick secret agenda to turn kids gay, how we are all a bunch of Godless immoral sinners, and how we have failed kids today when it comes to learning basic skills. I had never even heard of the idea to include homosexuality in the curriculum until I saw the story on this forum, but yet I have been accused of practicing in the "gay arts" and teaching little girls how to be lesbians so I can increase my dating pool. All I did was support my employer and keep an open mind. I have never once said that we should force students to change their beliefs or sit in lessons that are against the teachings of the parents. That's why the class is optional. If it goes to the supreme court and the school board wins, is it going to be so terribly hard to sign a piece of paper so your kid can learn about something else? Heck, I will even spot you the money for the pen if that would help. I just hope that you put as much effort into making sure your child does their schoolwork and gets good grades as you do making sure they don't have homosexual tolerance lessons.
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