Gay indoctrination...

Are they being indoctrinated?

  • Yes, it will harm them and make them gay

    Votes: 6 7.6%
  • It might not make them gay, but it will make them wrongly accept gays

    Votes: 21 26.6%
  • It won't harm them nor make them accepting of a wrong way to live

    Votes: 13 16.5%
  • It won't harm them and will rightly make them accept gays in society

    Votes: 39 49.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Larry Gude said:
...that the parents have less influence than the school?

Have you heard of this story?
It wasn't until Bill O'Reilly made a big stink about this that something was actually done.

This is the danger I am talking about. This was just at a student assembly; one hour of indoctrination. Now factor this out with a gay teacher with an agenda having these skulls-o'-mush at his disposal for the entire year. Can't you see the danger in allowing such things being "taught" in our schools? Can't you equate this to having a class being taught religion by a radical right wing evangelist?

I may be inserting some extreme scenarios, but if there is the slightest possibility (read article above) I don't want my kid exposed to it.


Larry Gude said:
...the whole point of the thread was to see, in this voting land of ours, if more people are really bothered by the gay agenda or not.

I used 'indoctrination' in reference to the way opponents present the 'gay menace'.

It was...

58 posts later and you say it was sarcasm? :smack:


kmw1123 said:
There is no gay INDOCTRINATION. The state board of ed approved a homosexual tolerance portion in the sex ed program that was started in Montgomery County. Parents have the option to take their child out of that portion of the class and they can either do an independent study, an extra abstinence lesson, or a lesson on stress management. Therefore, no one is forcing kids and parents to be exposed to something they don't believe in. This arguement is pointless.

Now I know you will take this the wrong way so I was preface this with "I AM ALL FOR TOLLERANCE. WE SHOULD CARE AND LOVE EVERYONE REGARDLESS OF THEIR LIFESTYLE".

Now, with that said... So now we are mandating tolerance? How do you do that? Either way, I hope you are right about the choice.


residentofcre said:
Children who are raised in homes with even moderate parental supervision are at risk. There are a lot of children out there, however, who are now living without parental guidance due to the simple fact that both parents may be out of the home working.

I'm not sure risk is the word I would use. This should fall into the same realm as teaching religion in school. It just doesn't belong. But if we are going to teach tolerance of these things then it should be taught of all things: religious beliefs, transgenderism, asexuality, intelligent design, bipolar disorder, etc... Where does it really end?


Larry Gude said:
...later and you finally got it?

:smack: :smack:
Sarcasm or not, I see a danger in trusting our education system (the same system that can't seem to teach our kids the basics all that well) to teach our kids about tolerance of moral and social choices.


New Member
PsyOps said:
Sarcasm or not, I see a danger in trusting our education system (the same system that can't seem to teach our kids the basics all that well) to teach our kids about tolerance of moral and social choices.

There are alot of things that could be the cause of kids not learning the basics. One of which could be the fact that so many parents have to work and no one is at home to make sure kids do their homework and study. It could be the fact the parents don't support the school system in any decision involving holding students accountable for their actions. Whether or not you believe, accept, or embrace homosexuality, and no matter what you teach your children about it, homosexuality is not against the law. A gay or lesbian cannot be arrested and punished in a court of law for their actions. It is against the law to discriminate against them in the work place and other places. The tolerance class is not about telling kids to embrace homosexuality and change their beliefs. It is not about telling them that their moral beliefs and the beliefs of the parents are wrong. It is about helping them understand that there are people out their who have different beliefs and who lead different types of lives. It is about helping them learn how to conduct themselves in the real world if they have a gay coworker or employee so that they don't get themselves in trouble in a court of law for discrimination. This is not about some agenda to turn kids gay. I have never sat in some hush hush faculty meeting where we discussed how to secretly turn kids gay behind the parents' backs. That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. It is about helping kids prepare themselves for the outside world.


kmw1123 said:
There are alot of things that could be the cause of kids not learning the basics. One of which could be the fact that so many parents have to work and no one is at home to make sure kids do their homework and study. It could be the fact the parents don't support the school system in any decision involving holding students accountable for their actions. Whether or not you believe, accept, or embrace homosexuality, and no matter what you teach your children about it, homosexuality is not against the law. A gay or lesbian cannot be arrested and punished in a court of law for their actions. It is against the law to discriminate against them in the work place and other places. The tolerance class is not about telling kids to embrace homosexuality and change their beliefs. It is not about telling them that their moral beliefs and the beliefs of the parents are wrong. It is about helping them understand that there are people out their who have different beliefs and who lead different types of lives. It is about helping them learn how to conduct themselves in the real world if they have a gay coworker or employee so that they don't get themselves in trouble in a court of law for discrimination. This is not about some agenda to turn kids gay. I have never sat in some hush hush faculty meeting where we discussed how to secretly turn kids gay behind the parents' backs. That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. It is about helping kids prepare themselves for the outside world.

I couldn’t agree with you more. Parents are the ones that make or break a kid in their education. They are absent in so many ways, and it reflects in our kids today.

I teach my kids to have tolerance, respect and love for everyone. But the schools are different. As I mentioned, I don’t trust the system. If I knew for a fact that all they would be doing is “helping them understand that there are people out their who have different beliefs and who lead different types of lives”, I wouldn’t have a problem with that. But, just as in my example I provided earlier, there are people out there with agendas that are, in my mind, evil in nature. They don’t have the child’s best interests at heart. They have their larger agenda. This is why we don’t teach religion in schools. And we shouldn’t teach this either. It should be left for the parents.


PsyOps said:
I'm not sure risk is the word I would use. This should fall into the same realm as teaching religion in school. It just doesn't belong. But if we are going to teach tolerance of these things then it should be taught of all things: religious beliefs, transgenderism, asexuality, intelligent design, bipolar disorder, etc... Where does it really end?

I never knew anyone that committed suicide because they couldn't tell their parents they were dealing with intelligent design.... :coffee:

Look... I've been debating this for 20 years... and I'm not about to step down from this .... I think it belongs in it's proper setting... but I know the Board of Ed is not qualified to decide when my child will hear about it....


New Member
PsyOps said:
I couldn’t agree with you more. Parents are the ones that make or break a kid in their education. They are absent in so many ways, and it reflects in our kids today.

I teach my kids to have tolerance, respect and love for everyone. But the schools are different. As I mentioned, I don’t trust the system. If I knew for a fact that all they would be doing is “helping them understand that there are people out their who have different beliefs and who lead different types of lives”, I wouldn’t have a problem with that. But, just as in my example I provided earlier, there are people out there with agendas that are, in my mind, evil in nature. They don’t have the child’s best interests at heart. They have their larger agenda. This is why we don’t teach religion in schools. And we shouldn’t teach this either. It should be left for the parents.

Well, as far as I can tell, parents will be able to review the lessons taught in the sex ed curriculum and if they don't approve, they can have their kids do something else. The system has made sure that you have every opportunity to review what will be taught and to choose another option if that is what you want.


Well-Known Member
kmw1123 said:
Well, as far as I can tell, parents will be able to review the lessons taught in the sex ed curriculum and if they don't approve, they can have their kids do something else. The system has made sure that you have every opportunity to review what will be taught and to choose another option if that is what you want.
Too bad they won't do this with other parts of the curriculum.

Don't want evolution? Here's a creation class.

Oh, wait, that would be wrong, wouldn't it?


New Member
residentofcre said:
I never knew anyone that committed suicide because they couldn't tell their parents they were dealing with intelligent design.... :coffee:

No, they just commit suicide because they can't deal with the guilt and fear that is shoved down their throat by people constantly telling them they are disgusting, immoral, evil, and going to hell.


New Member
This_person said:
Too bad they won't do this with other parts of the curriculum.

Don't want evolution? Here's a creation class.

Oh, wait, that would be wrong, wouldn't it?

religion and homosexuality are two completely different issues.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

PsyOps said:
This is the danger I am talking about. This was just at a student assembly; one hour of indoctrination. Now factor this out with a gay teacher with an agenda having these skulls-o'-mush at his disposal for the entire year. Can't you see the danger in allowing such things being "taught" in our schools? Can't you equate this to having a class being taught religion by a radical right wing evangelist?

I may be inserting some extreme scenarios, but if there is the slightest possibility (read article above) I don't want my kid exposed to it. your mind this;

I am going to encourage you to have sex and encourage you to use drugs appropriately," Becker said during his appearance at the school

...and what Maryland's school board is doing in their gay friendly way is going to make kids take drugs, have sex and be gay?

Personally, I am all for a teacher in a Christianity class telling students that the faith says you will go to hell if you don't repent your sins. I am all for them stating homosexuality is a sin. I am all for biology. Math. I am all for telling kids that if you have children out of wedlock and don't finish high school your are much more likely to spend your life poor. I am all for telling kids that breaking the law by using illegal drugs may put you in jail and may kill you. And I don't fear for my kids being told some people are gay.

I object to the Maryland school board not allowing dissenting opinions, not the subject matter.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I disagree with that...

PsyOps said:
Now I know you will take this the wrong way so I was preface this with "I AM ALL FOR TOLLERANCE. WE SHOULD CARE AND LOVE EVERYONE REGARDLESS OF THEIR LIFESTYLE".


We should not care for and love everyone regardless of their lifestyle.

I have no care or love for criminals, especially violent ones, gay or otherwise. I have no care or love for people who say I should die for who I am like Islamofacists, gay or otherwise.


Well-Known Member
kmw1123 said:
religion and homosexuality are two completely different issues.
I'm sorry, Intellilgent Design class. It's just as good a theory as Evolution.

Not believing that two equally held theories are equal is just bigotted.

Are you catching my point yet?

Besides, like I told you earlier, I fully believe in tolerance. I fully believe in diversity training, just like your employer would require you to take. There is a HUGE fundamental difference in "Respect and Empathy For...", as this class is titled, and tolerance. Teach tolerance, lack of discrimination. Don't teach "respect and empathy". That's where the other part of the first amendment gets trampled ("...nor prohibit the free exercise thereof....")
Last edited:


New Member
I would be grateful for any extra help I could get from the school system in helping my kids learn how to conduct themselves once they enter the real world. I would be grateful that someone is helping my child learn how to avoid being fired from their job or being sued for discrimination. Tolerance is not about changing beliefs, but learning how to live with others who are different. School is about helping our children prepare for the future, and that includes more than just simple math and reading.


New Member
kmw1123 said:
No, they just commit suicide because they can't deal with the guilt and fear that is shoved down their throat by people constantly telling them they are disgusting, immoral, evil, and going to hell.

07-18-2007 04:21 PM Aren't they just thinning the herd?

wow, that was just wrong on so many levels... :smack:

now if only mean and stupid people would do the same...


Larry Gude said:

We should not care for and love everyone regardless of their lifestyle.

I have no care or love for criminals, especially violent ones, gay or otherwise. I have no care or love for people who say I should die for who I am like Islamofacists, gay or otherwise.

Because I care about someone that has committed a crime doesn't mean they shouldn't pay for their crimes. Because I want someone to be punished for murder doesn't mean I don't care about them. I am able to separate my care and love for that person and the need to protect society from such people. If I had to opportunity to reach out to that person and show them that there is another part of this world than the violence they live under then I will seize that opportunity. It’s easy to just hate someone for their actions (which is completely understandable); it’s difficult to be forgiving and loving towards such people.

That’s not what this discussion is really about though. This is about indoctrinating our children with things of a moral and social element. It just doesn’t belong in our schools.


residentofcre said:
I never knew anyone that committed suicide because they couldn't tell their parents they were dealing with intelligent design.... :coffee:

Suicide? SUICIDE? Where'd that come from?

Look... I've been debating this for 20 years... and I'm not about to step down from this .... I think it belongs in it's proper setting... but I know the Board of Ed is not qualified to decide when my child will hear about it....

And here is my point.... Where does it end? Have our politicians gone mad?

Sex Ed for Kindergarteners 'Right Thing to Do,' Says Obama

ABC News' Teddy Davis and Lindsey Ellerson Report: Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., told Planned Parenthood Tuesday that sex education for kindergarteners, as long as it is "age-appropriate," is "the right thing to do."

AGE APPROPRIATE? IN KINDERGARTEN? I don't trust these people. There is no way I want schools even binging up the word sex to my 5 year old.