Gay marriage legal in MD


New Member
vraiblonde said:
We've discussed this. I think it's unconstitutional to prevent gay marriage. I also think it's unconstitutional to prevent polygamy.

My opinion is that the government shouldn't have a single thing to say about marriage in any way, shape or form. That is a personal matter and shouldn't be regulated by the government. You shouldn't need a license to get married when you don't need one to have children. There shouldn't be a different tax rate for married people - everyone should file their own taxes based on their personal income.

I, personally, would be a great candidate to have a wife instead of a husband. I go to work and support the family, she takes care of the house and the feeding thing. And, since I'm not a lesbian, she can have all the boyfriends she wants, and still be my legal spouse and next of kin. Why shouldn't I be able to have that?

:flowers: Thank you, thank you, thank you! Is all I have to say, I hope and pray and pray this gets passed, the right for me to marry my partner, as a lesbian is so significant to me, that I cried when I read this article. I could go on and on about the many rights that marriage provides, but I won't. For my partner and I, it's security and protection, it's more than a revocable trust to protect and distribute our assets, and a joint tenancy agreement when we buy a house, and a durable power of attorney for medical decisions. It's making sure we don't get denied access to one another in a hospital should anything happen to one of us in a terrible accident, or if one of us is ill, which has happened by the way to us once already, it wasn't even life threatening, thank God-yes I even do believe in him-Vrai that's not directed at you-but it's piece of mine and status and not having to explain that we're together and show proof that legally we're entitled to speak on one's behalf each time for something....yadda, yadda. What I find so hard to understand about people that have a huge problem with gay marriage is, if you don't like the idea of gay marriage, then don't marry someone gay. Also, what I think is even more ridiculous when someone states it's going to ruin the moral fabric of America. Not to mention, heterosexuals are needed to raise children, everytime someone finds out I am a lesbian, the first question is, have you ever been with a man, the second is, do you want kids. I respond, no, and it still works, I still have the same plumbing. Just because I am a lesbian, doesn't mean my children are going to be gay or lesbian and even if they are, I don't care. I want my children to be who they are and happy. My parents were heterosexual and look at me. Heterosexuals raise homosexuals too people just another tidbit I had to throw in there on my tangent, :flowers: .


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Can you say "Hell in a hand basket"? Our country has been blessed by God since its founding. In my opinion, it is about to loose its blessing. Watch out. Retribution is coming.

Yeah, I know this won't make me popular with the board. Biblical Truth rarely does.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
christy217 said:
:flowers: Thank you, thank you, thank you! Is all I have to say, I hope and pray and pray this gets passed, the right for me to marry my partner, as a lesbian is so significant to me, that I cried when I read this article. I could go on and on about the many rights that marriage provides, but I won't. For my partner and I, it's security and protection, it's more than a revocable trust to protect and distribute our assets, and a joint tenancy agreement when we buy a house, and a durable power of attorney for medical decisions. It's making sure we don't get denied access to one another in a hospital should anything happen to one of us in a terrible accident, or if one of us is ill, which has happened by the way to us once already, it wasn't even life threatening, thank God-yes I even do believe in him-Vrai that's not directed at you-but it's piece of mine and status and not having to explain that we're together and show proof that legally we're entitled to speak on one's behalf each time for something....yadda, yadda. What I find so hard to understand about people that have a huge problem with gay marriage is, if you don't like the idea of gay marriage, then don't marry someone gay. Also, what I think is even more ridiculous when someone states it's going to ruin the moral fabric of America. Not to mention, heterosexuals are needed to raise children, everytime someone finds out I am a lesbian, the first question is, have you ever been with a man, the second is, do you want kids. I respond, no, and it still works, I still have the same plumbing. Just because I am a lesbian, doesn't mean my children are going to be gay or lesbian and even if they are, I don't care. I want my children to be who they are and happy. My parents were heterosexual and look at me. Heterosexuals raise homosexuals too people just another tidbit I had to throw in there on my tangent, :flowers: .

Good post. I, for one, don't care who is married to who, as long as though they are good, decent people and have a good loving relationship. WTF cares???? It's not my business. There were two guys that had been together for 30 years that helped us take care of my dad when he was dying. Best people I had ever met and the most caring. Whose business is it? Definitely not the government's! And guess what? How many times do the cops get called to a domestic between two males or two females? Been listening to the scanner for ten years and have NEVER heard that happen. Let them have the same benefits as married couples. Let them marry, adopt, etc. What effect does it have on my life? None, zip, nada........


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
christy217 said:
It's making sure we don't get denied access to one another in a hospital should anything happen to one of us in a terrible accident, or if one of us is ill, which has happened by the way to us once already, it wasn't even life threatening,
And, as you know but others don't seem to realize, this happens all the time.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
Biblical Truth rarely does.
But what about Constitutional truth? Where in the Constitution does it say ANYTHING about marriage being regulated by the government?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
But what about Constitutional truth? Where in the Constitution does it say ANYTHING about marriage being regulated by the government?
In my world, God comes first, then my family and self, others, and then the government. I obey the law of the land. But if the law of the land contradicts the Bible, then I will choose to follow God's word and suffer the consequences. I love and follow Him that can destroy my soul rather than show deference to persons or governments that would have me deny Him or not follow His word. If I wind up in jail because I choose God over man, I won't be the first.

Homosexual conduct is sin. No different from any other sin, but sin. Christians should not condone sin in any form including homosexual behavior.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
Homosexual conduct is sin. No different from any other sin, but sin. Christians should not condone sin in any form including homosexual behavior.
But wouldn't gay marriage be a "render unto Caesar" issue?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
But wouldn't gay marriage be a "render unto Caesar" issue?
No. It is a
Matthew 10:28 "Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Last edited:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I have got to go to bed. I have not had any sleep since yesterday and I am really dragging now.


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
My opinion is that the government shouldn't have a single thing to say about marriage in any way, shape or form. That is a personal matter and shouldn't be regulated by the government. You shouldn't need a license to get married when you don't need one to have children. There shouldn't be a different tax rate for married people - everyone should file their own taxes based on their personal income.
After all the discussions we've had on this subject, I thought I was the only one who had that position...maybe I'm just forgetting because it's late.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
After all the discussions we've had on this subject, I thought I was the only one who had that position...maybe I'm just forgetting because it's late.
I think you might have given me the idea in the first place. I have a memory of seeing you post something along those lines and thinking *bing* - lightbulb.


b*tch rocket
ylexot said:
After all the discussions we've had on this subject, I thought I was the only one who had that position...maybe I'm just forgetting because it's late.
No, I've always been of the same opinion as well. :shrug:


Active Member
ylexot said:
After all the discussions we've had on this subject, I thought I was the only one who had that position...maybe I'm just forgetting because it's late.
we share the same position


Christy said:
No, I've always been of the same opinion as well. :shrug:

Me too :shrug: I've posted about this subject (gay marriage, gay Chritians, etc..) at length about a year or two ago :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
All resumes can be sent to...

dems4me said:
:howdy: I'm looking for a job :howdy: And I agree with everything you just said 100% :howdy:


...Larry Gude via PM or FedEx overnight.

Please include;

Full medical history, including oral.

Culinary theory's and beliefs

2 minute video of you doing aerobics, multi angle

Housekeeping mindest, including windows

A hypothetical grocery list

Overview of your relations with your parents and siblings. Include picture of you parents so we know what you're gonna look like in 20 years. Yes, we are somewhat shallow. You should be to. Extra points in other categories will allow for latitude here.

Opinion on how often the furniture should be moved around

Thoughts and reactions to the word 'cat'

Same thing for 'cats'

1,000 word essay on why God created Sundays. If it does not include the word 'football' in every sentence, save us all some time.

List of dysfunctions, including gambling, catastrophic thinking, phobias, any attraction at all to the word "Dallas" (seriously), admiration for the DH rule, drug problems (any) or alcohol (drink bad beer), fondness for NASCAR.

Driving History

Voting record

Essay on your favorite Supreme Court justice, of all time.

Yankee or Rebel.

1,000 words on why men should play golf.

1,000 words on why women should enjoy men playing golf. From afar.

If you are a male, do not include aeroboc video. It will be tough enough as it is.

Any thoughts you feel are pertinent, feelings on gun control, bussing, Jeopardy, FOX news, et al are welcome.

Give us the 'you'.