Gay marriage legal in MD


In My Opinion
Matthew 22:36 - 40

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord God with all thy heart with all thy soul and with all thy mind

38 This is the first and great commandment

39 and the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neghbor as thyself

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and and the prophets.

as far as Hate the sin and love the sinner,, I dont think that Jesus said that. I think it was more likely that St. Augustine can be contributed to that phrase.

Now according to this, it falls right back to the I am the light and the way, If you belive, and love Jesus with all your heart, and try to live in a way as described above, then you should be heading to heaven upon your death.

This tells me that the christian that chooses to be a homosexual, and at the same time belive in Jesus Christ as his saviour, will still have as great a chance at salvation as a like person that is non homosexual.

This then falls on the question of the Church, Now, Personally I dont know of any church that would throw a homosexual out of its congragation for that reason alone. They may not allow them to be pastors, but that is another situation completely. The church stand is that by bringing the homosexual closer to Jesus and God, the sin of homosexuality may be taken from him/her.

If we do use the phrase Love the sinner Hate the sin, then we have to look at the majority of people in the church, including myself. I do not hate the man or the women that is homosexual anymore than I hate the man or women that masterbates, (another sin) yet I do have a great dislike for the sin of homosexuality. For me, to think of having sex with another man is something that actually turns my stomach, I think that it is vile, Sorry if that offends some, but I have never been and never will be politically correct. I could no sooner engage in homosexual sex than I could sit down to a dinner of thrown up pizza and beer scraped from the local pubs toilet.

As I look deeper into my thoughts, I discover that I do agree that two people living together, sharing bills, responsibility as whatnot, do deserve a certain amount of financial protection under the law.
Yet, the christian side of me belives that marriage is a contract formed between a women a man and God. So how can we accept a marriage that goes against what is written in the bible? (Go back to Leviticus and read the Mosaic Laws for the answer on homosexuality.)

For me there is an easier answer to the question than marriage.
Civil contracts. Allow for the homosexuals or any two people that live together and share responsibility to form a civil contract that will basically give them all the legal protection that marriage gives a man and a women.

At the same time, since It is not a valid contract to be written with God, the church should have the right to refuse to perform a religious ceremony for the union of the homosexual.

Give them the rights and protections that they are looking for, as long as no law is written to give them any extra protections and the majority would go along with it. In other words, let them form a partnership, but keep the word and suggestion of a marriage out of it.

As far as this judge in Baltimore goes, When one judge can alter the law to accomodate her own thoughts above those of the general public, our system is in grave danger of failure. This is not a situation that can be decided without the public voice.
Larry Gude said:
...homosexuality is odd.

It is 'queer'; unusual, outside the norm, etc. That makes it intersting to some people, threatening to some people and, somewhere in between to most people.

We all have our internal 'meter' which merely indicates our personal preferences, things we find attractive and to what degree, yes? That includes sexual preference, likes and dislikes from color to taste and how we react to differences, yes?

If there is consensus here, I'll move on.

I am 100% in agreement with you so far... waiting for more...:tap:


In My Opinion
Larry Gude said:
...homosexuality is odd.

It is 'queer'; unusual, outside the norm, etc. That makes it intersting to some people, threatening to some people and, somewhere in between to most people.

We all have our internal 'meter' which merely indicates our personal preferences, things we find attractive and to what degree, yes? That includes sexual preference, likes and dislikes from color to taste and how we react to differences, yes?

If there is consensus here, I'll move on.

I agree, just like the person who's internal meter tells them that they like to engage in sexual situations with children, or the person who's meter tells them its ok to kill another person and stuff them in the freezer.

so, what exactly is it that you are saying here? we should also accept the people I mentioned and allow them to pursue their internal meters wishes?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I love the easy ones...

so, what exactly is it that you are saying here?

Here, exactly, is what I'm saying:

...homosexuality is odd.

It is 'queer'; unusual, outside the norm, etc. That makes it intersting to some people, threatening to some people and, somewhere in between to most people.

We all have our internal 'meter' which merely indicates our personal preferences, things we find attractive and to what degree, yes? That includes sexual preference, likes and dislikes from color to taste and how we react to differences, yes?

If there is consensus here, I'll move on.


How's that? Better? Worse?


In My Opinion
So you are trying to say that it is something we should accept regardless of our own personal feelings towards the subject?


Active Member
bcp said:
I agree, just like the person who's internal meter tells them that they like to engage in sexual situations with children, or the person who's meter tells them its ok to kill another person and stuff them in the freezer.

so, what exactly is it that you are saying here? we should also accept the people I mentioned and allow them to pursue their internal meters wishes?
Killing a person keeps one party from their pursuit of happiness... A child isnt a conscenting adult, making it statatory rape or child molestation... If a person is deemed incapable due to development reasons to make a decision on sex then i agree they cant concent to marriage. If your neighbors are two gay fellas, it has no more impact on your or the rest of the world than if they were... lets say Jewish as opposed to Christian.


Super Genius
bcp said:
So you are trying to say that it is something we should accept regardless of our own personal feelings towards the subject?
No, he's not saying anything yet. He's just trying to lay the framework of an argument based on common ground knowledge. If we can't even agree on the basics...


In My Opinion
ylexot said:
No, he's not saying anything yet. He's just trying to lay the framework of an argument based on common ground knowledge. If we can't even agree on the basics...
Good enough, and I did agree with his basics.

I dont know the man enough to like or dislike him, but he does seem to have a certain degree of intellect in his posts.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

bcp said:
So you are trying to say that it is something we should accept regardless of our own personal feelings towards the subject?'re doing this on purpose, right?

IF there is consensus on my statement THEN I will elaborate. IF there is NOT then there is no point because THEN any elaboration on my part would not be coming from an agreed upon starting point.

Perhaps, as an example, some people don't agree in preference, that some people, or all, are just driven, without recognition.

Maybe some people think there's an in between, with some personal preference involved and some involuntary likes and dislikes.

I don't know but I have my views.

I am suggesting that homosexuality is a preference, like my attraction to females. Some men like women who are subservient and very feminine. I like stronger women who give me a hard time yet are still very much female. My preferences towards a woman who ain't scared of a flat tire yet still feels appreciative towards a gentleman who'll fix it for her could, if preference is the issue, just keep on going in a different person all the way to 'masculine,' ultimately being attracted to males, or at least masculine males.

In many gay relationships it seems that one person or the other is the 'feminine' one and the other more 'masculine'. Is it all relationships?

That tends to tell me that there is attraction, preference, to characteristics that differ from me and you and everyone else only in degree.

If you classify homosexuality with pedophilia and murder then it's not likely what I have to say will jive with you or be of interest.


Lem Putt
Will Thomas on Fox 5 was absolutely giddy when he reported on this. I almost expected him to trot out in his wedding dress. They kept showing guys kissing. I almost :barf:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

MMDad said:
Will Thomas on Fox 5 was absolutely giddy when he reported on this. I almost expected him to trot out in his wedding dress. They kept showing guys kissing. I almost :barf:

...that is so ghey.


This is fun right?
vraiblonde said:
We've discussed this. I think it's unconstitutional to prevent gay marriage. I also think it's unconstitutional to prevent polygamy.

My opinion is that the government shouldn't have a single thing to say about marriage in any way, shape or form. That is a personal matter and shouldn't be regulated by the government. You shouldn't need a license to get married when you don't need one to have children. There shouldn't be a different tax rate for married people - everyone should file their own taxes based on their personal income.

I, personally, would be a great candidate to have a wife instead of a husband. I go to work and support the family, she takes care of the house and the feeding thing. And, since I'm not a lesbian, she can have all the boyfriends she wants, and still be my legal spouse and next of kin. Why shouldn't I be able to have that?

I definetly do not think the government has ANY business telling 2 ADULTS of sound mind, what they can and cant do.

What i'm waiting to happen is the ACLU to go after the institution of Marriage itself.
sounds crazy but think it through.

right now the ACLU is on a tear about going after Federal/State/County/local Governments that have any kind of religious displays (albeit mainly christian displays). their main justification is the notion of Seperation of Church and State.

In every state, you go to the State to get a marriage license and then (usually, but not always) you go to some form of minister/pastor to perform the ceremony. the state then Recognizes that religious ceremony as a legally binding contract. The state is "recognizing" a Religous ceremony.

Besides the uproar it would cause, which could arguably be great publicity, what would prevent the ACLU from going after that "process" stating (they already have many precedents about seperation of Church and State) that the fact that the State recognizes the ceremony as a legal contract violates the seperation arguments.
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This is fun right?
2ndAmendment said:
Can you say "Hell in a hand basket"? Our country has been blessed by God since its founding. In my opinion, it is about to loose its blessing. Watch out. Retribution is coming.

Yeah, I know this won't make me popular with the board. Biblical Truth rarely does.

Guess you and Nagin have something in Common


Im On 1.
2ndAmendment said:
In my world, God comes first, then my family and self, others, and then the government. I obey the law of the land. But if the law of the land contradicts the Bible, then I will choose to follow God's word and suffer the consequences. I love and follow Him that can destroy my soul rather than show deference to persons or governments that would have me deny Him or not follow His word. If I wind up in jail because I choose God over man, I won't be the first.

Homosexual conduct is sin. No different from any other sin, but sin. Christians should not condone sin in any form including homosexual behavior.

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
BS Gal said:
You know what, 2a? I went to a great church this a.m. It's in the So. Md. Higher Ed Center. Can't remember what the name is. Truly uplifting, though I cried through the entire thing, thinking about dad, about my life, etc. Live and let live. God forgives. You should too. I'm not downing your post, I just found that the higher power is going to accept you no matter what. As long as you practice being a good person, believe in Him, you will be accepted into his kingdom. I think God judges people on their love for others, the way they live their lives, not whether they are heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual. God is about love, not about judging. I am glad I found a church today. I needed it. Amen.
Sounds like you found a church of the "latter days" that teaches what "tickles the ears" and preaches what people want to hear and not what they need to hear. The fact of the Bible is, not everyone is going to go to heaven and not everyoen who has died has gone to heaven no matter how much you wish it was true. The narrow gate is the way and few enter therein. It is open to all, but you must choose God's way according to His word.

For the person who asked this, "one person's heaven another's hell... why do you care?" in a karma message, because I am a Christian and pray that all enter through the narrow gate. I know they won't, but it is why I am willing to take all the flack that I take for my posting of God's word from the Bible and not man's wish list for his own thoughts.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
BS Gal said:
Reminder here, 2A. God is the judge, not you. Don't judge. Don't hate.
I don't judge. I don't hate. If I judged or hated, I would not post the Biblical truth for you and others to read and hope that it makes a difference in the way you choose to live your lives. If I judged or hated, I would just let you go on in ignorant bliss down the wide road and through the wide gate. There is time to turn around until the moment you die. After that, the time of free will is over.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
christy217 said:
I totally agree with you-we are all sinners, one sin is no greater than another, the Bible is a book that has been rewritten time and time again, before written verse, there was oral verse, it's like the game of telephone, things get changed around. I am amazed how one verse in the Bible is so harshly critiqued when it comes to homosexuals, the Bible also states if you wear clothing woven of two types of fabric you're a sinner. I believe in live and let live, if Christians constantly preach that we should love one another, etc., how come certain groups of people are "excluded" in their churches? What about community outreach? Aren't we all the same species? Furthermore, judging others is considered a sin, that should be left up to the Father. Amen! I will pray for you 2A, even though we have a difference of opinion, I don't wish you any ill will. :flowers:
All are sinners. Some are forgiven through the grace of God, but we are not to continue in our sin.

"the Bible also states if you wear clothing woven of two types of fabric you're a sinner." Please show me this. I can't find it.

I can use all the prayers I can get. Pray with a clean heart or your prayers will not be regarded.


New Member
Is it possible to be an adult in 2006 and be so sheltered that you have never met a gay person that changed your mind and inspired your admiration? Never have you imagined walking in someone else's shoes? Did you ever believe in something and than change your mind? Can someone really believe that God only loves white Southern Maryland straight people that are the right brand of Catholic? And the rest of the world is here to clap for us as we line our pampered behinds up for the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven? Too bad they were not converted to the correct path on the hallowed somd forums...if only they had a computer and knew that St. Mary's County was the center of the universe..they too could have been saved.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I have met and known and know homosexuals. I am friendly with some. My cousin was homosexual and died of AIDS. If the Bible is true and I believe it is and he did not repent before he died, he went to hell. I wish he didn't, but I believe the Bible. It did not stop me from loving my cousin. It did not stop me from telling him that homsexuality was a sin. I told him because I loved him.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Geek said:
Is it possible to be an adult in 2006 and be so sheltered that you have never met a gay person that changed your mind and inspired your admiration? Never have you imagined walking in someone else's shoes? Did you ever believe in something and than change your mind? Can someone really believe that God only loves white Southern Maryland straight people that are the right brand of Catholic? And the rest of the world is here to clap for us as we line our pampered behinds up for the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven? Too bad they were not converted to the correct path on the hallowed somd forums...if only they had a computer and knew that St. Mary's County was the center of the universe..they too could have been saved.
I am not and have not been "sheltered". I have traveled most of the northern hemisphere. I am not from Southern Maryland and I am not Catholic. Others have the Bible and people that proclaim Biblical truth all over the world. Anyone can be saved if they choose Jesus as Savior and Lord and choose to follow God's way.