Gay marriage legal in MD



Larry Gude said:
...Larry Gude via PM or FedEx overnight.

Please include;

How much weight does "voting record carry"? Everything else is A-OK :shrug:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Did anyone notice the banner at the bottom of the page for somethingorother for gay males only. :killingme


RoseRed said:
Did anyone notice the banner at the bottom of the page for somethingorother for gay males only. :killingme

:lol: I just got a Besche Oil banner... "Look to the Drop" :shrug:


Super Genius
Larry Gude said:
If you are a male, do not include aeroboc video. It will be tough enough as it is.
:killingme I was reading the post and thinking that I would make a comment about having to get a leotard for the aerobics beat me to the punch. :yay:

You forgot "measurements" in your list...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No we didn't...

ylexot said:
:killingme I was reading the post and thinking that I would make a comment about having to get a leotard for the aerobics beat me to the punch. :yay:

You forgot "measurements" in your list...

...we're more interested in function over form. Arm candy I already have.
Of course, if you've got it all, you've got it all.

EEO rules require that no one, fitting the primary requirements, will be excluded for being phat.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
2ndAmendment said:
Can you say "Hell in a hand basket"? Our country has been blessed by God since its founding. In my opinion, it is about to loose its blessing. Watch out. Retribution is coming.

Yeah, I know this won't make me popular with the board. Biblical Truth rarely does.
You know what, 2a? I went to a great church this a.m. It's in the So. Md. Higher Ed Center. Can't remember what the name is. Truly uplifting, though I cried through the entire thing, thinking about dad, about my life, etc. Live and let live. God forgives. You should too. I'm not downing your post, I just found that the higher power is going to accept you no matter what. As long as you practice being a good person, believe in Him, you will be accepted into his kingdom. I think God judges people on their love for others, the way they live their lives, not whether they are heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual. God is about love, not about judging. I am glad I found a church today. I needed it. Amen.


New Member
BS Gal said:
You know what, 2a? I went to a great church this a.m. It's in the So. Md. Higher Ed Center. Can't remember what the name is. Truly uplifting, though I cried through the entire thing, thinking about dad, about my life, etc. Live and let live. God forgives. You should too. I'm not downing your post, I just found that the higher power is going to accept you no matter what. As long as you practice being a good person, believe in Him, you will be accepted into his kingdom. I think God judges people on their love for others, the way they live their lives, not whether they are heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual. God is about love, not about judging. I am glad I found a church today. I needed it. Amen.

I totally agree with you-we are all sinners, one sin is no greater than another, the Bible is a book that has been rewritten time and time again, before written verse, there was oral verse, it's like the game of telephone, things get changed around. I am amazed how one verse in the Bible is so harshly critiqued when it comes to homosexuals, the Bible also states if you wear clothing woven of two types of fabric you're a sinner. I believe in live and let live, if Christians constantly preach that we should love one another, etc., how come certain groups of people are "excluded" in their churches? What about community outreach? Aren't we all the same species? Furthermore, judging others is considered a sin, that should be left up to the Father. Amen! I will pray for you 2A, even though we have a difference of opinion, I don't wish you any ill will. :flowers:


Lem Putt
vraiblonde said:
But I've always been pro gay marriage, pro abortion and pro assisted suicide. I'm also an atheist.

Are you sure you are an atheist? After reading most of your posts, I see you as agnostic.

True atheists believe that there is no god. Period.

Agnostics don't believe either way. There might be, or might not be, but who am I to say?


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
We've discussed this. I think it's unconstitutional to prevent gay marriage. I also think it's unconstitutional to prevent polygamy.

My opinion is that the government shouldn't have a single thing to say about marriage in any way, shape or form. That is a personal matter and shouldn't be regulated by the government. You shouldn't need a license to get married when you don't need one to have children. There shouldn't be a different tax rate for married people - everyone should file their own taxes based on their personal income.
I agree. Let's keep Democrats out of our wallets and Republicans out of our bedrooms.

Vrai, does it freak you out that you agree with liberal columnist Michael Kinsley, who calls this idea "privatizing marriage"?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
Are you sure you are an atheist? After reading most of your posts, I see you as agnostic.

True atheists believe that there is no god. Period.

Agnostics don't believe either way. There might be, or might not be, but who am I to say?
I'm definitely an atheist - there is no such thing as God as a separate entity from your own self. What others believe is their business and I'm not hostile to religion.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
Vrai, does it freak you out that you agree with liberal columnist Michael Kinsley, who calls this idea "privatizing marriage"?
No. It freaked me out more when I agreed with Al Gore about Terri Schiavo. :lol:


New Member
What is a sin? I think so much negative energy and effort put into banning gay marraige is a horrible sin. We as Americans watch our 789 channels on direct T.V., drive our gas guzzling SUV's to Panera and make the tough choice of which cream cheese spread to put on our freshly baked bagel, When a woman my age is in Africa trying to decide which of her dying children gets the handful of rice she was able to find? Are we really this dull? God only gives you what you can handle. He must not think much of us Americans, for our burdens are nothing compared to what he asks of most the world's population. Adults are consenting to love one another, big freaking deal! Let's put our outrage where it belongs, Here's to repeat offender pedophiles- now that is some hate I can get on board with. What about the eathquake victims living barefoot in the snow..Let's get mad about that. I take offense to the Bible being used as club to bully people with. Jesus is an amazing positive force that spoke of love, not using His voice to heal and sooth spirits and souls is so sad. I say bring every good person to the party in heaven, Muslim, Jewish, Wiccan, Gay, all the good energy you put into this world comes back to you. People loving each other is a beautiful force and every love should be celebrated.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Geek said:
People loving each other is a beautiful force and every love should be celebrated.
Hippie :smack:

:lol: j/k - actually you made a good point. I hope with all my heart that, if 2A is right and there is a God, He has better things to do than worry about gays getting married.


I agree with most of you, keep the government out of our bedrooms (and out of our lives for the most part!).
Just do away with the PDA's between guys, who wants to see that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Can we be honest here...

...homosexuality is odd.

It is 'queer'; unusual, outside the norm, etc. That makes it intersting to some people, threatening to some people and, somewhere in between to most people.

We all have our internal 'meter' which merely indicates our personal preferences, things we find attractive and to what degree, yes? That includes sexual preference, likes and dislikes from color to taste and how we react to differences, yes?

If there is consensus here, I'll move on.
