vraiblonde said:
If people can get married, then divorce 18 hours later, then marriage is not a particularly sacred thing. And the fact is that marriage is no more meaningful than a driver's license in the eyes of the law.
I'll tell you what surprises me, though - gays are very vocal about wanting the right to be legally married, but you never hear of any Christians pushing to have covenant marriage offered in their state. And THAT'S what should happen - leave regular marriage with it's no-fault divorce to the heathens, and enter into a covenant marriage where the price of admission is a little steeper (in terms of what you must go through to be married) and divorce is much harder to obtain.
In reality, according to the Bible, there are certain situations that are acceptable for a divorce. any other reason is not allowed.
In the majority of the divorce cases the divorce would only be recognized as far as the legal binds that the state puts on the union. In the biblical sense, these cases would not be recognized by God as a legitimate seperation of the two.
Basically, If one truley belives the Bible and its rules and laws regarding marriage and relationships, even though you are legally divorced you are still married to that person under the union made between man, woman and God. If after that divorce one were to remarry, in the eyes of God according to the Bible it would still be adultry.
Marriage is not really what the gays are after.
they are after the same rights that a married couple has in regard to their personal affairs. And there should be a way to do this legally.
They are not after the recognition of God in their union. And since we are looking at bible vs government, they will never have the recognition from God for that union.
I agree with you.
Make the Marriage part the religious bond that it was meant to be. Then allow the government to attach their regulations to that household.
The gays then could go down to the court house and sign some legal papers giving each other those rights and move on as a union recognized by the government for all benifits.
To fight to be married the same as those that are joined in the church in the eyes of God is wrong. God will never recognize it as legitimate, and either will the majority of the population.
The population will however recognize the legal bond and the rights and implications that it brings with it.
I dont see where this should be an issue. after all, it is only the rights that they are after is it not?