Gay marriage legal in MD


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
Aaaagh!! I've said over and over that I believe in God, for reasons of my own. I just don't want you or anyone else on Earth to tell me what to believe. Why can't you just accept that you have no control over other people's beliefs?
James 2:19You believe that God is one You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder.
I fully accept that I have no control over what anyone believes. How many times have you seen me post the term "free will"? Many, I am sure. I also accept the great commission from Jesus.
Matthew 28:19-20

19"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

20teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
I will certainly follow the Bible long before I will accede to any of your wishes.


New Member
I think it is wrong to pick one sin out of the bible and say that the others I have mentioned are not worthy? Do you eat ham? Do you have every child that you could possibly bring to life? Do you wear two types of fabric? Never have you used birth control? Will you stone the non virgins? These are in the Bible. Just as important.


Witchy Woman
Live and let live I say. Legislating morality makes me so mad I could spit. The narrow-mindedness and intolerance of these good Christians makes me glad I'm not one.

Dear God, save me from your good people.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Geek said:
I think it is wrong to pick one sin out of the bible and say that the others I have mentioned are not worthy? Do you eat ham? Do you have every child that you could possibly bring to life? Do you wear two types of fabric? Never have you used birth control? Will you stone the non virgins? These are in the Bible. Just as important.
Do you read? If you are not going to read what I post, then I will ignore you.

These were laws for the Jews. Not for the gentiles or for Christians. Are you a Jew? If so, it is for you. I am not a Jew. Not only that, I am a Christian; that law does not apply.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Geek said:
You do not believe in the Old Testement 2A?
Yes, I do. But, much of the Old Testament law was meant only for the Jews; it is there as history for us and nothing more. Other portions are prophesy or history and are as applicable today as then. Context is everything.


New Member
So parts of the Bible are a guideline and other parts are the spoken Word of God. Being that there is no footnotes on this we can assume that all mentions of sodomites in the Bible is just a error in the translation of an old book for the Jews. I find it alarming that you feel you can use the Bible as a sheild for your fears and a club for your predjudices, but a guideline when it does not met your needs.


In My Opinion
Geek said:
So parts of the Bible are a guideline and other parts are the spoken Word of God. Being that there is no footnotes on this we can assume that all mentions of sodomites in the Bible is just a error in the translation of an old book for the Jews. I find it alarming that you feel you can use the Bible as a sheild for your fears and a club for your predjudices, but a guideline when it does not met your needs.[/QUOTE

and since you seem to be such a stickler for laws as written with no chance that they can be changed over time, as in the old to new testiment... I find it alarming that you would ever even think that changing a law currently on the books would be a good idea,,, such as the marriage being defined as a man and women.


New Member
I am a stickler for common sense and compassion. I refuse to believe that every good person that lives the best life they can will be denied an afterlife. I believe Jesus and any other person with a heart should stand up for what is right. It is right for people to live in this world on the path that God has set them on. Take what they are given and pour as much positive energy into this world with the time you are given. Make a difference. Help someone. Let your words heal someone. I find telling all varities of people that they are going to hell one of the quickest ways to get denied access to Heaven.
I was in a jam packed waiting room recently, an older gentleman dropped his book, I picked it up for him. The grateful look in his wife's eyes took my breath away. It was such a simple thing for me, but it ment so much to them. That's what Jesus and the Bible is all about. Not finding public places to let everyone know that you are of the elite few that will sit on the Right Hand of God.

river rat

MysticalMom said:
Live and let live I say. Legislating morality makes me so mad I could spit. The narrow-mindedness and intolerance of these good Christians makes me glad I'm not one.

Dear God, save me from your good people.

:yay: :yay: :yay:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Geek said:
So parts of the Bible are a guideline and other parts are the spoken Word of God. Being that there is no footnotes on this we can assume that all mentions of sodomites in the Bible is just a error in the translation of an old book for the Jews. I find it alarming that you feel you can use the Bible as a sheild for your fears and a club for your predjudices, but a guideline when it does not met your needs.
I did not say that in any way, shape, or form. The Bible is absolutely the word of God. There are portions of it that were written specifically for the Jews. Why should we abide by those laws which Jesus came to free us from. The laws were given to show that we need a Savior.

The point is all are sinners. Some choose to follow God and agree with Him that we need His forgiveness and His plan of Salvation. Some are too arrogant to humble themselves to God, so they are still in their sin.

Of course arguing with you or anyone else that chooses not to believe is a worthless task. I am not to argue anyway. No one can be argued into believing. I have presented the scripture that says homosexual behavior is sin as I was asked. I have gotten nothing but grief from those that choose to rail against God and His word.

I did not write the Bible. I do read it. Most ministers never read the entire Bible all the way through. I have read it numerous times cover to cover in different translations and one paraphrase. Does that make me better? No. It makes me more versed in the Bible than most ministers.

I leave you to your choice.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Geek said:
I am a stickler for common sense and compassion. I refuse to believe that every good person that lives the best life they can will be denied an afterlife. I believe Jesus and any other person with a heart should stand up for what is right. It is right for people to live in this world on the path that God has set them on. Take what they are given and pour as much positive energy into this world with the time you are given. Make a difference. Help someone. Let your words heal someone. I find telling all varities of people that they are going to hell one of the quickest ways to get denied access to Heaven.
I was in a jam packed waiting room recently, an older gentleman dropped his book, I picked it up for him. The grateful look in his wife's eyes took my breath away. It was such a simple thing for me, but it ment so much to them. That's what Jesus and the Bible is all about. Not finding public places to let everyone know that you are of the elite few that will sit on the Right Hand of God.
God gave us His word. Is compassion part of it? Absolutely. I have not and will not condemn any one to hell. It is not my job; I am not God. Who goes to heaven or hell is God's purview only. But He gave us His word for instruction. It says what it says. You don't like it, argue with Him.


Well-Known Member
Reading...just reading

2nd Ammendment...

I find it interesting that the only time you seem to get riled is when facing the same circular arguments that you have covered well (and patiently) in previous threads. Or when there is a clear attempt to skew the direction/twist your words...and yet you still keep on message.

How many times did Christ have to deal with the stinging twisting of his words,...the accusations of him healing on the sabbath...and the hired liars at his trial: No wonder he went silent: there was no more to say that He needed to say: The crowd even covered there ears at times in rage and gathered stones to kill him: all because he claimed to fulfill the prophecy and proved He was the Son of God.

And you are right...never shrink from presenting what is true...even though the opponents have twisted into "hate speech." As I have said in the past. there is never a time for a people to be intentionally ignorant of the law.

There have been desperate attempts to change our history, deny traditions, to ridicule faith, to mock belief and to distract. This "discussion" has many of the elements: discounting scripture,...miss-quoting scripture, blaming translations, new age mysticism, ear-tickling feel good sermons,

and your quotes: citing chapter & verse.
You've put on the Whole Armor brother....


New Member
vraiblonde said:
My opinion is that the government shouldn't have a single thing to say about marriage in any way, shape or form.

I do agree, Vrai, and I am pleased with the judge's decision.



New Member
bcp said:
I do not hate the man or the women that is homosexual... yet I do have a great dislike for the sin of homosexuality. For me, to think of having sex with another man is something that actually turns my stomach...

OK, then don't have homosexual sex. :)

(I'll also note that gay or lesbian relationships are not about sex any more than straight relationships are - it's part of the whole, but the focus is on love, family and building a life together, just like any other relationship is.)

For me there is an easier answer to the question than marriage. Civil contracts. Allow for the homosexuals or any two people that live together and share responsibility to form a civil contract that will basically give them all the legal protection that marriage gives a man and a women.

At the same time, since It is not a valid contract to be written with God, the church should have the right to refuse to perform a religious ceremony for the union of the homosexual.

I agree - I would never want to see any religious institution forced into performing a marriage that they don't condone, and would actively fight anyone attempting to do so. However, that doesn't seem to be anyone's fight - it's about equal treatment under the law. (Besides, I know of a few churches that have no problem marrying same sex couples.)

As far as this judge in Baltimore goes, When one judge can alter the law to accomodate her own thoughts above those of the general public, our system is in grave danger of failure. This is not a situation that can be decided without the public voice.

If that were the case, I do believe that segregation and a lot of other institutions that we now regard as abhorrent would still be in effect - sometimes it takes what the right inappropriately calls "activist judges" to not only protect the rights of those in the minority, but also to provide checks and balances to the other branches of government (which is what they were specifically designed to do). "The will of the people" isn't always the right thing to do, sadly, as history has proven time and time again.



New Member
Spoiled said:
Killing a person keeps one party from their pursuit of happiness... A child isnt a conscenting adult, making it statatory rape or child molestation... If a person is deemed incapable due to development reasons to make a decision on sex then i agree they cant concent to marriage. If your neighbors are two gay fellas, it has no more impact on your or the rest of the world than if they were... lets say Jewish as opposed to Christian.




New Member
Larry Gude said:
In many gay relationships it seems that one person or the other is the 'feminine' one and the other more 'masculine'. Is it all relationships?

In some, sure, just like in some heterosexual relationships one partner is more aggressive or "in charge" or whatever else you want to use to describe it. I find that in most relationships even if one does one thing better than the other, the relationship itself is still 50/50.

Just my observation, at least.
