Gay people and marriage - do you really care?

How much do you care, really, about gay people?

  • I am a Republican and I think gay people are an abomination

    Votes: 6 7.7%
  • I am a Republican and I couldn't care less about gay people - let 'em marry. Who cares?

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • I am a Democrat and I think gay people are an abomination.

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • I am a Democrat and I couldn't care less about gay people - let 'em marry. Who cares?

    Votes: 10 12.8%
  • I am an Independent and I think gay people are an abomination.

    Votes: 6 7.7%
  • I am a Independent and I couldn't care less about gay people - let 'em marry. Who cares?

    Votes: 26 33.3%

  • Total voters


Dancing Up A Storm
Maybe you should move to a theocratic country? :shrug:

This one will do just fine for me. You, on the otherhand, refuse to accept the Word. You've ridiculed it as fantasy, in the recent past - in the Religion forum; I, and others have witnessed that. If you choose to not believe, that is YOUR choice, one that is totally yours to make. Many learned people, like baydoll, have made the point, concerning Faith, and belief in God, very clear to those who have chosen to accept it. She has a verbal message that is quite intuitive, and directly to the point of the matter, found in the scriptures.

Yet you trashed her, like a common thug.

PS: I've already said a prayer for you, to the Man above us all.


Well-Known Member
You know, if marriage had been kept out of the tax code and left as a religious activity, we wouldn't be in this sticky wickett. Kinda too late to get it out of the tax code now but wouldn't it have been easier if the government hadn't needed to define what a marriage is?

Close enough. "Marriage", to government, is simply a legal shortcut to a contract with some, more or less, preset arrangements. Eliminate the recognition of marriage as anything but a ceremony, like a birthday party or bar mitzbah. If you want to enter into a contract with someone(s), get lawyers, go to court, etc. Without the contract, you're legally just individuals; with it, expect whatever you agreed on in the contract.


New Member
This one will do just fine for me. You, on the otherhand, refuse to accept the Word. You've ridiculed it as fantasy, in the recent past - in the Religion forum; I, and others have witnessed that. If you choose to not believe, that is YOUR choice, one that is totally yours to make. Many learned people, like baydoll, have made the point, concerning Faith, and belief in God, very clear to those who have chosen to accept it. She has a verbal message that is quite intuitive, and directly to the point of the matter, found in the scriptures.

Yet you trashed her, like a common thug.

PS: I've already said a prayer for you, to the Man above us all.
And why should your religion be rammed down everyone else's throats? :smack:

Not everybody is a God-fearing man or woman. That's part of why they come to America, religious freedom.


Well-Known Member
Edited to express my opinion

And why should your MYTHOLOGY be rammed down everyone else's throats? :smack:

Old & New Testaments, Koran, Talmud, etc.; just additional (more boring) volumes to add to Bullfinch's or Hamiton's.


Dancing Up A Storm
And why should your religion be rammed down everyone else's throats? :smack:

Not everybody is a God-fearing man or woman. That's part of why they come to America, religious freedom.


Didn't I just say - if you do not believe - then that is YOUR choice; it's totally up to you to make that decision. The Word has been out there for thousands of years; accept it, or deny it. Again, it's your call to make.

How is that - ramming it down your throat?


New Member

Didn't I just say - if you do not believe - then that is YOUR choice; it's totally up to you to make that decision. The Word has been out there for thousands of years; accept it, or deny it. Again, it's your call to make.

How is that - ramming it down your throat?
Because the only argument you righties make for outlawing gay marriage are all strictly religious-based.


Dancing Up A Storm
You know, I did not realise, that inadvertently, that I had set a trap for a certain circle of friends.

But Good Lord, didn't they fall - headlong - into that chasm?:killingme:killingme


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
But there is a section of people, some even being American Citizens, that are not given the same benefit of doubt that she is affording Homosexuals. She excuses most Gays for the activities of the Fringe Lunatics, yet another group of people, who also have their Extreme Fringe are judged by those extremists.

Fear is a major influence. If there were stories daily about roving packs of gay people who beat, rape and kill innocent citizens, then are excused and even cheered by other gays for their acts, that would skew my perception.


New Member
Fear is a major influence. If there were stories daily about roving packs of gay people who beat, rape and kill innocent citizens, then are excused and even cheered by other gays for their acts, that would skew my perception.

I hear about roving bands of gays walking around dressing better than me.

curse them!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

We're not talking about Vrai and her (inconsistant) censorship.

But there is a section of people, some even being American Citizens, that are not given the same benefit of doubt that she is affording Homosexuals. She excuses most Gays for the activities of the Fringe Lunatics, yet another group of people, who also have their Extreme Fringe are judged by those extremists.

I am not equating Gays with that group of people, but there is a similiarity that needed to be pointed out.'s not equal or comparable, then where is the argument? Gonna need some specificity here to have much of a conversation.


In My Opinion
Fear is a major influence. If there were stories daily about roving packs of gay people who beat, rape and kill innocent citizens, then are excused and even cheered by other gays for their acts, that would skew my perception.
so, you have never seen pictures from a homo pride parade?

what a bunch of perverted freaks that show up for those things. Not something that should be allowed in public at all.


In My Opinion
Not disputing that the Public acts of Lewdness should not be allowed. But then i say the same thing about the Love Parade if it was held in the United States.
no clue what thelove parade is, you say if it was held in the united states, so I assume this is something in californication?


Dancing Up A Storm
so, you have never seen pictures from a homo pride parade?

what a bunch of perverted freaks that show up for those things. Not something that should be allowed in public at all.

Ever notice how little attention, those parades, receive on the MSM channels? Just as boardmommy censures indecent and ugly behavior on the boards here, I have an idea that they really do not want Americans to have to witness their lewd antics.

All up and down the coast of California, and elsewheres, these events are happening; we know that. However, I'm of the opinion the MSM does not agree, as a whole, with the gay communitie's message. It's possibly why it isn't broadcast every 5 minutes, like the political arena is.