Gay people and marriage - do you really care?

How much do you care, really, about gay people?

  • I am a Republican and I think gay people are an abomination

    Votes: 6 7.7%
  • I am a Republican and I couldn't care less about gay people - let 'em marry. Who cares?

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • I am a Democrat and I think gay people are an abomination.

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • I am a Democrat and I couldn't care less about gay people - let 'em marry. Who cares?

    Votes: 10 12.8%
  • I am an Independent and I think gay people are an abomination.

    Votes: 6 7.7%
  • I am a Independent and I couldn't care less about gay people - let 'em marry. Who cares?

    Votes: 26 33.3%

  • Total voters

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I dunno...

They're not gay so they're ok, duh.

...'bout that. There are quite a view costumes that make me wonder; Batman and Robin for one. And some of those reindeer games are kinda sketchy, too, especially that leather harness and stick your nose up your neighbors butt thing, not to mention Santa's whip.



Please explain - if only for the slightly, hearing-impaired folks? :lol:

Some people, who are not religious at all view homosexuality as just another perversion, an unnatural compulsion caused by a mental defect.


New Member
Some people, who are not religious at all view homosexuality as just another perversion, an unnatural compulsion caused by a mental defect.

some people think that about christianity, islam, buddhism, black people, white people, asian people, etc. etc. etc.

doesn't mean they're right ....

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Well there you go, Larry said so, so now all those people will just have to come to grips with being wrong. :lol:

...right. And they better stay away from zoo's and writhing masses of hermaphroditic protein cells like worms and such. And, for God's sake, stay away from the barn yard and my bi-sexual cats.


I don't care who is allowed to marry. I have yet to hear a good argument for why gays should not be allowed to marry. If someone can get drunk in Vegas and marry a stranger, then two gay people in love should be allowed to marry. If two people who are not in love can enter a marriage as a business agreement, then certainly two gay people in love should be allowed. There are so many examples of heterosexual couples getting married for all the "wrong" reasons, it's ridiculous for our society to say two people who are in love can't get married because they are the same gender.



Well-Known Member
But I must take issue with you lumping gay families in with gay pride parades - they are two separate entities, with only one common trait. The problem is that the activists have touted the freak Queer Nation types, basically smacking people in the face with outlandish behavior and "I do what I want! :snap:" You can't stereotype a whole group of people based on the actions of a bunch of media hungry nutjobs who are actively trying to be offensive.
You went right past my point - I was saying that the strong traditional valued family is the exception, not the rule, and the gay pride parade freak is the exception, not the rule.

In my experience, most homosexuals are average, run-of-the-mill, normal folk. However, statistically, not strong traditional family valued people. This makes them like even more (in number, not percent) heterosexuals that are out there. I was saying that each side of the argument runs when the other side points to the anecdotal fringe element that disproves their 'point'.


Well-Known Member
I'm a Christian and I believe the Bible and the Bible says that homosexual behavior is an abomination. Homosexual behavior is sin like all other sin and no sin should be condoned in any way especially by those that call themselves followers of Christ. Christians should remember not believing God is sin.

Love an pray for sinners; do not condone the sin.
And, we're all sinners, and we're all not to judge.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Freedom. They're certainly free to have a "marriage" ceremony, to share in a mortgage, to share their lives and celebrate in any way they choose. This has been a mantra of mine for some time on this issue - that there are no "rights" lost by not being allowed to marry someone of the same gender.

However, a marriage license/certificate does carry with it some modest amount of perks, benefits, eases in the legal status of life. It does this because of the gain society gets out of stable, opposite gender married couples. Long before Christianity had a hold on Rome, the Romans stopped recognizing homosexual relationships as acceptable. Even when they were acceptable, it was only acceptable from the point of view of the rich male citizen being the aggressor (so to speak), and slaves, women, and young boys being the receiver. It was NOT acceptable, even then, for a male citizen to be the more passive person in a male homosexual relationship - HE would be shunned. For thousands of years, marriage has been acceptable and recognized as a stabilizing force when between one man and one woman. Our laws simply reward that stabilizing factor on society.

Because, truely, what would then stop an equal rights concept for polygamy? For consenting age incest? I won't get into cross-species, because even I think that takes it too far. But, there is no justifiable reason to stop polygamy if you accept same gendered relationships as having an equal positive influence on society as opposite gendered relationships. Can't have healthy kids through incest? Well, you can't through homosexuality, either.

The definition of marriage as being anything but between a man and a woman didn't change until about 30 or so years ago. For centuries before that, there was but one standard. The statistically accurate amount of homosexuals in society is around 2% (about 3% male, about 1-2% female) from credible studies (not Kinsey, who was horribly skewed in his subject pool). A study done by a lesbian to prove the opposite of what I'm about to say found out that only about 26% of homosexuals believe monogamy is important in a relationship. So, 26% of 2% is about 0.5% of the population has any vested interest in changing the definition of a word and getting tax benefits from something that has been a non-stabilizing factor in society for centuries. It just makes no sense at all from any angle (and note, "God said dem fags are bad" and all that crap has nothing, absolutely NOTHING to do with my feelings or argument)

Each time I start to respond to this post, it doesn't flow the way I want. So, pish posh, I'll just say... I appreciate everything in this post. :yay:


Salt Life
I'm a Christian and I believe the Bible and the Bible says that homosexual behavior is an abomination. Homosexual behavior is sin like all other sin and no sin should be condoned in any way especially by those that call themselves followers of Christ. Christians should remember not believing God is sin.

Love an pray for sinners; do not condone the sin.

I believe there is a distinction between same sex marriages and homosexuality. One being addressed, the other not. So technically one could conclude that same sex marriages are okay because they are not specifically addressed in the bible. No?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh my God...

I believe there is a distinction between same sex marriages and homosexuality. One being addressed, the other not. So technically one could conclude that same sex marriages are okay because they are not specifically addressed in the bible. No?

...are you sure you have enough lawyer in you to push this line of reasoning? That sounds like some inner lawyer bullchit I would try! :killingme