New Member
earlier, you said that god already knows what you're going to do though. Does he or doesn't he? If you get to choose, then god doesn't know what is going to happen, meaning that he isn't all knowing.
Yes - God knows what the ultimate decision that you make will be. Consider God to be like a "Super-Parent" who instructs a child not to do a specific thing because the consequences will be deadly. Yet God knows that the child will be rebellious, not want to listen and continue on into a dangerous situation. Hmmm... sounds like regular kids, eh?
If he knows the reasons, then not only you know them (your reasons).
That's the point. It's between you and God and nobody else when it comes to your eternity. God is always willing to have His arms open to accept you no matter what you've ever said or done in any disobedient way. It would be you that chooses to not respond to His call.
All you have to do is admit that you are not perfect (none of us are) be willing to confess that you have made some wrong choices in life and that you are willing to turn and accept His help in your life. The Gift of eternal life is made possible because of the Atonement that Yeshua already paid on your behalf. It's a done deal! However, you can't receive it unless you ask and that is the choice you can make. Do you want God to be in your life as He wishes to be in yours?