

I didn't read every post, but my son swears he and my nephew have seen things at a cemetary in Golden Beach. He sent me pictures that were pretty interesting, one actually looked like someone peeking out from behind a tree. Not an actual person, but something. Anyone ever been there and seen anything?


Not quite in SOMD, but the Cator House in Cambridge is definitley haunted. Had a heck of an experience.

Glenn Dale hospital is fun. It's a thrill to be freaked out and hide from security at the same time. I have been there a few times and heard a few things. A buddy of mine has the old blueprints for the hospital.

I've, as well as my dad, have had things talk to us in our house when nobody was home. My dad was in our basement printing something and the printer broke. He said "damn printer!" and he heard someone laugh at him. Another time he was in the basement he heard the door open and footsteps but thought it was me coming home from school. He went upstairs after a while and realized I wasn't due home for an hour. He never heard footsteps going out of the house.

The first time I ever heard anything was when I was probably 15. I walked upstairs from my basement and heard "hey!" Not thinking about it, I returned the greeting and instantly froze. Thats when I remembered that there was nobody home. The most recent one (there have been a few inbetween) was when some band was in town. Everyone in my family left and I stayed behind because I had a few things to do. I was sitting at my computer in my room doing a little research when I heard "DAVID" in a loud deep voice from right outside my door. I fell back off my chair from being freaked out, reached for my 9mm, turned the safety off, and pointed it at the door all in one movement. There was nobody there. I also grabbed the .44 Mag and cleared every room and closet in the entire house. I went outside and walked around the house in the dark. I came back into the house (I had no lights on except my own room) and there was a light coming from the kitchen; the refrigerator was open.

My dad has a lot of ghost stories that have happened to him, and I've got a few more.

Great stories! Share some more when you have the time.


New Member
i have a picture that i took there a little over a year ago..and was amazed at what was in the pic! we have taken hundreds of pics over the years and really got only a few possible orbs..but this one pic....i will try to post it for you..i hope you can see it!

I see him!!


I didn't read every post, but my son swears he and my nephew have seen things at a cemetary in Golden Beach. He sent me pictures that were pretty interesting, one actually looked like someone peeking out from behind a tree. Not an actual person, but something. Anyone ever been there and seen anything?

I was just at that cemetary on Friday. There is some really old stones there. One was from the 1600's. Its pretty weird that the cemetary is right in the middle of the neighborhood. I use to live on the street across from it.


New Member
I love ghost stories! I've never encountered anything myself (I'd probably have a heart attack!) But I have family members who have some neat stories. This is one of my favorites!

My Grandmother's husband passed away from cancer. He was a very sweet mand and loved my grandmother very much. On his death bed, he told her he'd always be there for her. When he died, she placed a single red rose in his coffin. Well it was a year after his death (it was either on their wedding anniversary, or the anniversary of his death, I can't remember). She was feeling down, was home alone (doors locked, alarm on), and started cleaning from the back of the house (starting in her bedroom) to the front. After she had cleaned the entire house, she went back to her bedroom, and there were red rose petals all over her bed and floor! (That would be just the kind of thing he would do!)


Active Member
Someone mentiond if you don't know how to use an ouiji board not to use it. i am not mocking but I have played with it and NOTHING has happend. Even not a YES or NO response. What did i do?


I love ghost stories! I've never encountered anything myself (I'd probably have a heart attack!) But I have family members who have some neat stories. This is one of my favorites!

My Grandmother's husband passed away from cancer. He was a very sweet mand and loved my grandmother very much. On his death bed, he told her he'd always be there for her. When he died, she placed a single red rose in his coffin. Well it was a year after his death (it was either on their wedding anniversary, or the anniversary of his death, I can't remember). She was feeling down, was home alone (doors locked, alarm on), and started cleaning from the back of the house (starting in her bedroom) to the front. After she had cleaned the entire house, she went back to her bedroom, and there were red rose petals all over her bed and floor! (That would be just the kind of thing he would do!)

What a sweet story. Gave me chills. :smile:


New Member
I don't know if any of you guys had Mr. Bickle @ Northern High School, but he always told good ghostly stories about the school being built on an old slave graveyard. He said you could hear moans and singing in the school hallways after hours.

He tells a story about a slave in shackles walking down the hallway banging his chains on the lockers while walking down the hallway, said he had on brown short capri like pants w/a tattered white shirt that hung off of his shoulders.

Pretty cool stories he had told us.

Also, a lot of people won't go to Jefferson Patterson Park because of the haunted feelings they get when they are there? I know when my brother lived down there it was always foggy coming down that part of Mackle Road.

I had Mr. Bickle for Anthropology at NHS and he never told my class any ghost stories.

Around 1994, maybe 95, My sister and I had a strange experience together on Hardesty Rd. and Dalrymple Rd. She was driving and we noticed these headlights behind us appear out of nowhere, it was summer time so we put the windows down but we could never hear an engine. She would speed up, the headlights would speed up, if she slowed down, the headlights would slow down. When she turned right off Dalrymple on to Hardesty, the headlights followed us. We passed Valley Lane and got to the big yellow house on the right (Buccheister's are the family that live there) and on the left side of the road is a clearing of trees and grass, no house. The headlights just disappeared, no turning, no nothing. It was a freaky experience to say the least! I've had numerous paranormal experiences, you sort of just get used to it!


New Member
these stories are so good! i think this is the best thread ever! maybe because i am partial to the paranormal lol! i love ghosts!


New Member
these stories are so good! i think this is the best thread ever! maybe because i am partial to the paranormal lol! i love ghosts!

A few years back my uncle, his ex wife, and her 2 kids lived in a house somewhere in Anne Arundel Co. The youngest child starting talking about this little boy. They chalked it up to her having an imaginary friend. Well my uncle put the kids to bed one night, and went downstairs. He saw, what appeard to be, a child hiding behind the long curtins in their living room. He thought the youngest girl had gotten out of bed and was hiding. He said "Didn't I tell you to go to bed?" and walked over to the curtains, pulled them open, and there was nothing there.

Another incident he was coming down the stairs, and looked in the mirror next to the front door that you could see into the living room (around the corner). He said he saw a young boy who appeared to have some severe head trauma. He got to the bottom of the steps, and looked into the living room, and there was nothing there. It really freaked him out. I know by the time they moved out, all 4 of them had some encounters with the boy.

He said there was a mound of dirt in the crawl space of that house, but wouldn't dare mess with it!


New Member
that is a really good story, where in anna arundel was this? do you know anything more about the house?

A few years back my uncle, his ex wife, and her 2 kids lived in a house somewhere in Anne Arundel Co. The youngest child starting talking about this little boy. They chalked it up to her having an imaginary friend. Well my uncle put the kids to bed one night, and went downstairs. He saw, what appeard to be, a child hiding behind the long curtins in their living room. He thought the youngest girl had gotten out of bed and was hiding. He said "Didn't I tell you to go to bed?" and walked over to the curtains, pulled them open, and there was nothing there.

Another incident he was coming down the stairs, and looked in the mirror next to the front door that you could see into the living room (around the corner). He said he saw a young boy who appeared to have some severe head trauma. He got to the bottom of the steps, and looked into the living room, and there was nothing there. It really freaked him out. I know by the time they moved out, all 4 of them had some encounters with the boy.

He said there was a mound of dirt in the crawl space of that house, but wouldn't dare mess with it!


New Member
Is anybody here familar with the Medleys Neck/Whirlwind area. I live a little ways in the woods close to the area and when I was younger I would ride atv's all in the woods and make paths up in down hills. One day my cousin and I were following one of our paths when we came upon a old road. It def. had not been drove on in years. We followed one way and it took us to Medleys neck road. When driving by you can barley see the old road because trees have fallen down and block the entrence.

Well we then went the opposite way to a dead end so it appeared, Then off to the left we noticed a very steap hill that we decided to climb, at the top there was 8 grave stones dating back to the early 1800's 2 of the graves had been dug up. As we explored farther we came upon about 7 tore down house's and one old barn with a rotted wooden boat and newspapers all over the floor.

When I got home I had told my dad about it and his exact words were "whatever you do dont ever go back and take anything". When I asked why he told me a story about a friend of his who took some of the newspapers out of the barn thinking they would be worth money and that very night he woke up from the sounds of the sliding glass door opening up and footsteps coming towards him in the hall. He jumped out of bed and peeked down the hallway and he said there was a man with a white glow to him pointing his finger at him as soon as grabbed for his gun and turned back around there was nobody there. He searched the entire house and went to the sliding door but it was locked. The next night he woke up with the same man standing next to his bed, the figure then slapped him in the face then out of nowhere disapeared. The next morning he took the newspapers back and nothing has ever happend to him since.

MKGALLOWAY and I investigated there once but at the time we were just learning and didnt really know what to do or have the right equipment. We have tried researching the place but have had no luck. I was wondering if anyone could help. My dad said that the main house located back there was still standing untill about 15 years ago or so. It was burnt down by kids who would sneak back there.


Football addict
do you have any info on the hotel? great pics too, have any more of those? my buddy and i were doing an investigation around that area trying to figure out where the hotle used to be but all we found was what looked like the old parking lot (concrete with an old rusted chainlink fence around it). right next to the lot, there was a sink hole and under it you could see rebar and stuff. while we were walking around in the center or meters started going nuts. they both centered around one spot about 3-4 feet high. nothing else around the spot, just from the ground up to 4 feet. then it just went away. we took alot of photos of the spot and around the spot and also video taped it, didn't get anything though. at the time all we had was a EVP listener (pretty much useless) as far as listening devices, so we really couldn't do any real EVP work in the area. have you gotten anything there?

I got the photos and information from Point Lookout State Park when I was an employee there. I'm sure you can obtain gobs of information and a few more photos if you ask them at the visitor center or camp headquarters.

I have not done any investigating there because most of the property is on a park home where someone now lives. However, I am aware of a few stories about the happenings in and around that very home.:really:


Football addict
Is anybody here familar with the Medleys Neck/Whirlwind area. I live a little ways in the woods close to the area and when I was younger I would ride atv's all in the woods and make paths up in down hills. One day my cousin and I were following one of our paths when we came upon a old road. It def. had not been drove on in years. We followed one way and it took us to Medleys neck road. When driving by you can barley see the old road because trees have fallen down and block the entrence.

Well we then went the opposite way to a dead end so it appeared, Then off to the left we noticed a very steap hill that we decided to climb, at the top there was 8 grave stones dating back to the early 1800's 2 of the graves had been dug up. As we explored farther we came upon about 7 tore down house's and one old barn with a rotted wooden boat and newspapers all over the floor.

When I got home I had told my dad about it and his exact words were "whatever you do dont ever go back and take anything". When I asked why he told me a story about a friend of his who took some of the newspapers out of the barn thinking they would be worth money and that very night he woke up from the sounds of the sliding glass door opening up and footsteps coming towards him in the hall. He jumped out of bed and peeked down the hallway and he said there was a man with a white glow to him pointing his finger at him as soon as grabbed for his gun and turned back around there was nobody there. He searched the entire house and went to the sliding door but it was locked. The next night he woke up with the same man standing next to his bed, the figure then slapped him in the face then out of nowhere disapeared. The next morning he took the newspapers back and nothing has ever happend to him since.

MKGALLOWAY and I investigated there once but at the time we were just learning and didnt really know what to do or have the right equipment. We have tried researching the place but have had no luck. I was wondering if anyone could help. My dad said that the main house located back there was still standing untill about 15 years ago or so. It was burnt down by kids who would sneak back there.

Let me know if you'd be interested in taking me to the gravesite sometime.:wink:


:pete: I haven't even started posting stories yet.:lmao:

I'm a very sensitive person if you know what I mean. I have feelings at historical sites. Once in Mexico I almost passed out at a pyramid site, it was so strange. Everywhere I touched my hands went numb, I my head felt tingly, I feel to my knees, something was happening to me.

Same feelings I'd get in the truck garage my dad owned and my grandfather owned before that. I'd play there after hours as a child and never knew why I felt strange walking up the attic stairs, it was an open attic, a huge building, pleanty of ventilation. There were engine hoists for anything from tractor trailers, backhoes, to dump trucks, 4 bays long. Grandfather hung himself in the first bay a year before I was born, I had no idea until I was 19, I never knew him.

My great grandfather however was full of love! I remember him so well swinging me on my babyswing on the front porch as he smoked his cigar and sang songs to me in Italian. I was fascinated by his white whiskers on his face and the smell of his whiskey breath (he'd do a shot in the morning and a shot in the evening). He passed when I was 2 but I still smelled him in the house in the upstairs hall and his old room.