

In doubt? Throttle out!
Lets hear some more. This is interesting. What area do you live in ?

I live in St. Leonard. The road I live on is apparently an old wagon trail used way back in the day. There is an abandoned house on my neighbors property that we always hear stuff in when we go in late at night.

Great stories! Share some more when you have the time.


The reason I referenced the Cator house is because I had one heck of an experience:

One of my friends dad had bought the property a while ago (no longer owns it) without knowing the history. Emily Cator used to own the bed and breakfast but was murdered on the 3rd floor, las room in the hall on the left. She used to check in on her guests nightly and after she was murdered, people said they saw her ghost in the room. There were many other happenings from whomever owned the house after her death. Well I went in there with my friends (we'll call the one who's dad owned the property A, and the other B) just snooping around because we had heard about the house.

We go in one morning with A's dad and nothing happens. We argue about who has to be the last one out of the house (I'll let you know that we're all easily spooked/scared/whatever). I lost the epic game of rock paper scissors so I had to be the last one out of the house. The kitchen doors were those old saloon-style swinging doors, with a bolt lock on the inside. I was told not to lock them on my way out.

We decide, just the three of us, to go in there later that day. Since I was the last one out of the house, A and B had to rock-paper-scissor to see who went in first. B had lost so he had to go in first. In sheer terror, he bolted for the kitchen. Funny thing is, as soon as he went running through the saloon-door's, he slammed into them and stopped. That left myself, and A, laughing hysterically; until we realized that I was the last one out and I did not lock the door. We shaked it off and went into the kitchen. As we go in, there was a weelchair facing the door, which had not been there before. Oh boy.

The entrance to the basement was in the kitchen so we decided to go down there. As we get down to the bottom of the steps, the light in the back right room was flickering on and off. I can remember it now. It went on-off-on-off (3 seconds) on-off-on-off-on-off-on-off in a fast pace. Remembering that there was no electricity, we ran up the stairs and out of the house screaming like little girls.

After we get our minds together, we decide to go to the room on the 3rd floor where she was murdered. The stairs were in a square-spiral fashion. If you are unfamiluar, it will go set of 6 steps, platform, 6 steps, 2nd floor. It goes like that one more time till the third floor. We don't even get halfway up the first set of steps before we hear footsteps on the 2nd floor. Again, we bolt out screaming like little girls.

We figure that we should go back into the basement one last time. We get back into the house and down the stairs (kind-of). A was standing at the bottom of the stairs, I was standing about 6 behind him, and B was standing about 4 behind me. I am sure you are familuar with the sound of someone running up wooden stairs. Well, thats exactly what happened, but there was a twist: it was not any of us three. Something had run up the steps right past us, and we were instantly cold. For the third time, we ran out of the house screaming like little girls. There was a woman walking her dog who started screaming as soon as we bolted out of the house. So that in itself was a bit of comic relief.

Ok, we decide that we go in the house, one last time, to the third floor where she was killed. Surprisingly, we make it all the way to the room without any incident. B and I step into the room where there was nothing, except one of those old heavy wooden shutters leaned against the wall. I was looking out the window and saw something in the corner of my eye. The shutter had been stood up-right and B was staring wide-eyed. It rocked back and forward three times, then slammed on the ground inbetween B and I. We gave A about 1/1000000 of a second to react and move, but he didn't. B and I BOLTED out the door and jumped each set of stairs to each platform and were out of the house in no time. A took the long way and went down each individual step, running.

I've got more but it's almost 4 in the morning and Cheech and Chong on the TV allowed me to type the whole thing without getting freaked out too much.


New Member
BTW, when was that picture taken?

the pic was taken memorial day weekend 2007 at about 2:00am.....we always go out very cut down on road dust and things in the air if we are ghunting in an area with dirt roads and lots of people walking that might stir up dust...


Is anybody here familar with the Medleys Neck/Whirlwind area. I live a little ways in the woods close to the area and when I was younger I would ride atv's all in the woods and make paths up in down hills. One day my cousin and I were following one of our paths when we came upon a old road. It def. had not been drove on in years. We followed one way and it took us to Medleys neck road. When driving by you can barley see the old road because trees have fallen down and block the entrence.

Well we then went the opposite way to a dead end so it appeared, Then off to the left we noticed a very steap hill that we decided to climb, at the top there was 8 grave stones dating back to the early 1800's 2 of the graves had been dug up. As we explored farther we came upon about 7 tore down house's and one old barn with a rotted wooden boat and newspapers all over the floor.

When I got home I had told my dad about it and his exact words were "whatever you do dont ever go back and take anything". When I asked why he told me a story about a friend of his who took some of the newspapers out of the barn thinking they would be worth money and that very night he woke up from the sounds of the sliding glass door opening up and footsteps coming towards him in the hall. He jumped out of bed and peeked down the hallway and he said there was a man with a white glow to him pointing his finger at him as soon as grabbed for his gun and turned back around there was nobody there. He searched the entire house and went to the sliding door but it was locked. The next night he woke up with the same man standing next to his bed, the figure then slapped him in the face then out of nowhere disapeared. The next morning he took the newspapers back and nothing has ever happend to him since.

MKGALLOWAY and I investigated there once but at the time we were just learning and didnt really know what to do or have the right equipment. We have tried researching the place but have had no luck. I was wondering if anyone could help. My dad said that the main house located back there was still standing untill about 15 years ago or so. It was burnt down by kids who would sneak back there.

A similiar thing, but nothing happened...My family and I were vacationing in Nags Head, NC near an abandonned house on the beach. The steps were removed, but we scaled the side to get in the open door. Everything was still, beds half made, towels in the shower. It's like the people just vanished. Likely the house was condemned since it was about to fall in the ocean. It was just so eerie, pictures still on the walls, phone book lying open on the counter. There were some fishing trophies from the 50's hanging on the wall and my dad thought it would be cool to have them. So we went back at dark to get them. I snapped a few pictures and we left. Later that night, it was just not sitting right with my dad and he had this feeling that we should take them back. So we put them back in the exact spot and got out of there. First thing I am doing Sat when we get down there is going to see if the house is still there since it is only a few streets down from where we will be staying this year.


New Member
A similiar thing, but nothing happened...My family and I were vacationing in Nags Head, NC near an abandonned house on the beach. The steps were removed, but we scaled the side to get in the open door. Everything was still, beds half made, towels in the shower. It's like the people just vanished. Likely the house was condemned since it was about to fall in the ocean. It was just so eerie, pictures still on the walls, phone book lying open on the counter. There were some fishing trophies from the 50's hanging on the wall and my dad thought it would be cool to have them. So we went back at dark to get them. I snapped a few pictures and we left. Later that night, it was just not sitting right with my dad and he had this feeling that we should take them back. So we put them back in the exact spot and got out of there. First thing I am doing Sat when we get down there is going to see if the house is still there since it is only a few streets down from where we will be staying this year.

Let me know how that goes!


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
A similiar thing, but nothing happened...My family and I were vacationing in Nags Head, NC near an abandonned house on the beach. The steps were removed, but we scaled the side to get in the open door. Everything was still, beds half made, towels in the shower. It's like the people just vanished. Likely the house was condemned since it was about to fall in the ocean. It was just so eerie, pictures still on the walls, phone book lying open on the counter. There were some fishing trophies from the 50's hanging on the wall and my dad thought it would be cool to have them. So we went back at dark to get them. I snapped a few pictures and we left. Later that night, it was just not sitting right with my dad and he had this feeling that we should take them back. So we put them back in the exact spot and got out of there. First thing I am doing Sat when we get down there is going to see if the house is still there since it is only a few streets down from where we will be staying this year.

This explains so much...:whistle:


Let me know how that goes!

I'm hoping the house is still there. I am just interested to see how many houses are gone since last year. Surf should be pretty rough with that Hurricane pulling away now.


New Member
Is anybody here familar with the Medleys Neck/Whirlwind area. I live a little ways in the woods close to the area and when I was younger I would ride atv's all in the woods and make paths up in down hills. One day my cousin and I were following one of our paths when we came upon a old road. It def. had not been drove on in years. We followed one way and it took us to Medleys neck road. When driving by you can barley see the old road because trees have fallen down and block the entrence.

Well we then went the opposite way to a dead end so it appeared, Then off to the left we noticed a very steap hill that we decided to climb, at the top there was 8 grave stones dating back to the early 1800's 2 of the graves had been dug up. As we explored farther we came upon about 7 tore down house's and one old barn with a rotted wooden boat and newspapers all over the floor.

When I got home I had told my dad about it and his exact words were "whatever you do dont ever go back and take anything". When I asked why he told me a story about a friend of his who took some of the newspapers out of the barn thinking they would be worth money and that very night he woke up from the sounds of the sliding glass door opening up and footsteps coming towards him in the hall. He jumped out of bed and peeked down the hallway and he said there was a man with a white glow to him pointing his finger at him as soon as grabbed for his gun and turned back around there was nobody there. He searched the entire house and went to the sliding door but it was locked. The next night he woke up with the same man standing next to his bed, the figure then slapped him in the face then out of nowhere disapeared. The next morning he took the newspapers back and nothing has ever happend to him since.

MKGALLOWAY and I investigated there once but at the time we were just learning and didnt really know what to do or have the right equipment. We have tried researching the place but have had no luck. I was wondering if anyone could help. My dad said that the main house located back there was still standing untill about 15 years ago or so. It was burnt down by kids who would sneak back there.

you would think that someone would know something about the graves? how long has it been since you been back there?


New Member
you would think that someone would know something about the graves? how long has it been since you been back there?

I was there about a year ago. Its very diffecult to read the names on the tombstones I have a few last names (3 are the same 2 are different) all the deaths were within a year or so and the ones I could make out died at very young ages nobody over 18, but when I researched them in the area I came up with nothing. Tomorrow I plan on going to the historical society, hopefully I will find something there.


You can keep your change
psychic connection

I know this sounds crazy but I am looking for a real psychic in the area. I have really crazy things happen to me and I have "someone" that has followed me from state to state. I don't want one of those road side psychic's that only make up stuff for the money...I can pick those out like corn in my teeth.


New Member
that is a really good story, where in anna arundel was this? do you know anything more about the house?

I THINK Churchton...I'm not exactly sure. I can find out though.

I don't know anything else about the house. It's been a while, and I only went there two times. They didn't live there very long.


You can keep your change
Wow, that is quite an experience....i would love to hear more. Very interesting. What area is this?

I live in St. Leonard. The road I live on is apparently an old wagon trail used way back in the day. There is an abandoned house on my neighbors property that we always hear stuff in when we go in late at night.


The reason I referenced the Cator house is because I had one heck of an experience:

One of my friends dad had bought the property a while ago (no longer owns it) without knowing the history. Emily Cator used to own the bed and breakfast but was murdered on the 3rd floor, las room in the hall on the left. She used to check in on her guests nightly and after she was murdered, people said they saw her ghost in the room. There were many other happenings from whomever owned the house after her death. Well I went in there with my friends (we'll call the one who's dad owned the property A, and the other B) just snooping around because we had heard about the house.

We go in one morning with A's dad and nothing happens. We argue about who has to be the last one out of the house (I'll let you know that we're all easily spooked/scared/whatever). I lost the epic game of rock paper scissors so I had to be the last one out of the house. The kitchen doors were those old saloon-style swinging doors, with a bolt lock on the inside. I was told not to lock them on my way out.

We decide, just the three of us, to go in there later that day. Since I was the last one out of the house, A and B had to rock-paper-scissor to see who went in first. B had lost so he had to go in first. In sheer terror, he bolted for the kitchen. Funny thing is, as soon as he went running through the saloon-door's, he slammed into them and stopped. That left myself, and A, laughing hysterically; until we realized that I was the last one out and I did not lock the door. We shaked it off and went into the kitchen. As we go in, there was a weelchair facing the door, which had not been there before. Oh boy.

The entrance to the basement was in the kitchen so we decided to go down there. As we get down to the bottom of the steps, the light in the back right room was flickering on and off. I can remember it now. It went on-off-on-off (3 seconds) on-off-on-off-on-off-on-off in a fast pace. Remembering that there was no electricity, we ran up the stairs and out of the house screaming like little girls.

After we get our minds together, we decide to go to the room on the 3rd floor where she was murdered. The stairs were in a square-spiral fashion. If you are unfamiluar, it will go set of 6 steps, platform, 6 steps, 2nd floor. It goes like that one more time till the third floor. We don't even get halfway up the first set of steps before we hear footsteps on the 2nd floor. Again, we bolt out screaming like little girls.

We figure that we should go back into the basement one last time. We get back into the house and down the stairs (kind-of). A was standing at the bottom of the stairs, I was standing about 6 behind him, and B was standing about 4 behind me. I am sure you are familuar with the sound of someone running up wooden stairs. Well, thats exactly what happened, but there was a twist: it was not any of us three. Something had run up the steps right past us, and we were instantly cold. For the third time, we ran out of the house screaming like little girls. There was a woman walking her dog who started screaming as soon as we bolted out of the house. So that in itself was a bit of comic relief.

Ok, we decide that we go in the house, one last time, to the third floor where she was killed. Surprisingly, we make it all the way to the room without any incident. B and I step into the room where there was nothing, except one of those old heavy wooden shutters leaned against the wall. I was looking out the window and saw something in the corner of my eye. The shutter had been stood up-right and B was staring wide-eyed. It rocked back and forward three times, then slammed on the ground inbetween B and I. We gave A about 1/1000000 of a second to react and move, but he didn't. B and I BOLTED out the door and jumped each set of stairs to each platform and were out of the house in no time. A took the long way and went down each individual step, running.

I've got more but it's almost 4 in the morning and Cheech and Chong on the TV allowed me to type the whole thing without getting freaked out too much.


New Member
I was there about a year ago. Its very diffecult to read the names on the tombstones I have a few last names (3 are the same 2 are different) all the deaths were within a year or so and the ones I could make out died at very young ages nobody over 18, but when I researched them in the area I came up with nothing. Tomorrow I plan on going to the historical society, hopefully I will find something there.

what were some of the names? let me know what you find out.


You can keep your change
Last nights was good. They had something on the thermal that was pretty weird.

Yeah, that was very crazy. I love that show. I am really getting into the new show. Psychic Kids on A&E.

So, I live in a very new apartment but have had some really really weird things happen to me. It almost seems that no matter where I go, weird things happen to me. I would really like to figure out what it is. Its a long story. I know I have seen a man every where I live. I know what he looks like, except for the face. I never feel alone but don't always see things. My cats even see stuff in my apartment. I am new to the area and would like to get back into meditating and find a good psychic to speak to about this stuff. If anyone could help, it would be appreciated. I live in St. Mary's County. So somewhere in that area would be good.


New Member
I just want to say that this is one of the most interesting threads I have read. I also have stories that I will share sooner or later...


Football addict
the pic was taken memorial day weekend 2007 at about 2:00am.....
Mmmm...that's what I was thinking.

That is around Blue and Gray days where the 20th Maine (Civil War re-enactors) come down for a few weekends to fix, maintain, and perform small re-enactments. It wouldn't surprise me if they were down for Memorial day weekend seeing as 1) they usually come down around that time; 2) the first Memorial day was enacted for Union soldiers for the American Civil War; 3) most of the volunteers have off the weekend; 4) most of the volunteers are linked to their long lost ancestors of Point Lookout prison camp; and 5) because I've had the very same experience late at night on a few occasions.:lmao:

If it is something, it might just be a re-enactor.:lol:

I like taking photos but I know that I can never prove anything paranormal with a mere photo. I've caught some pretty wicked stuff while taking pictures but I can also easily disprove it.

Catching something on video or on a voice recorder is more rewarding, at least for me.

Keep on keeping on though.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I thought the same thing; however, I did notice the disproportion of the soldier as compared to the tree. It doesn't appear to be a person of normal size. :shrug:

:yeahthat: If you look at the surrounding vegetation, he appears to be about 2-3 feet tall.