

'95 ZX6R
the trees are quite a distance away from where i was standing... maybe that is why the pic appears that way....but then again the bottom of his legs are not there so maybe that is why....:shrug: :howdy:

or maybe the ghost is standing in a shallow grave :whistle:


Sweet and Innocent
i have a picture that i took there a little over a year ago..and was amazed at what was in the pic! we have taken hundreds of pics over the years and really got only a few possible orbs..but this one pic....i will try to post it for you..i hope you can see it!

I saw one soldier where the "orange" light glowing located on your photo. I also found ALOT of "faces" in your photo. However, the orange glowing spot where the soldier was standing at is standing out very clear than other faces in the photo.


Sweet and Innocent
Is anybody here familar with the Medleys Neck/Whirlwind area. I live a little ways in the woods close to the area and when I was younger I would ride atv's all in the woods and make paths up in down hills. One day my cousin and I were following one of our paths when we came upon a old road. It def. had not been drove on in years. We followed one way and it took us to Medleys neck road. When driving by you can barley see the old road because trees have fallen down and block the entrence.

Well we then went the opposite way to a dead end so it appeared, Then off to the left we noticed a very steap hill that we decided to climb, at the top there was 8 grave stones dating back to the early 1800's 2 of the graves had been dug up. As we explored farther we came upon about 7 tore down house's and one old barn with a rotted wooden boat and newspapers all over the floor.

When I got home I had told my dad about it and his exact words were "whatever you do dont ever go back and take anything". When I asked why he told me a story about a friend of his who took some of the newspapers out of the barn thinking they would be worth money and that very night he woke up from the sounds of the sliding glass door opening up and footsteps coming towards him in the hall. He jumped out of bed and peeked down the hallway and he said there was a man with a white glow to him pointing his finger at him as soon as grabbed for his gun and turned back around there was nobody there. He searched the entire house and went to the sliding door but it was locked. The next night he woke up with the same man standing next to his bed, the figure then slapped him in the face then out of nowhere disapeared. The next morning he took the newspapers back and nothing has ever happend to him since.

MKGALLOWAY and I investigated there once but at the time we were just learning and didnt really know what to do or have the right equipment. We have tried researching the place but have had no luck. I was wondering if anyone could help. My dad said that the main house located back there was still standing untill about 15 years ago or so. It was burnt down by kids who would sneak back there.

I think I was there back in the late 80's when my brother, neighor kids, and I went hiking for the day on our property (15 acres plus 10 acres from neighbor's) and we found an old house, cementry, barn, etc. My brother told me that I wasn't allowed to inspect there knowing that I would found some ghosts and scare the neighbor kids to the death. :ohwell:

I would love to go back there if you want to take me there.


where would you be starting this private forum? i have some stories as well.

Would anyone be allowed to join the private forum? I love reading about these types of things. I also have some stories but haven't had the time to type them up yet. Hubby is a non-believer but I know better! :wink:


Football addict
BuddyLee - You have alot of people wants your private forum back again! :howdy:

Let us know when you get it back up and running again, and we will come knock on the door! :yay:
I had a feeling people were getting their panties in bunches so I started the process last night.:lmao:

Just waiting on Vrai.:yay:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga

The reason I referenced the Cator house is because I had one heck of an experience:

Ok, we decide that we go in the house, one last time, to the third floor where she was killed. Surprisingly, we make it all the way to the room without any incident. B and I step into the room where there was nothing, except one of those old heavy wooden shutters leaned against the wall. I was looking out the window and saw something in the corner of my eye. The shutter had been stood up-right and B was staring wide-eyed. It rocked back and forward three times, then slammed on the ground inbetween B and I. We gave A about 1/1000000 of a second to react and move, but he didn't. B and I BOLTED out the door and jumped each set of stairs to each platform and were out of the house in no time. A took the long way and went down each individual step, running.

Well, you've got me beat - I'd have never gone back in the house after seeing the wheelchair!!


Not a Lurker anymore!
I see what appears to be a man.

Where you have MY GHOST PIC typed in diagonally.

Look at the "O" in Ghost and his head is in the center

Looks like he is walking behind that tree. Wearing a Black Dress Coat with a white shirt under that
You see light colored pants from waist to about thigh length and that is it.

Anyhow, That is what I see, anyone else see him?:eyebrow:

I did see the other two faces, but that isn't what stood out. The man in the center of the photo with a orange glow "below the knee area" did for me?
Am I the only one who see's this?

I was looking for something much larger. But yes, and yikes, I see him.


Not a Lurker anymore!
I THINK Churchton...I'm not exactly sure. I can find out though.

I don't know anything else about the house. It's been a while, and I only went there two times. They didn't live there very long.

Churchton? I grew up in Churchton...Franklin Manor to be exact.