Gospel of Inclusion.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

to quote your words from the other thread...

"God is the boss and not some puny choice of any individual."
:buddies: I am not refering to a "choice".

I am talking about being correct in doctrine.

If everybody (or the majority) believe that people are burning in Hell and there is no such place (which there is not) then the majority are wrong.

This is not a matter for majority vote.

We can not vote for the existance of Hell or not, and we can not choose Hell or Heaven or not.

If I were the ONLY ONE that knew Hell was a fraud then it would still be a fraud even when no one else believed it.

Nobody gets to choose if they will be resurrected or not, no choice about going to Judgement Day or not, and no choice about punishment or not.

The great plan for humanity is already made and settled and we are moving right along.



Well-Known Member
Maybe the better way for you to word it is this is the Jimmy religion, not a Christian, Islamic, Judaic, or any other version of accepted religions. You're not trying to tell us what the established concepts of our religion are, just what YOUR religion is.

That would make sense, and make it palatable.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Maybe the better way for you to word it is this is the Jimmy religion, not a Christian, Islamic, Judaic, or any other version of accepted religions. You're not trying to tell us what the established concepts of our religion are, just what YOUR religion is.

That would make sense, and make it palatable.
:buddies: That works for me.

It is a representation of my personal relationship with God.

I am testifying about my religion. :howdy:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Please state you are not speaking for Christianity nor any other view, just your view.
:buddies: Since I am a Christian then I speak as a Christian.

I would say that everybody here speaks only for themself too.

If I go to a Church then that Pastor might speak for the Church but not for each individual.

The Pope is said to speak for all Catholics.

Even President Bush does not speak for all Americans.

So I speak for Islam as an Islamic, and Christian as a Christian, Buddhist as Buddhist, and etc.


Well-Known Member
:buddies: Since I am a Christian then I speak as a Christian.

I would say that everybody here speaks only for themself too.

If I go to a Church then that Pastor might speak for the Church but not for each individual.

The Pope is said to speak for all Catholics.

Even President Bush does not speak for all Americans.

So I speak for Islam as an Islamic, and Christian as a Christian, Buddhist as Buddhist, and etc.
So, you are saying you are a Christian, a Buddhist, a Muslim, etc., etc. Thus, you are speaking the religion of Jimmy P. Cusick, not any of these particular religions.

As such, I disagree with you, but respect your right to your opinion. Should you state that you are speaking the Christian point of view, I will vehemently deny you as wrong.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

So, you are saying you are a Christian, a Buddhist, a Muslim, etc., etc.

Should you state that you are speaking the Christian point of view, I will vehemently deny you as wrong.
:coffee: I do not agree with most forms of the religions orthodoxies, ie: link HERE.

A few parts and pieces of each religions' orthodoxies have some truths in them added to large parts of nonsense.


Well-Known Member
:coffee: I do not agree with most forms of the religions orthodoxies, ie: link HERE.

A few parts and pieces of each religions' orthodoxies have some truths in them added to large parts of nonsense.:duel:
Very well. We all have the right to our opinions. I strongly disagree with yours, but it's yours, and you're not claiming it to be the Christian concept, so have at it.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Very well. We all have the right to our opinions. I strongly disagree with yours, but it's yours, and you're not claiming it to be the Christian concept, so have at it.
:buddies: What I am saying is that I am giving the correct teachings of Jesus Christ and of the Bible,

which is different then Christian orthodoxy.:howdy:


Free to Fly
:buddies: What I am saying is that I am giving the correct teachings of Jesus Christ and of the Bible,

which is different then Christian orthodoxy.:howdy:

And I am saying that I stand firm on what I have read in the Holy Bible and all that I have ever been taught and it contadicts your interpretation and everthing you have said.


Our US Constitution is based on individual rights (justice) and to protect the minority (of even one) from the unjust demands of the majority.

Providing justice to the masses over the individual is what oppression and tyranny are based on.

I thought we were talking about the Bible and God's judgment. You want to talk about the Constitution now? :confused:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

I thought we were talking about the Bible and God's judgment. You want to talk about the Constitution now? :confused:
:diva: That is because justice is an aspect of God and it is a duty of gov.

When you said the Bible permits the individual demands for justice to be subject to the justice of the majority then I say our gov does not agree with that, and neither does the Bible.

If there is even one ( just 1) mean rotten angle or person burning in a painful fire of the Christian Hell then your God has sinned.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
:buddies: What I am saying is that I am giving the correct teachings of Jesus Christ and of the Bible,

which is different then Christian orthodoxy.:howdy:

And we are claiming that the Bible is the word of God and you are full of something but it is not the word of God.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

And we are claiming that the Bible is the word of God
:popcorn: That is a common and big mistake in Christianity.

Claiming the Bible is the "word of God" as 2A does above and it is NOT.

The Bible itself tells us that Jesus is the "word" link HERE and not the Bible.

Many Christians make that mistake and it turns the Bible itself into a type of idol and then view the Bible in a wrong way.

Claiming it is the "written word of God" is only sugar-coating the error and that is not what 2A is saying above and it is not what Christians claim when they put their hand on the "Holy Bible" either.

Jesus is the word of God - not the Bible.



:diva: That is because justice is an aspect of God and it is a duty of gov.

When you said the Bible permits the individual demands for justice to be subject to the justice of the majority then I say our gov does not agree with that, and neither does the Bible.

If there is even one ( just 1) mean rotten angle or person burning in a painful fire of the Christian Hell then your God has sinned.

Well, I noticed you called Him my God and not your God too. This says a lot.

We have choices here on this earth. These choices are based on laws set before us. We can either choose to obey them or not. If we chose to disobey the law we face judgment in our courts. These judgments do not come out of a hatred or lacking of love. They are simply judgments from disobedience. Disobedience has consequences here on earth as well as with God. God has placed a simple rule in front of us: Believe in Christ and be saved; don’t believe in Christ and be condemned to eternal damnation. The condition is not based in hatred or lacking in love simply because there are consequences to disobeying this simply rule. In fact the choice is rooted in love. God loved us enough to give an opportunity to be saved. The people of Noah’s day weren’t so fortunate. He simply washed the earth clean and started over. Are you going to tell me the God that drowned all those people didn’t love back then, but loves now? The God that drowned so many people back then is the same God that still loves us today to not do that again, but to give us a choice. ALL OF US! But there will be a final purging or cleansing. And, just like we place judgment on each other for disobeying laws and rules, God also places that same judgment on us if we chose to disobey Him.


:popcorn: That is a common and big mistake in Christianity.

Claiming the Bible is the "word of God" as 2A does above and it is NOT.

The Bible itself tells us that Jesus is the "word" link HERE and not the Bible.

Many Christians make that mistake and it turns the Bible itself into a type of idol and then view the Bible in a wrong way.

Claiming it is the "written word of God" is only sugar-coating the error and that is not what 2A is saying above and it is not what Christians claim when they put their hand on the "Holy Bible" either.

Jesus is the word of God - not the Bible.


More education for you JPC… The original text of the New Testament was written in Greek. The term “Word” means “Logos” or “Will”. So, a more ENGLISH translation would be “In the beginning was God’s will…”. It was John’s way of explaining to the people of the day (both Jews and Greeks) that all things came from God’s will, that he all he had to do was think it and speak it and it was so. John wanted to use a word that had meaning to both factions. If you read John 14:8-9 Jesus makes it clear that he and God (His Father) are one and the same: “Philip said to him, "Master, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us." Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you for so long a time and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'? So, it was John’s purpose to make sure we understand that not only was God in the beginning, but Jesus was too and it was His “Word” or “Will” that created everything.

When we say the Bible is the word of God, we are not using the same term that John used. We are simply saying that when we read the Bible we believe the words that are written in that book were inspired by God, thus God’s words, thus the word of God.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Well, I noticed you called Him my God and not your God too. This says a lot.
:popcorn: I do say we all have one true God but when you and others mis-represent His character like some mean tyrant that burns people then it appears that is a fake man-made false God and that is why I call it your God.

In reality there is only one with many subordinates.
PsyOps said:
We have choices here on this earth. These choices are based on laws set before us. We can either choose to obey them or not. If we chose to disobey the law we face judgment in our courts. These judgments do not come out of a hatred or lacking of love. They are simply judgments from disobedience. Disobedience has consequences here on earth as well as with God. God has placed a simple rule in front of us: Believe in Christ and be saved; don’t believe in Christ and be condemned to eternal damnation. The condition is not based in hatred or lacking in love simply because there are consequences to disobeying this simply rule. In fact the choice is rooted in love. God loved us enough to give an opportunity to be saved. The people of Noah’s day weren’t so fortunate. He simply washed the earth clean and started over. Are you going to tell me the God that drowned all those people didn’t love back then, but loves now? The God that drowned so many people back then is the same God that still loves us today to not do that again, but to give us a choice. ALL OF US! But there will be a final purging or cleansing. And, just like we place judgment on each other for disobeying laws and rules, God also places that same judgment on us if we chose to disobey Him.
:diva: God's judgement is far better then mankind's mis-judgement and on Judgement Day everybody gets saved.

The people of Noah's time will be resurrected too and then they too will believe and be saved link HERE.



:popcorn: I do say we all have one true God but when you and others mis-represent His character like some mean tyrant that burns people then it appears that is a fake man-made false God and that is why I call it your God.

In reality there is only one with many subordinates.:diva: God's judgement is far better then mankind's mis-judgement and on Judgement Day everybody gets saved.

The people of Noah's time will be resurrected too and then they too will believe and be saved link HERE.


Have a nice day JPC. :whistle: