The truth will set us all free.
Really? How do you explain people like Michael Newdow (and all other atheists)? How are they paying for their complete loathing for God is this current life?

The man you referenced is said to be an "athiest" and he belong to a "Universal Life Church" and he is Jewish,
link HERE so like him - I find that most people that claim to be "athiest" are really just preaching against the beligerant people of Christian Orthodoxy.
But even if one were truely "athiest" and truely have no God then they are the ones that are depriving themselves of the greatest blessings in this whole world.
They are lost, and that is their biggest payment and their biggest punishment in this world.
I say there is no greater punishment then to live this life without having faith and privledge that only come from the true God.
PsyOps said:
But, as you have already said this doesn’t matter, we are saved anyway. So accepting the Commandments and Jesus’ teachings or how we live has no meaning in your world, whether it’s here and now or “after death”. And that’s where you have it wrong…

I never preach that.
I say the ten commandments and the teachings of Jesus are wonderful and it enpowers the believer to move mountains and to be somebody that counts.
To disobey the commands and the principles will destroy anybody's life fast and immediate.
PsyOps said:
in God’s terms our goal should be to live for God’s eternal gift, not the here and now. We don’t do things here and now so we wont suffer here and now; we do here and now so we will be accepted in God’s kingdom. The first step in that is accepting Christ.

If one follows Christ for the reasons above then their motivations are wrong and their efforts are vain.
We must do right because it is right and not for any reward.
PsyOps said:
I don’t even know what you’re saying here. None of us know what Hitler’s demise is as this can only be decided by God.

We do know that Hitler killed his wife and himself and ordered his body burned and did not order a surrender for the war to end, so Hitler did not get saved between the pulling his trigger and the bullet killing him.
Therefore if Hitler is not in Hell then no of us that only curse, sin, adultery, lie, are all little nothings compared to Hitler.
So if Hitler is not burning in Hell now 62 years then there is no reason to believe anybody is burning in Hell.
In fact that makes Hell into a fraud.
And even if we deny Hitler being there, then is there evil angels burning and being tortured in Hell by your version of our loving God.
I say that even if angels or demons are being tortured then you serve an unmerciful monster as your God.
My God from the Bible loves His enemies,
link HERE.
Jesus never preached torturing people in any way.