That was my point.

That might have some truth to it because the human mind is wicked and thinks up such violent concepts.
Everybody getting saved is far from anything that I could have thought up without seeing it in the Bible.
It is a matter of faith and rightness and not a human thought.

Fear and respect are far from being the same thing.
The "fear of God" means like not being afraid of doing a sin like lie, steal, cheat, etc., because we will reap as we sow, and it makes one weaker.

That means like a child fearing a parent and not like fearing a tyrant violent torturer, because then God would be an abuser.

I am not afraid of God.
God's truth does not ask for cowardice so I fear His anger but I am not afraid of His sound judgements.
Like I might well get violently punished and tortured by other people but not from our loving Father God.

Yes, God does care about what you and me and everyone think about Him, and He cares about what we each say and do too.
The old drunken bum laying in a gutter will one day be a Prince of the most High except the lost soul does not know it, and neither does the people that scorn the guy (or gal).

I never ever said Jesus lied at any time.
I have only said that Christianity has made mistakes in interpreting the scriptures.

The human fear threat of torture (Hell) has no effect on me,
because I know better.

Well Judgement Day will not be a complete picnic for everyone as some will need to be cleaned and purified by the lake of fire that save people's souls but even that is an undeserved and an unconditional blessing.
But still, in those passages Jesus is giving a message for now here in this present world because many people are lost now.
The key is "lost" because people are not really evil but just lost in this wicked world.