JPC sr
James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.
Well you certainly are consistant - and I do like that.
When I said link HERE that it takes little effort to respect the truth then I mean that you are only respecting those that agree with your beliefs and your buddies and like that is no effort at all to cheer on your own band.
And sinners respect those that respect them because it takes no effort to love thy friends and respect those that share your own beliefs - your own truths even when the truths are violent or nasty or sinful.
The trick or challenge is to love thy enemies (like respect the enemy) even though their truths are different then your truths. Therefore give respect to those whom are considered as being wrong (having untruths).
It takes effort to respect those that are wrong, link HERE.
That parable of the "good Samaritan" said otherwise.
The high priest did not act on his faith while the Samaritan was acting on his human compassion.
Faith without works is dead, but in works without faith there is praise from God.
The thought is sinful but the sinful thought in action is worse.
The violence and abuse are a functioning part of this world, so God makes ammends and He repents and He has regrets and His mistakes and His own guilt.
The fact that God has feelings is a big part of the reason that everyone gets saved in the end.
I see many people doing that of mis-using their faith to cover up the evils of this world.
Mis-using faith to pretend that the atrocities of the Bush administration are correct and righteous is what makes America into an infidel Country.
When people believe lies and hypocrisies and accept the untruths as their beliefs, then it takes much effort for them to face the real truths.
Some hard truths are absolute but most truths are not.
This has nothing to do with my point that believing in the truth requires any amount of effort.

When I said link HERE that it takes little effort to respect the truth then I mean that you are only respecting those that agree with your beliefs and your buddies and like that is no effort at all to cheer on your own band.
And sinners respect those that respect them because it takes no effort to love thy friends and respect those that share your own beliefs - your own truths even when the truths are violent or nasty or sinful.
The trick or challenge is to love thy enemies (like respect the enemy) even though their truths are different then your truths. Therefore give respect to those whom are considered as being wrong (having untruths).
It takes effort to respect those that are wrong, link HERE.
But actions don’t count more than faith. You can have all the good actions in the world, but without faith and belief in Christ your action mean nothing.

The high priest did not act on his faith while the Samaritan was acting on his human compassion.
Faith without works is dead, but in works without faith there is praise from God.
Jesus also said that lusting after someone is also adultery. So, just the thought of it is a sin.

Was God being violent and abusive when He flooded the earth drowning every living being? Was God being violent and abusive when He used his power to defeat the Egyptians when the Hebrews were freed? Was God being violent and abusive when he used Moses to defeat the Amalekites? What about when God helped David defeat the Philistines? Was it violent, abusive and tortuous to allow his own son to die on the cross?

The fact that God has feelings is a big part of the reason that everyone gets saved in the end.
You know, with all of these things, you can call Bush (or anyone else) a liar and evil andbut God has a larger purpose that I trust. My faith takes me way beyond what Bush or any other world leader does.

Mis-using faith to pretend that the atrocities of the Bush administration are correct and righteous is what makes America into an infidel Country.

Some hard truths are absolute but most truths are not.