Chuck Norris doesn't tea bag... He potato sacks!
Chuck Norris doesn't
Why not we try to stay on the decent and clean side over here?
Because you guys are serious, you are going to self implode!![]()
Been looking in the mirror again, Jimmy?We already have enough things in this world to keep people down and unimformed.
There you go again. You’re just not paying attention. I have said it and will said it again; it is NOT God that is torturing and tormenting those that do not accept Christ. It is those that do not accept Christ that are condemning themselves by making that conscious choice. Condemnation means judgment. The Bible has that word everywhere and you should pay more attention to it. The price for not believing is condemnation or judgment. If I tell my kid if he touches the fragile lamp he will be grounded in his room for a week; when he finally touches it and breaks it does that mean I condemned him, or did he condemn himself by disobeying me? I made the rule, he broke it. God made the rule “accept Christ or be condemned”. If you chose not to follow that rule you face the consequences. You bring judgment on yourself.
Even in this world we have many Countries and in the USA there are many States that have stopped executions and we know who is doing the executions (the killing) and it is not the prisoner doing the executions.
The blaming of a prisoner for their own punishment is just a cheap cutdown like kicking the person while they are down.
If your God is burning people in a Hell and you blame those burning then you will make an excellant demon in the after-life.
And once again you still don’t get it. It says it plainly in Revelation 20:15 – “Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the pool of fire.” and in Matthew 13:49-50 – “Thus it will be at the end of the age. The angels will go out and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.”
Sure I get it - but the Book of Revelations is using symbols and metaphors that are meant to mean some thing different then what it says.
The Book of revelation is not to be taken literally or else the symbols would be ridiculous, see Link Here.
Jesus spoke in symbols and parables too like the Matthew text you said above link HERE.
The lake of fire means a place of cleaning and purification and not torture and pain for ever and ever.
God loves His enemies and does not hurt them link HERE.
People are letting their fear to do the interpreting and the fear is wrong.
You have just talked yourself out of the truth of The Word. When you can reduce your “belief” to symbology and that this Word has no real meaning except as a story or metaphor you have proven you don’t really believe in this Word at all.
The lake of fire is the second death (Revelation 20:14). Do you understand what death is? God does not talk about a grave or hell as before regarding those who are dead. He talks about a “lake of fire”. A place of real suffering. Revelation 20:15- “Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the pool of fire.” In other words they suffer the second death. Is this a REAL lake of fire? I have no idea.
It is very true that "Revelations" does not have much credibility.
It is not the words of Jesus but claims to be Jesus speaking to a "John" and that John pretends to be the Apostle when it is really a "John the Diviner" and not John the Apostle and this so-called Jesus Reveletions is a far cry from what Jesus said in the Gospels.
Now we have Christians that are determined to believe those symbols over top of the plain words spoken by Jesus in the Gospels.
By the fear of death and fear of burning you miss the message.
"Death" does not mean people burning in Hell for all eternity.
Do you not understand what "death" means?
That "lake of fire" produces the "second death" not eternal life in Hell. DEATH.
You ask me if I understand "death" when you pretend it means eternal life in Hell and death does not mean eternal life.
The second death means dead to sin and then receive eternal life link HERE.
One can not be dead (death) and have eternal life at the same time because death and life are opposites of each other.
You’re nothing more than a troublemaker.
God is talking about the death of the soul. I guess this needs very basic terms… Your soul either gets to go to heaven or to hell. Those who go to heaven their souls live in eternal bliss and peace. Those who go to hell live in eternal damnation. The term death is used to describe this existence. The actual meaning is eternal damnation. So, if you want to apply the word “life” or “live” to this, then yes you live, but it is a life of eternal misery. The Bible is quite clear about this.
Oh and the verse you quote states that “the wages of sin is death”. DEATH. Go back and read Revelation chapter 20 again and understand the second death.
It means dead to God. Those who are sent to the lake of fire are dead to God. Do you get this? DEAD TO GOD!
Even if you do call it "death of the soul" or "dead to God" the Apostle Paul in the Bible called it "dead to sin" and ONLY eternal life comes otherwise link HERE.
The "second death" in the "lake of fire" is death to sin and salvation for the worst of the worst sinners so then everybody gets saved.
Fire is a possitive symbol for the Holy Spirit and fire stands for the word of God and fire never ever means torturing people in a Hell because God loves His enemies and love does not ever means burn for all eternity link HERE.
God sent Jesus with a wonderful message of redemption and forgiveness and salvation for all of mankind.
Not even one nasty rotten sheep will be left or lost as we all will be saved unconditionally.![]()
"It is very true that "Revelations" does not have much credibility.
It is not the words of Jesus but claims to be Jesus speaking to a "John" and that John pretends to be the Apostle when it is really a "John the Diviner" and not John the Apostle and this so-called Jesus Reveletions is a far cry from what Jesus said in the Gospels."
As you wrote yourself
Without any credibility how can we be sure that there any such thing as salvation. YOUR words. Not mine.
Even if you do call it "death of the soul" or "dead to God" the Apostle Paul in the Bible called it "dead to sin" and ONLY eternal life comes otherwise link HERE.
The "second death" in the "lake of fire" is death to sin and salvation for the worst of the worst sinners so then everybody gets saved.
Fire is a possitive symbol for the Holy Spirit and fire stands for the word of God and fire never ever means torturing people in a Hell because God loves His enemies and love does not ever means burn for all eternity link HERE.
God sent Jesus with a wonderful message of redemption and forgiveness and salvation for all of mankind.
Not even one nasty rotten sheep will be left or lost as we all will be saved unconditionally.![]()
It is plain to see for anyone who has actually read the Bible, you have no understanding of what you post. Death of the soul or dead to God and dead to sin are two totally different concepts. In order to not suffer being dead to God you must become dead to sin.Even if you do call it "death of the soul" or "dead to God" the Apostle Paul in the Bible called it "dead to sin" and ONLY eternal life comes otherwise link HERE.
The "second death" in the "lake of fire" is death to sin and salvation for the worst of the worst sinners so then everybody gets saved.
Fire is a possitive symbol for the Holy Spirit and fire stands for the word of God and fire never ever means torturing people in a Hell because God loves His enemies and love does not ever means burn for all eternity link HERE.
God sent Jesus with a wonderful message of redemption and forgiveness and salvation for all of mankind.
Not even one nasty rotten sheep will be left or lost as we all will be saved unconditionally.![]()
Now I feel I need to point out that above I showed from the Bible that the "lake of fire" is a symbol for purification and not torture in Hell, and I showed from the Bible that the "second death" means dead to sin and thus saved, so I used the Bible correctly to show that the concept of "Hell" is not true, and I showed from the Bible that everyone does get saved in the end.
So the belief that parts of the Bible being faked and fraudulent has absolutely nothing to do with the doctrine of no Hell and everyone gets saved.
Therefore even the fake parts of the Bible agree that everybody gets saved and there is no place of torture called "Hell".
Just FYI.![]()
You will be defeated in the election. Take that defeat as a sign that God is telling you that you are wrong. For if you are right, God will let you prevail in the election no matter how inconceivable it is in human understanding.
So you say if I win this election then God is on my side!!!!
And all I need is the 50.1 % of the vote and I WIN.
But in my own belief then God only ask me to deliver the message that offers a way out and that I am doing so I see my campaign as a BIG win already.
The vote is only a physical act and not God acting - in fact the majority of people kind of voted against Jesus when He was here on earth so I do not believe the popular vote is a true reflection of the will of God.
Even Adolf Hitler got voted in - and you might call that God's work but I do not.
I feel much like the prophet Jonah link HERE because like Jonah I would prefer that the wrath of God come on this people instead of repentance but I feel pressured to do my duty anyway and run for election and offer the sinners a chance at redemption so I do it grudgingly like Jonah did in that story.
Considering that I am running a morality campaign against immorality it would seem that God would bless the effort,
and all I need is 50.001 % and I win.![]()
Yeah. We know you do not believe the Bible, so you don't believe God is in control and places those that are put in a place of authority. Your past actions and most of what you post show that you do not believe the Bible. Someone who believed the Bible would have been man enough to have taken proper care of his child.Romans 13:1 Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.
Romans 13:1 Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.
Yeah. We know you do not believe the Bible, so you don't believe God is in control and places those that are put in a place of authority.