Gov Sarah Palin?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I'm not spinning anything. She seems like a decent enough least initially. I'm just very happy that the GOP cannot legitimately whine about Obama's inexperience any more.

At least not with any shred of credibility.

Spin it some more.


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They call me ... Sarcasmo
...flopping is when you say you do NOT like hamburgers then change your mind because that's all there is and you're hungry.

It is not flip flopping when you say you won't eat a hamburger and then someone whips out the cheese and lettuce and tomato and a nice roll and some onions and ketchup and mustard and pickles.


I like mine with lettuce and tomato
Heinz 57 and french fried potato
Big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer
Good God Almighty which way do i steer?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I like mine with lettuce and tomato
Heinz 57 and french fried potato
Big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer
Good God Almighty which way do i steer?

...are laws in this state that state, specifically, were you to start an unwanted ear worm, you could be held liable.



Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member


aka Mrs. Giant
Few comments to make...

After speaking with an older Democrat at work today about the Palin choice, he told me that he never felt comfortable voting for Obama due to his lack of experience but he was on the fence for he says he's voting McCain because he is extremely happy with the vp choice. :eyebrow:

I get home and start flipping through news channels, and they are insulting Palin on MSNBC by saying "well nobody even knows how to pronounce her name, so why would anybody vote for her". :rolleyes:

Lastly, I was actually feeling a bit like 2A. I wasn't going to write in Sharon and Bear, but I was thinking about writing in Mickey Mouse. Now, I am feeling a lot better about a McCain/Palin ticket, especially with her everyday record. She seems like a person who says what she means and means what she says. I'll take honesty any day over false promises. I'll watch this up to the election, but as of this moment I just got swayed .


New Member

Gonna make some wine out of those sour grapes?

One year of Governor is more executive experience than 10 years of Senate. Now, I know you're making all grouchy face about McCain choosing GOVERNOR Palin, but you could at least have the good grace...

...excuse me...



As I was saying, you could at least have the good grace to acknowledge that this was an excellent pick and NOW, folks, we got us a Presidential race.

Who's grouchy? I am unexpectedly pleased with his choice. Honestly! I would have never dreamed he would pick someone with so little experience. Well, I'm pleased unless McCain actually wins this thing...then I will become very concerned.

It's an excellent choice by McCain from an initial PR doubt about it. It will certainly steer some votes towards him that he may not of initially received.

That said, I think it reeks of blatant desperation. If Obama had picked Hillary as his VP, that would have been a move of desperation on his part as well.

Then there's the "Me, too!" aspect of it. I'm thinking angry Johnny was sick of hearing about the historic campaigns of Obama and Hillary, and now he can point to himself and say "Look at me! I'm historic, too!".

As for experience, I do not consider her year and a half as governor more "experience" than Obama's time in the Illinois state and US Senate. But I know you and many other Republicans will. And that's all that matters, as far as McCain is concerned.


New Member

I am readin that article you posted in amazement.

"Alaska is unique among all the 50 states in that it is uniquely socialist. Individuals in Alaska don’t pay state income or sales taxes–the state gets over 80% of its revenues from oil companies."

Wasnt it Obama and the Democrats who want to tax the oil companies for revenue? Wasnt it Maxine Waters who wanted to nationalise the oil companies. Now they have the balls to call someone a socialist?

Just because they derive money from oil is no reason to believe they can spend what they like, I am sure they have decisions to make in Alaska just as any other state does. Sources are never unlimited.

I suppose the writer of that post also calls Harry Reids state of Nevada Socialist also as Gambling pays their taxes,The Nevada Department of Taxation does not levy a state income tax.


Well-Known Member
I'm just very happy that the GOP cannot legitimately whine about Obama's inexperience any more.

At least not with any shred of credibility.

Because, we know, Obama's lack of experience was really making you lose confidence in the guy.

As has been said before, the VP ain't the top guy. As Adams put it, "The most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived". In case you still haven't gotten it yet, the office of President is where we need the experience.

I think there might be a little bit of sour grapes here.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You are....

Who's grouchy? I am unexpectedly pleased with his choice. Honestly! I would have never dreamed he would pick someone with so little experience. Well, I'm pleased unless McCain actually wins this thing...then I will become very concerned.

It's an excellent choice by McCain from an initial PR doubt about it. It will certainly steer some votes towards him that he may not of initially received.

That said, I think it reeks of blatant desperation. If Obama had picked Hillary as his VP, that would have been a move of desperation on his part as well.

Then there's the "Me, too!" aspect of it. I'm thinking angry Johnny was sick of hearing about the historic campaigns of Obama and Hillary, and now he can point to himself and say "Look at me! I'm historic, too!".

As for experience, I do not consider her year and a half as governor more "experience" than Obama's time in the Illinois state and US Senate. But I know you and many other Republicans will. And that's all that matters, as far as McCain is concerned.

...sooo brave! I applaud you!

Tribute to Kerad;

YouTube - Churchill Tribute


Larry Gude

Strung Out

I am readin that article you posted in amazement.

"Alaska is unique among all the 50 states in that it is uniquely socialist. Individuals in Alaska don’t pay state income or sales taxes–the state gets over 80% of its revenues from oil companies."

Wasnt it Obama and the Democrats who want to tax the oil companies for revenue? Wasnt it Maxine Waters who wanted to nationalise the oil companies. Now they have the balls to call someone a socialist?

Just because they derive money from oil is no reason to believe they can spend what they like, I am sure they have decisions to make in Alaska just as any other state does. Sources are never unlimited.

I suppose the writer of that post also calls Harry Reids state of Nevada Socialist also as Gambling pays their taxes,The Nevada Department of Taxation does not levy a state income tax., no! If I could post over there, which you can't, unfree speech and all with the 'progressives', I'd post and say "So, we can count on you voting GOP this year, yes?"



Well-Known Member
That said, I think it reeks of blatant desperation. If Obama had picked Hillary as his VP, that would have been a move of desperation on his part as well.

Dude - the guy can't win with you. All of his choices would have to fall into exactly two categories - "desperate" and "safe" - and they'd both score negative points with you.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Few comments to make...

After speaking with an older Democrat at work today about the Palin choice, he told me that he never felt comfortable voting for Obama due to his lack of experience but he was on the fence for he says he's voting McCain because he is extremely happy with the vp choice. :eyebrow:

I get home and start flipping through news channels, and they are insulting Palin on MSNBC by saying "well nobody even knows how to pronounce her name, so why would anybody vote for her". :rolleyes:

Lastly, I was actually feeling a bit like 2A. I wasn't going to write in Sharon and Bear, but I was thinking about writing in Mickey Mouse. Now, I am feeling a lot better about a McCain/Palin ticket, especially with her everyday record. She seems like a person who says what she means and means what she says. I'll take honesty any day over false promises. I'll watch this up to the election, but as of this moment I just got swayed .

...the thing is that that just sounds reasonable to me. :buddies:

I mean, I totally get all the excitement about Obama, but, at some point, even if someone totally loves the guy you gotta look for some substance to all the excitement.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

Dude - the guy can't win with you. All of his choices would have to fall into exactly two categories - "desperate" and "safe" - and they'd both score negative points with you.

...are you saying that if someone said Sarah was REAL change, he'd take issue with that? That, if I were to say she's given me hope after the disaster that has been Bush 43, he'd poo poo it???

I feel very hopeful about the change in the McCain campaign. I just do, darn it.



NOT Politically Correct!!
Who's grouchy? I am unexpectedly pleased with his choice. Honestly! I would have never dreamed he would pick someone with so little experience.

But you're pleased that your party would pick someone for president with even less... :rolleyes: