Gov Sarah Palin?


New Member
why are you comparing a VP pick to a candidate for president?

By picking her, McCain is saying that he feels she is able (and experienced enough) to be President if something should happen to him. And whether Republicans want to acknowledge it or not, this is more of an issue if the President is 72 years old before his first day on the job.

So, if she's experienced enough, than Obama is more than experienced enough. everybody's happy!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

By picking her, McCain is saying that he feels she is able (and experienced enough) to be President if something should happen to him. And whether Republicans want to acknowledge it or not, this is more of an issue if the President is 72 years old before his first day on the job.

So, if she's experienced enough, than Obama is more than experienced enough. everybody's happy!

...I don't quite see it that way. She's been in charge of stuff before. On several levels. He never has. Ooops. That's not fair. Obama has called his committee to order a few times.


NOT Politically Correct!!
By picking her, McCain is saying that he feels she is able (and experienced enough) to be President if something should happen to him. And whether Republicans want to acknowledge it or not, this is more of an issue if the President is 72 years old before his first day on the job.

So, if she's experienced enough, than Obama is more than experienced enough. everybody's happy!

No just you, keep trying to justify to yourself your poor judgement in a candidate by going after a VP pick when you should be focusing on your party's poor selection for a Presidental candidate!!!


Well-Known Member
By picking her, McCain is saying that he feels she is able (and experienced enough) to be President if something should happen to him. And whether Republicans want to acknowledge it or not, this is more of an issue if the President is 72 years old before his first day on the job.

So, if she's experienced enough, than Obama is more than experienced enough. everybody's happy!

Yeah. Well experience ain't my only beef with Obama. It's just up there with everything else.

Ironically, you go back just about 100 years to another candidate who ran for PRESIDENT after his first term in office as governor. I do actually think being governor is significantly more relevant than being a Senator, especially when you spend almost the entire time campaigning.


New Member


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Larry Gude

Strung Out

Yeah. Well experience ain't my only beef with Obama. It's just up there with everything else.

Ironically, you go back just about 100 years to another candidate who ran for PRESIDENT after his first term in office as governor. I do actually think being governor is significantly more relevant than being a Senator, especially when you spend almost the entire time campaigning. were governor of Texas during the 1990's.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
It really bothers you that I really am happy about McCain's choice, doesn't it? :lol:

I am certain that as a Democrat you believe that if you say something often enough it will make it true, but we have our eyes open and our heads out of the sand.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
...are laws in this state that state, specifically, were you to start an unwanted ear worm, you could be held liable.


JB is playing NPSR this weekend, we had tix but my wife felt that traipsing around a Buffett concert 8 mos pregnant was not her idea of fun.:shrug:


wandering aimlessly
I'm kind of liking her, but who names their kids Willow, Piper and Trigg? I missed the first two names.
I work for an Alaskan company - there are 3 Willows at the home office. :lmao:

Not odd names at all if you look at the tribal connection - the husband is a native and sooo much better looking than the folks I've met from out home office. :sigh:


Well-Known Member were governor of Texas during the 1990's.

Dude, will you pull the damned stick out already? If we're talking relevant experience, then I still stand by the statement. It always matters more what you do after you're elected. I could just as easily say governor of Georgia in the 70's, but the fact is, he WAS a pretty good governor of Georgia.


New Member
...objectivity test for the day;

On the one hand;

basketball player
husband, two kids
law school
comunity organizer 7 year state senator under rather ugly circumstances
US senator for 3 years or so

on the other;

basketball player
mother of 5
4 year city council
2 term mayor
governor for year or so
city council

Generically, who would you rather be running for office?

"under rather ugly circumstances" :lol:

I'll take the 10 years of combined state and US senate (with foreign relations committee membership) experience over the one with less than two years of state governor experience.


aka Mrs. Giant
Fox has Geraldine Ferraro on who is saying this is a wonderful choice and that it makes women all over happy and proud to have a candidate to finally stand behind. :eyebrow: She predicates PUMA will be behind Palin, because they are so angry over Hilary losing.

She says that no matter what though people are voting for president.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

"under rather ugly circumstances" :lol:

I'll take the 10 years of combined state and US senate (with foreign relations committee membership) experience over the one with less than two years of state governor experience.

...sir, have no objectivity. Our gal looks better on paper and you should acknowledge that! :buddies: