Gov Sarah Palin?


New Member
Dude - the guy can't win with you. All of his choices would have to fall into exactly two categories - "desperate" and "safe" - and they'd both score negative points with you.

In all honesty, I was thinking that Romney would have been a strong choice for him. Romney would have balanced that ticket nicely, and possibly won over a couple of key states McCain might not of carried. He's also supposedly strong in economics, where McCain admitted not being so spun up on.

I don't really need a VP candidate to be "bold" or "safe"...just be strong where the presidential candidate could use some help.


NOT Politically Correct!!
"under rather ugly circumstances" :lol:

I'll take the 10 years of combined state and US senate (with foreign relations committee membership) experience over the one with less than two years of state governor experience.

:killingme oh please explain NObama's foriegn relations experience??? :killingme

Please leave out the NObama German Rock Star Tour 08...

Oh and rumor has it NObama started smoking again this morning!!! :whistle:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Fox has Geraldine Ferraro on who is saying this is a wonderful choice and that it makes women all over happy and proud to have a candidate to finally stand behind. :eyebrow: She predicates PUMA will be behind Palin, because they are so angry over Hilary losing.

She says that no matter what though people are voting for president.

How interesting...I wonder if the candidate of hope and change is now wishing he hadn't dissed so many people along the way.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Fox has Geraldine Ferraro on who is saying this is a wonderful choice and that it makes women all over happy and proud to have a candidate to finally stand behind. :eyebrow: She predicates PUMA will be behind Palin, because they are so angry over Hilary losing.

We'll see.

I make no bones that I would vote for a woman or a black person, but not if they were a Left liberal. Hillary=NO. Sarah Palin=YES. Barack Obama=NO. Michael Steele=YES.

I never pretended to be high-minded and excited about historic votes. So we'll see if all these pro-woman people will put their money where their mouth is. We saw how Maryland blacks supported the black candidate. Will women do the same?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

In all honesty, I was thinking that Romney would have been a strong choice for him. Romney would have balanced that ticket nicely, and possibly won over a couple of key states McCain might not of carried. He's also supposedly strong in economics, where McCain admitted not being so spun up on.

I don't really need a VP candidate to be "bold" or "safe"...just be strong where the presidential candidate could use some help.

...interesting. I was thinking the same thing. Romney would have taken your ticket and moved it from far left to some sort of balance.



* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
I could see my way clear to vote for her so far.

I just may have to reconsider this ticket. Sorry Sharon and Bear.

Go ahead. I would too if I can vote for her separately.

I like her, but that ticket is like buying an inferior item just so you can get the free special that comes along with it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You remember...

We'll see.

I make no bones that I would vote for a woman or a black person, but not if they were a Left liberal. Hillary=NO. Sarah Palin=YES. Barack Obama=NO. Michael Steele=YES.

I never pretended to be high-minded and excited about historic votes. So we'll see if all these pro-woman people will put their money where their mouth is. We saw how Maryland blacks supported the black candidate. Will women do the same? pizzed Gerry was when the Obama campaign was painting her as a racist before they did it to Bubba? That stuff is personal to her and however many old timers still hold affection for her. Obama wanted to do this will pushing away the old timers and not have any of their people on staff? Fine. Just don't be looking for them to run to your rescue quite as fast as they might have if you'd at the very least shown some appreciation.

Hubris is great when you're winning. Pay-back's a byotch if you don't win.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Go ahead. I would too if I can vote for her separately.

I like her, but that ticket is like buying an inferior item just so you can get the free special that comes along with it.

...but, golly, if I get an 8 year supply of beer for free if I buy the dispenser, think about it!!!!



New Member
...convenient 'cause you're stuck now!

I woulda switched y'ah earlier this morning! :lmao:

This makes it even better. I'm very happy with Obama's choice of Biden, and you're thrilled with McCain's pick of Palin.

Now we've both got a ticket we can be enthusiastic about, instead of just voting against the other side. True, I would've preferred my side be Biden/Obama...but Obama/Biden works well enough.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
...but, golly, if I get an 8 year supply of beer for free if I buy the dispenser, think about it!!!!


Absolutely. VP in 2008. McCain says I'm not going to run in 2012 and we get her for 2012 and 2016. I could go for that with what I heard this morning and what I have read of her so far.


aka Mrs. Giant
Obama team insults her:
Mayor of a rinky dink town - (they forgot to mention she's a governor too)
had to take time off to have a baby :eyebrow:
That she's pro life (well duh)
doesn't have enough experience. :lmao: coming from that camp it's hilarious

and then sent out a statement congratulating her.


Am I the only one that finds that funny?